4 • » Page 2 Focus May 19,1999 (Elfe tuellani« (Ohevmv T o p 1 0 V id e o R e n ta ls C W IL D S A F E T Y A w a r e n e s s D ay Y O U ’VE GOT M A IL Tom Hanks, Warner STEPMOM Susan Sarandon. Columbia TriStar A BUG’S LIFE Animated. Walt Disney THE WATERBOY Adam Sandler. Touchstone THE SIEGE Denzel Washington, Fox BABE: PIG IN THE CITY ^ o rtla n b James Cromwell. Universal AT FIRST SIGHT (© b se rU e r M ira Sorvino, M G M M IG H TY JOE YOUNG Charlize Theron. Wall Disney PLEASANTVILLE Tobey Maguire. New Line MEET JOE BLACK Brad Pitt. Universal Publisher Chuck Washington LfHHEWÄHOoil Editor Menamins vt| Larry J . Jackson, Sr. Director o f Advertising Tony Washington Serving Breakfast Copy Editor Jo y Ramos Creative Director Seven Bays a Week Starting at 7:00am Heather Fairchild 4747 N E Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 O v e r 1 m illio n ch ild ren run a w a y o r a re rep orte d m issin g o r a b d u cte d e a ch yea r, and m o st p a ren ts d o n o t have su ita b le p h o to s to aid a u th o ritie s in th e r ^ o v e r y of.th ese children P a re n ts w ill b e a b le to o b tain fre e "p a ssp o rts fro m P o la ro id s P ro je ct K ,d c f ^ ' ' d. S a fe ty Day. It w ill in clu d e a ph o to g ra p h , fin g e rp rin t a n d v a iu a b ie p h y s ic a la n d Iro e d iia d in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e ir child. T ip s to p re v e n t child a b u se a n d a b d u ctio n w ill be distrib u ted by th e N ational C e n te r fo r M issing and E x ploited C h ild ren . Ron T on k in w ill h o st C hild S afety A w a re n e ss D ay a t its d e a le rsh ip on S a tu rd a y , M ay 22 fro m 10 am u n til 2 McMenamins Kennedy School 5756 NE 55rd Portland, Oregon (505)249-5985 www.mcmcnamins.com pm . 503-288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: news’® portlandobserver.net D eadlines lor subm itted m aterial: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ tographs can be returned if ac­ companied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Storytime Looking for a great family outing this weekend? Saturday, June 26th 11 00 am & 3 00 pm Sunday, June 27" at 2 00 pm w w w rosequarter.com C A L L (5 0 3 1 2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 G I KKS MtiCR^r**** Try Storytime at Barnes & Noble r iC K IT D IS C O U N T S Coupe»" T-M ^et O' p* n«r»r Guea C-d’k» d *.< »»•*> Every Saturday the sole property of the news­ stories about your favor­ I HO F PING J O W VANCOUVER ite characters written by the best children's book authors. Aimed at usage without the written con­ preschoolers and begin­ sent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased ning readers, along with the composition of the ad. Storytime is fun for the their grown-up friends, whole fomily. Call the store at 503/335-0201. I*** TI m P«n)aa4 O*MT««r TREATSEATS (at Lloyd Center). We'll read wonderful other publications or personal Thursday, June 24"’ at 7:00 pm Friday, June 25’" at 11 00 am All created display ads become paper and cannot be used in SHOW TIMES: MEMORIAL COLISEUM J u n e 2 4 —2 7 lets available at the Rose Quarter Ticket Office and all Ticketmaster outlets