» j < ' M <» « l < „ • » . b . U . O * * * ’ » <. V « « 311}# |ìorlhwì> (Dhsevuvr IC B ï convince them to ignore that inner wisdom. This means people turn to the “dark” only under painful or plea surable extremes. Therefore, efforts to “force people to do the right thing” end up w ith the opposite effect. (Criminal justice and education ex­ perts should take heed.) With the “force” (application of conscious intent to the subtle energy field) Obi-Wan, Luke, and D arth By Paul Von Ward T he Star Wars’ popularity results from, beyond its archetypal appeal and special effects, truths that deeply reso­ nate with all audiences. Viewers just know they, too, possess something of the “force” within themselves. material existence forever. T he in n er senses are the m eans through which one being perceives the presence of another, as in Skywalker feel­ ing the presence of Vadar on the Death Star. Anyone can potentially sense any M a y 1 9 ,1 9 9 9 ' Vadar could move others, override the m inds of unthinking guards, and make lethal use of a light saber. In the scientific laboratory actions such as these are known as psychokinesis, hyp­ nosis, and pushing chi. Milder ver­ sions of them can be activated by al­ most any experimenter’s conscious ef­ forts. Highly trained or spontaneously energized people replicate them in much stronger forms. Science and hu­ man practice will one day catch up with Lucas’ insights into the “Force.” Every conscious being is a po­ ten tial J e d i k night. In real life, each person m ust consciously seek balan ce betw een these positive and negative polarities. other (as in remote viewing), but it is easier where the subtle energy connection is stronger (when beings are related or share some kind of emotional bond). But the inner senses perceive more than just the presence of another. Lucas received spe­ cific ideas from the Universal Field of Consciousness, and his __ character Vadar does the same when he telepathically learns the existence of Luke’s twin sis­ te r L eia by re ad in g his thoughts. The Jedi idea that one al­ ready knows the wisdom one needs is also a reality of the Universal Field of Conscious­ ness. The mind of conscious beings is not totally shaped by external forces as conventional science has taught us. All self- aware beings recognize they are part of a larger whole, with an inherent grasp of what is good for all. Only perceived power­ ful beings, controlling the focus of personal experience, can Friends of M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd. We invite you to jo in us in enco u rag in g and enh an cin g the econom ical revival on MLK Jr. Blvd. T h ro u g h the Friends of M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd. T h e event will be on T hursday, May 20 from 4:30 u n til 6 PM at A rn erich M assena & Associ­ ates (2045 N E M LK Jr. Blvd ). C all B erta D elm an, M LK M ain Street M anager at 503/284-3093. TH EATER M ovies N ightly WITH WEEKEND MATINEES For schedule f* information call: 2 8 8 -2 1 8 0 A' cX» McMenamins Kennedy School 5756 NE 55rd ■ Portland, Oregon (505) 249-5985 w w w .tn onenam in s.iom ÿ. ye. M & W B A r | i n / ^.1 . \ I n Iin I 11lli< r I in | J i . I l\ I. _ P age 7 M in ò , Bobvf ö' Spirit IM iS D O n C ontributing W riter So, how much of the Star W ars’ hu­ m an scien ce is real an d how d id George Lucas know it? Artists like Lucas frequently an- ahead of scientists in uncovering the realities of the universe. Remember the 1870’s book Around the World in Eighty Days; Jules Verne’s imagined balloon voyage finally happened this year in less than one-fourth his predicted time. The question is now whether such artists know something ahead of other humans, but why and how. T he S tar W ars’ concept o f “Je d i knowing’ is rooted in the reality of the U niversal Field o f C onscio u sn ess. Through their inner senses, the Jed i ( and all other conscious beings) commu­ nicate with each other and the whole through this informational field. (When Jedi sense other beings, the reciprocal nature of consciousness means if those beings were alert they could sense the Jedi in return.) T he Star W'ars’ subtle energy “force” that “surrounds and pen­ etrates us and binds us together” is real and can be concentrated and used in martial arts and psychokinetic acts. This “force” is known around the world by at least 52 labels, including chi, ki, prana, oigone, manna, ether, biofield, and zero-point energy. Obi-Wan-Kenobi was incorrect when he said the “force” is created by all living beings. The reverse appears to be true: Matter and energy are formed from the subtle energy by conscious intent. Science labels the intermediate or subtle body created by conscious intent a morpho- genic field (like the ghostly beings who counsel Luke). It is correct for Master Yoda to sav “the force is always with you," even though it cannot m aintain one’s > Focus »