Focus Page 6 > May 19,. 1999 ÿlartUnh (©beeruer " P r o f ilin g " a n d T r a f f ic S t o p s Housing Incentive Encourages Police to Live Where They Work Police officers have been conducting traffic stop "profiling" that is based on race, culture and ethnicity instead of suspicion and circumstance. I should ap ologize, conference p artici­ in g” between police chiefs and m i­ pan ts agreed. If the officer says, “ I’m the country. And while the communjtv the right d irection ,” Esteve says, ad d ­ leaders expressed anger over what they in g “ W hat a sim ple id e a !” see as double standards in law enforce­ In addition to police chiefs prom ­ ment, the gathering also threw light on ising to create a national policy on traf­ little-noticed efforts to defuse racial ten­ fic stops, says P E R F president Frazier, sions between cops and communities. m e e tin g p a r t ic ip a n ts a g re e d that A new training curriculum in Hous­ ton is designed to help those who train law enforcement officers improve depart­ mental handling of hate crimes. Workshops cover how to identify if there is bias in a crime, how to work with T h e m eetin g was “ pulled together P E R F should create a national work­ in eight d a y s,” acco rd in g to a spok es­ ing group o f chiefs and leaders o f civil m an fo r the Police E x e c u tiv e R e ­ rights organ ization s to “ develop de­ search Forum (P E R F ), a n ation al or­ tailed proposals for new national ini­ ture and history of hate crimes, and legal gan ization o f self-described p ro gre s­ tiatives” that ad dress police and com ­ issues under federal and state statutes. sive police chiefs an d crim in al ju stice m unity relationships. a community if a hate crime occurs, how to recognize and preserve evidence, the na­ C urriculum organ izers hope the profession als that convened the con ­ At issue, H urtt, a Phoenix police Houston pilot program will help in de ference in the wake o f highly pu b li­ c h ie f e x p la in s that it is som eth in g veloping a model curriculum for other cized in ciden ts involving alleged po­ b roader than specific concerns such states in training lice ab u se o f m in orities. as use o f force or traffic stops. their officers to “We are looking at the issue o f com­ properly and ef­ o m m en ded that o fficers d o in g a traf­ munity building. How do we improve fectiv ely d e al fic-stop honestly explain at the b egin ­ the quality o f life? How do we make w ith h ate people feel safe in their neighborhoods?" c rim e s. The O ne solution, Hurtt says, is to hire train in g is the one. T h e y sh o u ld not create b o gu s police officers “who are not looking for first to be offered reason s for a stop. adventure, but looking to serve, officers in response to a If the o ffice r fin d s n o re a so n to who will be accountable to the people.” n ational initia­ d e ta in an in d iv id u a l, th e o f f ic e r - Carolyn Cosmos tive is su e d by m en t” why they are sto p p in g som e­ the U .S. A ttor­ ney G e n e r a l’s r u ,u it Aims To Raise Police Sensitivity to Race and Hate Crimes O ffice that di­ re c ted fe d e ral p ro se cu to rs in try are w elcom e to take part in the all states to insti­ facts, m em oirs and other evidence as­ T ools for Toleran ce program . In di­ tute hate crime sociated with racial intolerance and vidual participation by professionals is programs. hate is being presented to law enforce­ by special arrangem ent. A no-holds-barred exhibit of arti­ many vacant properties, including ones ownership opportun ities to police of­ needing extensive repairs. ficers, the D epartm ent o f H ousin g and Officers taking out a m ortgage in­ U rban D evelopm ent is helping offic­ sured by the Federal Housing Adminis­ ers buy h om es in the com m u n ities tration also need make only a $ 100 down they serve. paym ent The program requires officers ment officers and other crim e profes­ T h e museum has just published a s io n a ls by the S im o n W ie se n th al book that describes and explains hate C en ter’s M useum for Tolerance. Houston also o ffers a h ate crime hotline - groups across Am erica, their rites, ritu­ 713/3(»8Z37un- By presen tin g com puter m odels, als, allegiances and agendas The book, der M ayor Lee actual objects and staged scenes from “The New Lexicon of Hate: The Chang­ Brow n’s in itia­ H olocaust death cam ps and other real- ing Tactics and Sym bols of Am erica’s tive to com bat life exam p les o f h ate, the p ro gram Extrem ists,” can be obtained free by h ate gives law enforcem ent profession als a c a llin g L ie b e G e ft at the S im o n which was devel­ perturbing and practical look at rac­ Wiesenthal M useum , 310/553-9036. A oped in d ep en ­ ism and prejudice. C D that highlights how hate groups are dently from the Law enforcement officers and other using the Internet to spread their m es­ A tto rn e y professionals - in groups o f 20 to 100 sage is also available for free by calling G en eral’s pilot participants - from all over the coun- the sam e number. program. c rim e s, to live in the home for at least three years. homes at half the appraised market value F or m ore in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t to police officers who agree to live in H o u sin g C o u n se lin g C le a rin g h o u se HUDdesignated revitalization areas, usu- at 800-217-6970. C ivil War battles and ancient phi­ to Hate Crimes nority activists from communities around so rry ,” this “ w ould b e a h uge step in n in g o f each en coun ter o r “ en gage­ ally urban neighborhoods where there are The Officer Next Door program sells t was billed as an “emergency meet P E R F conference p articipan ts rec­ In an effort to stop crim e before it happens, as well as provide m ore hom e ship, m anaging differences, cooperation losophers m ay seem like odd subjects and collaboration with officials of other for police training, but som e grou ps jurisdictions, and ethics and integrity. o f veteran o fficers are p e ru sin g the In this untypical study program , w orks o f A risto tle an d even takin g criminal justice courses are purposely ex­ trips to the scene o f the G ettysburg cluded from the curriculum to allow stu­ battle in Pennsylvania. dents to focus on the broader issues. They T h e investigations are part of an un­ usual academic initiative, the Police Ex­ ecutive Leadership Program at Jo h n s Hopkins University in Baltimore. Considered the only study program talk about managing differences, not only about racial diversity. T h e network of professionals that’s formed within each class means ideas get discussed across geographic and depart o f its kind, the P E L P accepts 24 officers mental boundaries. each year who must be recommended by Editor's Note: Special thank for the compilation of ideas from the contrib­ uting writers of ANS. their com m anding officers. They learn theory and discuss the practice of leader- ' i_____ ¿A 2 1» 4 ; ' —< - - ■ fit 4 i .ft KMH» * «9.1 FM E v e ry Svndag 6 p.m. t e I© p.m. N e w Age And L ig h t W erld B e a t Rhgthms M t. Hood Community College - Gresham