Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 26, 1999, Page 17, Image 17

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As you may know, Woodlawn
students have had the unique oppor­
tunity to participate after school in
the Kukatonon African Dance pro­
gram under the direction of Rolia
Manyongai, 2nd grade teacher and
accomplished dancer from Liberia
in West Africa, and Ruby Burns, a
local African dance instructor. Over
the years the troupe has gained
much recognition. If you have seen
this voung troupe of seven to twelve
year old students dance in the past,
you know the upcoming evening of
dance Friday, May 28, at the SKI
Center, will be riveting, joyful, and
truly inspiring.
We have 300 tickets to sell. All
May 26, 1999
Page 3
proceeds will go to keep the troupe
going in the 1999-2000 school year.
Ticket sales and donations help
cover costs of paying the drummers,
importing the cloth, sewing the out­
fits, and transporting the dancers to
performances, etc. Next year Ms.
Manyongai plans to expand the
troupe to include children from
other schools. This performance pro­
vides a great chance for prospective
dancers to see the troupe in action.
If you would like to attend, you
may purchase advance tickets at
Woodlawn or you may purchase
tickets at the door at 3920 N Kerby,
Friday, May 28 from 6:30 PM on.
Call 503/916-6282.
Rose Festival Queen's Coronation
P resented B y K103FM
W eeks o f suspense com e to an
exciting conclusion w hen the 1999
Rose festival Q ueen is crow ned
on June 3.
T he R ose F e stiv a l Q u een s
C oronation P resented by K 103fim
begins with the introduction o f the
14 Rose Festival C ourt M em bers,
w ho w ere chosen this spring from
Portland-area high schools. The
Night culminates in the selection
o f the new Rose Festival Queen, who
will represent the state in appear­
ances throughout the United States
over the course o f the next year.
This year’s hosts are KOIN TV ’s
Mike Donahue and Shirley Hancock,
with Kelly Day. The event, lasting
from 8 p„ will be broadcast live on
KOIN TV 6andnebrnadcastonKOlN
Saturday, June 5, from 6:30 p.m. to 8
p.m. Musical director Jon Newton
composed the original song “Set Sail
tbrFurC’whichwill be the coronation's
opening number. Georgene Rice is
the featured vocalist.
Peers representing their respec­
tive high schools will introduce the
1999 Rose Festival Court. Each
court member will give a brief speech
and be featured in a video. In decid­
ing who will be the 1999 Rose Fes­
tival Queen, judges consider each
court m em ber's leadership, scho­
lastic achievement, school activi­
ties, civic involvement, volunteer
projects, communications skills and
overall impressions. The 1999 Rose
Festival Queen serves as an am bas­
sador for the Rose Festival and the
city o f Portland.
The Rose Festival Court recog­
nizes the achievement o f 14 young
women from the Portland-area high
schools. O ne Court M ember is cho-
sen to be the Rose Festival Queen;
she will represent the state in ap­
pearances throughout the country.
All Court Members act as ambassa­
dors to the City o f Portland, and
through meeting with business lead­
ers and appearances at hospitals and
various civic groups, these ambas­
sadors are given a memorable op­
portunity to grow as individuals and
to serve our community. They learn
how presentations, effective com ­
munications skills and personal shar­
ing can enrich their own lives and
ultimately make the community a
better place to live.
Accomplishment is the common
bond each o f the 14 Court Members
share. At the age o f 17 or 18, each
o f the young women has demon­
strated leadership, scholastic ability
and civic and volunteer involve­
ment - and each has her own person-
ality. Each must have a grade point
average o f at least 2.75. Her fellow
students make the election o f each
school’s Court Member.
The Association makes sure that
the experience o f being selected as
a Rose Festival Court m em ber is
m emorable and rewarding. Along
with scholarship and various other
gifts, the court Members being a
mentoring program in which suc­
cessful businesswomen work with
the young women to establish a
relationship that will strengthen
their roles in the community.
Randall Realty corporation is
proud to sponsor the Rose Festival
Court scholarship program. Each
Court M ember is given a $3,000
college scholarship. The Rose Fes­
tival Association thanks Randall
Realty for its generous support o f
the Court Scholarship program.
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The 1998 Kukatonon dancers with their instructors Rolia Manyongai nad Ruby Burns. Last year's
principal, Linda Harris is shown on the far right. The current principal is Dr. Marie Allen.
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