Page 2 <$ljf ÇorUanii ©bseruer Focus May 26,1999 Focus A S U P P L E M E N T OF ®Î|e ^ortlanb (©baertoer Publisher Chuck Washington Editor Larry J . Jackson, Sr. Director of Advertising Tony Washington Copy Editor Joy Ramos Creative Director Heather Fairchild 4747 N E Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 y aring Our Say is the true story of two extraordinary J e A frican A m erican women who lived through the adoption of the Jim Crow laws, the H arlem Re­ naissance and the Civil Rights move­ ment. The sisters had professional careers, challenging both the race and gender stereotypes of their day. In this play, the audience is in­ vited into the Delaney sisters’ home to look at family photographs, hear their stories, p rep are a m eal and learn more about their perspectives. Haring Our Say, Emily Mann’s heart­ warming play about the lives of Sadie and Bessie Delaney, filled the house at Artists Repertory Theatre (A.R.T.) dur­ ing the past holiday season. “ T h ese perform ances will bring together different generation s, old and young, and encourage them to sh are th eir sto r ie s w ith on e an ­ other,’ says K ate Hawkes, coord in a­ tor of education and outreach for A .R.T. “ T h e play provides us with an opportunity to involve the com ­ m u n ity in a th e a te r ev en t th at sp eak s to issu e s o f individuality, com m unity, race and gender in a fresh and su rp risin g way.” From Ju n e 3 - 13, the play will be restaged at S e lf Enhancem ent In c.(SE I) in N orth Portland. The preview will be held at 7 PM T h urs­ day, Ju n e 3 and the opening at 8 PM Friday, Ju n e 4. S E I is a nonprofit organization com m itted to helping Portland’s in­ ner-city youth make positive choices to achieve their full potential. In 1997 S E I o p en ed a new, 6 2 ,0 0 0 square foot facility that includes a 300-seat auditorium library, recre­ ation room , com puter laboratory, gym nasium and health clinic. H av­ ing O ur Say will be the inaugural perform ance in the auditorium . For m ore inform ation, call 503/ 709-8243. C H IN O O K PR ESEN TS r 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: news@ W IN D S C A S IN O The Delaney sisters take us on a remarkable journey through the last hundred years of our nation's history. Sadie (standing) is played by Brenda Phillips and Bessie (sitting) is played by Demene Hall. The Amazing TCreskin ? Deadlines idi s u b m ille d m ale r ia l: Article»: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ tographs can be returned if ac­ companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Chinook Winds is proud to announce the upcoming performance of the most famous mentalist of all time, The Amazing Kreskin, Ju n e 26 as part of the 4,h anni­ versary celebration of the Casino. For over four decades, The Am azing Kreskin has dramatized the unusual power of the human mind with a rare combination of wit and showmanship. H is very name has become an integral part of pop culture invoked in comedy clubs, comic strips, print stories and T V shows from sitcoms to national magazines. Kreskin, who has performed for the likes of royalty and presidential fami­ lies, has also made well over 500 television appearances, in addition to those as host of his own highly rated se­ KNHO the sole property of the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written con­ sent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. 1W The P'irflind Obwnn foremost mentalist,” Kreskin offers $50,000 to anyone who can prove he employs paid assistants or confeder­ ates during any of his performances. On stage and television, Kreskin seeks to reveal the thoughts of audience members, plant suggestions in fully aware subjects and dazzle with feats of extraordinary mental projections. As one of the highlights of his stage show, he regularly asks to have his check hidden anywhere in the premises. If he fails to find it, he will forfeit his fee. See The Amazing Kreskin live, Saturday, Ju n e 26 at 7 & 10 PM in the newly remodeled Chinook Winds Show­ room. Call 1-888-MAIN-ACT (624-6228). - ! r 1 FH E v e rt) Svndag 6 p.m. t e 1® p.m. N e w Age And L ig h t W erld B e a t Rhgthms ries and specials. Ever-earning his status as “the world's All created display ads become i's . £ Û I