Page 8 May 19,1999 Focus (tin- tflhevrtivr originally priced at $3,000. It is thought that no more than 300 complete sets were ever produced. A lso on ex h ib it at the Portland A rt Museum, Down Erom the Shim m ering Sky: Masks o f the Northwest Coast the largest and m ost com­ p le te e x h ib itio n ever m o u n te d of ce re m o n ia l masks produced by Native A m erican s of th e Pacific Northwest, makes its United States premiere until July 11. T h e P o rtlan d A rt M u­ July H- T h e P o rtlan d A rt M u­ seum is located at 1219 SW seum is fortunate to own a Park Avenue in downtown com plete collection of Ed­ Portland. For more inform a­ ward S. C u rtis (Am erican, tion, call 503/226-2811. 1868-1952) famed portfolios: The North American Indian. P u b lis h e d from 1907 to 1930, the twenty, large-scale portfolios and com panion b o o k s are an ex h a u stiv e com pilation of mythologies, T h e H o tte s t S p o t in to w n songs, tribal customs, histo­ ries, images, and lore. Lav­ Pool, sports, live music & dancing • Big screen TV - new ownership ishly illu strated with h u n ­ “toffery will be here soon" dreds of fine photogravure We call it TA FAT tor a reason! prints, complete sets of the 503-289-4711 • 736 N. Lombard 97217 books and portfolios were jr ^ rawn from the per- m anent collection of the Portland Art Museum, Edward Curtis: The North American Indian fea­ tu re s a p p ro x im a te ly 60 p h o to g ra v u re s from C u r tis ’s p o rtfo lio s, h ig h ­ lighting many of the artist’s most dram atic images. O r­ g a n iz e d by T e rry Toedtem eir, the M useum ’s C urator of Photography, the exhibition is on view at the Portland Art Museum until j TA Wot P o r t la n d FREE adm ission! FREE activitie s! FREE A rt M u seu m FREE MUSEUM DAY! SUNDAY, MAY 23 Dauin FRom the SHimmcRinG S hy fflflSKS DF the II drthiuest C dhst music! Don't miss this free opportunity to see this magical exhibition of Native American masks. 10 am - 5 pm FREE FUN! Season Supporters G o rd o n S nndland and | K athe rine D u ra n t f nd o w in e nt Fund Also enjoy free Family Day activities inspired by the exhibition. North Wing, 1 pm - 5 pm ( ox o'? KPDX KINK bo IO? P ortla n d Parent For more information call 226-2811 This free admission day at the P ortland A rt M useum is made possible throug h a generous g rant fro m x Portland A rt M useum F O U N D A T IO N / ----------------------------- 1219 SW Park Avenue Portland, Oregon 97205 w w w .pam org