OM* V o lu m e \ \ l \ , • 9 M a v 26, 1999 ( nniiiiitlcri to Cultural Diversity \ t i m b c i 21 Bulk Rate A Day to Remember Those Who Have Made Sacrifices Kukutonon Dance Group Perform W est African Dancing U.S. Postage PAID Look for Popeye's Coupons Inside! See Focus Page 4 -------------— See Focus Page 3_____________ Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 University of Oregon Library Newspaper Section Eugene OR 97403 (Ebe 'Portland ©fascS TOE®1 Who Will Be Queen Of Rosaria? The Rose Festival Queen's Coronation will be on Thursday, June 3 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert HaU at 8 PM. REVIEW Gun Control Plan The Senate recently voted for new restrictions on gun sales which would keep guns out o f the hands ot unsuper­ vised children. House Speaker, Dennis Hastert said that the House plans to vote on the new gun measures in Mid- June. Senate had already approv ed laws preventing youth access to semi-auto­ matic assault rifles and a provision that would keep anyone who commits a violent crime as a juvenile from ever legally owning a gun as an adult. Julia Chan Etopi Fanta Heather Ranger Katie Ouicich David Douglas Lincoln Parkrose Central Catholic 7C -J 6 Anti-Spy Security A Congressional report revealed that China had been stealing nuclear se­ crets for the past two decades. In re­ sponse. President Clinton defended the administration's ongoing efforts to pre­ vent the maintenance o f alleged Chi­ nese espionage on U.S. nuclear tech­ nology. 1 hirty eight recommendations were unanimously approved by the House o f Representatives committee to improve national security. estival Uourf The Rose Festival Court recognizes the achievements of 14 young women from Portland-area high schools, t ne Court M em ber is chosen to be the Rose Festival Q ueen; she will represent the state in ap­ pearances throughout the county. All Court M embers act as am bassadors for the city o f Portland, and through m eeting with the business leaders and appearances at hos­ pitals and various civic groups, these am ­ bassadors are given a m em orable oppor- NATO Air Strikes NATO w a rp la n e s a tta c k e d Slobodan Milosevic’s villa and other targets across Yugoslavia. A NATO- led peacekeeping ground force may involv e 50,000 ground troops w ith sev­ eral thousand supplied by the United States. As many as 150,000 refugees were bound for Macedonia. And, re­ ports revealed an increase in sexual violence against ethnic A lbanian women in Kosovo. tunity to grow as individuals and to serve our com m unity. They learn how presenta­ tion, effective com m unications skills and personal sharing can enrich their own lives and ultim ately make the com m unity a bet­ ter place to live. A ccom plishm ent is the common bond each o f the 14 Court M embers share. At the ages o f 17 or 18, Each o f the young women has demonstrated leadership, scho­ lastic ability and civic and volunteer in- Tortured Haitian Immigrant Justin Volpe, a white police officer pleaded guilty to torturing a Haitian immigrant with a wooden stick in a stationhouse bathroom Officer Volpe confessed to ramming a stick into the rectum o f a handcuffed Abner Louima. Volpe said that he acted in a fit o f rage because he mistakenly believed Louima had punched him while police tried to quell a brawl outside a nightclub in August 1497. The officer was sentenced to life imprisonment. Lauren Dutko Kari Alsherif Amber Starks Monica Campean Wilson ST.Mary Academy Cleveland Marshall Aubrey Isom Kylee Nolf Sherani Frazier Amanda Stutevoss Madison Franklin Jefferson Benson volvem ent and each has her ow n unique personality 1 ach must have a grade point average o f at least 2.75. The election o f each sch o o l’s Court M ember is made by her fellow students. The Association makes sure that the ex­ perience o f being selected as a Rose Festi­ val Court member is memorable and re­ warding Along with scholarships and vari­ ous other gifts, the Court Members begin a mentoring program in w hich successful busi­ ness women w ork with the young women to establish a relationship that will strengthen their roles in the community. Randall Realty Corporation is proud to sponsor the Rose Festival Court scholarship program FachCourt Member is give a $3,000 college scholarship The Rose Festival Asso­ ciation thanks Randall Realty for its generous support o f the Court Scholarship program. Universe Is 12 Billion Years Old Findings from an eight-year study indicate that the universe is a youthful 12 billion years old and that the uni­ verse will probably continue the ex­ pansion that began with the primordial explosion known as the Big Bang. Sci­ entists also concluded that matter will probably exist for another thousand billion billion billion years. Fat Findings Ina scientific study, Americans have been gaining weight on fat-free and low-fat foods consumed without regard to their caloric content l oading up on added sugars and relined starches is part o f the problem A survey by the Food Marketing Institute revealed that 56per- cent o f shoppers who had changed their diets were consuming only 15 percent more fruits and vegetables.