Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 19, 1999, Page 19, Image 19

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    <Hiv ^prtlanì» ©beeruer
May 19, 1999
Page 3
The Pleasure Zone
includes inspirational stories about
people who have learned to access
their core pleasures, and personal
growth surveys at the end of each
chapter offer the reader opportuni­
ties to examine their own mental and
Why we resist good feelings & how to let go and
be happy
(Conan Press; 1997)
W hile recent works by Depak
C h o p ra, Bernie Siegel, and Joan
Borysenko discuss the benefits of
pleasure, their w ritings have been
c o n c e rn e d m ostly w ith positive
m ental attitudes and visualizations.
T he Pleasure Zone takes the explo­
ration of a healthy m ind and body
in a different direction by address­
ing the fear of pleasure as a critical
factor in underm ining our mental
well-being and physical health. Dr.
Resnick explains that the ability to
fully enjoy eight core pleasures -
prim al, pain relief, play and humor,
m ental, em otional, sensual, sexual,
and spiritual - is essential to posi-
tiv e se lf-im ag e, good
p hysical h e a lth , em o ­
tional fu lfillm ent, and
gratifying sex.
T he com prehensive
e x p e rien tial p rogram s
for p le a su re -e n h a n c e ­
ment that the book offers
include body-awareness,
breathing methods, and
sensuality and sexuality
exercises that aid in de­
veloping skills for letting
go of pain and negativity
and em bracing pleasure
and positive attitu d es.
The Pleasure Zone also
Need a D .J.?
Tired o f the same old style of music?
Let Reggae Mobile D J . come
and liven up your guefitsll
R a B
B y M arilyn J. S orensen , P h D.
Finally, a book that fully illum i­
nates the experience of low self-es­
teem: the fear and the anxiety, the
self-doubts and self-criticism , the
self-defeating behaviors, and the in­
security in rela tio n sh ip s and ca­
reers. If you have low self-esteem,
this book is about you and for you.
Many people now identify low
self-esteem as one source of their
struggles. T eachers an d p are n ts
seeking to explain children’s prob­
lems have frequently labeled the en­
emy low self-esteem. Magazines and
newspapers, recognizing the recent
surge of interest, have featured ar­
ticles about how low self-esteem af­
fects both children
and ad u lts. W ith
inform ation more
readily available,
people are begin­
ning to understand
the many ways low
self-esteem in flu ­
ences their behav­
io r an d im pinges
on th e ir lives, al­
though few grasp
its full impact.
A ddressing the
five points below,
this book will give
you a fre sh a p ­
proach to gaining
peace and satisfac­
tion in your life.
T his book will
address this formi­
dable foe-low self­
esteem in five ways.
•You w ill ac­
quire a vivid pic­
tu r e o f ex a ctly
w h at low s e lf-e s te e m -in five
• Y o u will learn the various
ways self- esteem plays out on a
daily basis and discover how it in-
t e r f e r e s w ith, and negatively
impacts, nearly every aspect of life.
You will increase your awareness of
how low self-esteem may presently
be affecting your own choices and
•You will develop an understand­
ing of the basic dysfunctional be­
havior p a tte rn s com m on am ong
those with low self-esteem.
■You will recognize that there is
hope in alleviating the effects of low
•You will receive d irectio n on
how to begin to tackle the problem.
Call Roy 503-282-9062
Breaking the Chain of Low Self-Esteem
(W o lf Publishing; 1998)
physical habits that prevent them
from experiencing pleasure.
T his groundbreaking work will
forever change the role of pleasure
in daily life and open new doors to
personal happiness.
a r t ie s
• W
e o d in c s
• A
n n iv e r s a r ie s
• E
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