Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 19, 1999, Page 15, Image 15

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May 19, 1999
3îlje JJortlanb (flbsmier
Page B7
Y o u D eserve T op S er v ic e !
Buying or Selling a Home. C all Now!
Notice to Contractors
Linneman Trunk Parallel Sewer
C.I.P. Project # 3 0 6 1
City of Portland
Recruit Deputy Sheriff m s
Automotive Mechanic
$ 2 4 0 9 to $2 65 7 per m onth*
Salary Range: $ 2 6 ,5 8 2 • $ 3 7 ,7 1 0
This is a training position that requires
the applicants to have mechanical
knowledge; skills and the ability to
repair and m aintain m otorized
equipm ent. Training program is to
provide proficiency on a variety of
v e h ic le s in th e C ity 's fle e t.
Knowledge o f and experience with
gasoline and diesel engines and
the ability to understand complex
re p a ir m a n u a ls is re q u ire d .
A pplicants need a valid s ta te
driver's license and have the ability
to obtain within six m onths of
appointm ent a Class A Commercial
D riv e rs L ic e n s e (CO L) w ith
combination vehicle, air brake, tank
h a z a rd o u s -m a te ria l
e n d o r s e m e n ts . A re c o rd o f
excessive accidents an d/or moving
violations will disqualify applicants.
Application deadline, June 7 ,1 9 9 9 .
A ll p o s itio n s in c lu d e a g e n e ro u s
benefits and retirement package.
Apply in person, pick up free study
manual at Ptld. Bldg., 1120 SW 5 “1
Ave. Rm. 40 4. Qualified women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.
Washington County
Associate Planner
$ 3 ,2 9 8 -$ 4 ,0 1 0 /m o
Closes May 28, 1 9 9 9
Operations Supervisor
$ 3 ,4 6 5 -$ 4 ,0 1 2 /m o
Closes May 28, 1 9 99
Call (503) 6 48-8606/T T Y (50 3) 693-
4 8 9 8 for inform ation. County ap­
plication and supplem ental appli­
cation form s required. Women,
m inorities, and people with dis­
abilities are encouraged to apply.
Apply to:
W ashington County
Human Resources Division
1 5 5 N. R rst Avenue, Suite 3 2 0
Hillsboro, OR 9 7 1 2 4 _______
Skilled volunteer manager, recruiter
and team player. M ust have 2 yrs
related experience in com m unity
o r g a n iz a tio n
w /d iv e r s e
populations; good oral & written.
B A /B S o r e q u iv . N eed ow n
transportation & work flex hrs.
$ 3 0 ,0 8 0 start + benefits. Closing
5 / 2 8 / 9 9 . Resumes to Personnel,
Girl S cou ts - C olum bia River
C ouncil, P .0. Box 2 4 2 7 , Lake
O sw e g o , OR 9 7 0 3 5 . E qu al
Opportunity Employer dedicated to
Deputy Sheriff #103
$ 2 9 3 3 to $ 3 7 5 4 per m onth*
• Salary «ubjact to change due to
bargaining contract negotiation»
The S heriff s Department is developing
an eligibility list for Deputy Sheriff
and Recruit. Top candidates from
the se lis ts will be used to fill
vacancies as they occur during the
next year. The S heriff's Dept. is
in te r e s te d in in c re a s in g th e
diversity o f its applicant pool.
Qualified m inorities and women
are urged to apply.
C o u n ty E m p lo y m e n t A p p lic a tio n
Required. Application m aterials
available at Clackam as County
P e rso n n e l, 9 0 0 M ain S tre e t,
Oregon City, OR 9 7 0 4 5 , (503) 655-
8 4 5 9 . Closing date: June 1 ,1 9 9 9 ,
5 :0 0 P M F F O F m n l i w o r ____________
Radio Marketing Consultant
Salem M edia of Oregon, Inc., KPDQ
AM /FM Christian form atted radio,
has an im m ediate opening for
M arketing Consultants. The ideal
c a n d id a te
s h o u ld
ha ve
dem onstrated a record o f success
in outside, com m issionable sales.
In order to receive consideration,
candidates also m ust be able to
dem onstrate tha t they possess
ou rfive m ust have characteristics:
C r e a tiv e /ln n o v a tiv e * G o a l/
Achievement Oriented ♦ Influential
* P ersistent/Tenacious* Sense
Of Urgency. All candidates m ust
be team players and o f strong
moral character and integrity. Base
pay with excellent com m ission
package and benefits, Fax your
resume to Mike Hadley, General
Sales Manager at (503) 238-7202.
The deadline is June 1 6 ,1 9 9 9 . An
E qual O pportunity E m plo yer
Account Executive
Expanding N atio na l W holesale
Mortgage Lender seeks Ac­
count Executive for Portland
and surrounding areas. Whole­
sale mortgage and sales expe­
rience preferred. Excellent com­
pensation and benefit plans.
Please send resume with salary
requirements to:
HR dept., Washtenaw
Mortgage Company,
3 15 E. Eisenhower, Ste. 12,
Ann Arbor, Ml 4 8 1 0 8
or fax to: 734-662-9517.
Cordley, Nash, and Weniger Halls
Energy Conservation Measures Design
Oregon State University is seeking proposals from conservation Improve­
m ents for Cordley, Nash, and Weniger Halls, on the OSU Campus. These
recom m ended im provem ents are the result o f an evaluation o f the three
buildings by CBG Consulting Engineers of Portland, Oregon. One consultant
may be selected to do the design for all three buildings, or there may be
different consultants selected fo r one or more buildings.
Interested firm s should contact Larry Earhart, Project Manager, Facilities
Services, OSU, 1 0 0 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 9 7 3 3 1 -2 0 0 1 , or at FAX
(54 1) 7 3 7-3 724 , to obtain a copy o f the Request for Proposals (RFP).
Responses to the RFP will be due by 5 PM, Thursday, June 10, 1999. No
responses will be accepted after the specified date and tim e. Responses
may be rejected for non-compliance with all response requirem ents and
procedures, or for good cause upon a finding tha t it is in the interest o f OSU
do to so.
H a ir C o n n ectio n
F u ll Service Salon
Contractor for th is work shall furnish all labor at current State o f Oregon
prevailing wage rates, m aterials and equipm ent and services o f all kinds to
com plete the work in accordance w ith the plans and specifications therefor.
Prior to obtaining plans and specifications, Contractor m ust be a holder
o f or purchase ($50), the current City o f Gresham Public Works Standards
(July 2 0 ,1 9 9 3 ) as identified by the Department o f Environmental Services
distribution list.
Plans and specifications may be examined a the office o f the Departm ent
of Environmental Services, 1 3 3 3 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon.
Copies o f said plans and specifications can be obtained upon application to
the Departm ent o f Environmental Services and by posting a non-refundable
fee o f $2 5 with the Departm ent o f Environmental Services for each set of
plans and specifications requested. If plans and specifications are ordered
by m ail, you m ust add a $5 processing and m ailing charge. Questions
concerning th is project should be addressed to Arthur J. Hardie, Project
Manager, at 1-503-618-2669.
Contractors m ust prequalify for construction with the City o f Gresham, as
required by the laws o f the State of Oregon, before the date of the bid
opening. Otherwise, th e ir proposal may not be given consideration.
Contractors shall obtain a City o f Gresham business license prior to
com m encing work.
All proposals m ust be subm itted on the regular form s furnished by the
City o f Gresham, addressed and m ailed or delivered to the Department o f
Environmental Services, City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly
marked, “ Sealed Bid for the Linneman Trunk Sewer Reconstruction C.I.P.
Project # 3 0 6 1 " bearing the name and address o f the bidder. Each m ust be
accom panied by a certified check, c ash ie r's check or bid bond in an am ount
not less than ten percent (10%) o f the total bid. A performance and payment
corporate surety bond in the full am ount o f the contract shall be required to
guarantee faithful perform ance o f the term s of the contract execution.
In determ ining the lowest bidder, the public contracting agency sha ll, for the
purpose o f awarding the contract, add a payment increase on the bid of a
nonresident bidder equal to the percent, if any, o f the preference given to
th a t bidder in the state in which the bidder resides.
Each bid m ust contain a s tatem e nt as to whether the bidder is a resident
bidder, as defined in ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 .
Each bid m ust contain a statem e nt by the bidder th a t the provisions o f
ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 will be com plied with.
Each bidder m ust file with his bid an affidavit o f non-collusion.
The City o f Gresham reserves the right to reject any a n d /o r all bids, waive
inform alities or to accept any bid which appears to serve the best interest
4603 N. W illiam s Ave.
Portland, O R 97217
Often 7 cCaqd a cvee£!!!
5128 N O R TH A L B IN A S T R E E T (A T SU M N ER )
Alberta St.
M arket
915 NE A lberta St. • 281-6388
o f the City.
T h e C ity o f G re s h a m is a n e q u a l opportunity em p lo y e r.
Request for Qualifications
Portland International Airport
Terminal Expansion South, Phase 2
W im e
Structural Steel Fabrication & Erection
B o w ie s
5 0 3 /2 4 9 -1 9 4 6 , x236.
J ohn
B o lto n
» 3 0 .0 0 M rw ra x n P u c h o #
1 1 2 N E K A n g xw o rth SI
P o rtie ra . O a q o r 9 7 2 1 1
Bid Date: May 26, 1999 - 10 a . m .
K ie w it P a c ific Co.
M a n . T h u n 11 A M - 1-00 A M
F n -S n 1 1 A M -3 A M
□ d e a d on Sun
P.O. Box 1769 • Vancouver, WA 986 6 8 • (360) 693-5582
including D is a d v a n tig e d , M in o n ty a n d W o m e rv O w n e d B u s in e s s e s
PHONE: OFF 503-281-5030
FAX 503-282-6001
RES 503-259-9907
Bid Package No. 1 - Site Grading And U tilities
City Of West Linn
Bid Date: June 4, 1999 At 2:00 P.M.
Prebid Conference: May 2 6 ,1 9 9 9 At 2 :0 0 P.M.
Civil Engineer
Drake Construction Company
Phone: 503-9 78-0 80 0 • Fax: 503-9 78-1 03 1
a n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r a n d re q u es t s u b bids from all in te re s te d firm s including
W e a re a n E q u al O ppo rtu n ity E m plo yer a n d r e q u e s t s ub -b id s fro m all s u b c o n tra c to rs and s u p p lie rs
______ —
including M in o n ty and W o m e rv O w n e d B u s in e s s e s , D is a d v a n ta g e d . D is a b le d V e te ra n s , and
E m erging S m a ll B u s in e s s E n te rp n s e s .
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to
MJM Manor
C.A. White Gardens
The Oregon Health Division announces the availability of funds
to promote outreach regarding early detection of breast and cervical
cancer. Funded projects will focus on Asian women, lesbian women
and women with disabilities who qualify for services through the
Oregon Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. Applicants m ust be a
private non-profit organization as defined by both federal and state
taxing authorities. For a complete application packet or for more
information please call Amalia Alarcon-Gaddie. Multicultural Health
Specialist or Maria T. Tenorio, BCC Program Manager at (503) 731-
4273. Applications are due by May 21, 1999.
in e
W e a re a n E q u al O ppo rtu n ity E m plo yer a n d re q u e s t s u b p id s fro m all s u b c o n tra c to rs a n d s u p p lie rs
Kiewit Pacific Co.
Request For Proposals
Allen St. Bridge Replacement
Kelso, Washington
Cowlitz County
4 3 7 N. Columbia Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 7
a it h x w
Items: Rebar, Post Tensioning, Guardrail/barricades, Landscaping, Electrical,
Signs, Fence, Mise. Concrete, Trucking, Survey, Flagging/Traffic Control, Striping,
Curb and Gutter, Sidwalks, Water Main, Drainage, Demolition, and Barriers.
Bid Date: May 27, 1 9 9 9 - 9 a . m .
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to
B eer
Larry Matthews
be required p rio rto aw ard.”
If you have any questions, please call Jeff Lindquist @ Hoffm an Construction,
Columbia County Jail and Justice Facility
St. Helens, Oregon
• SUNDAY I I am TO 7
Cancellation of Pre-Qualification Requirement»
Items: Rebar, Post Tensioning, G uardrail/Barricades,
Landscaping, Electrical, Signs, Fence, Misc. Concrete, Trucking,
Survey, Flagging/Traffic Control, Striping, and Cold Plan Pavement.
Interstate Highway
In Clackamas and Washington Counties
1-5 at Hwy. 2 1 7 /K ru s e Way (Unit 1) Section
Pacific Highway
P. 0 . Box 1 7 6 9 • Vancouver, WA 9 86 68
(360) 6 9 3 -1 47 8 • Fax: (360) 693-5582
r o c e r ie s
“ Notice is hereby given tha t pre-qualification o f structural steel fabricators
and erectors for the Terminal Expansion South, Phase 2 project will NOT be
required prior to bid. CM/GC will consider fabrication a n d /o r erection
proposals from all firm s, including those who had not subm itted pre­
qualification questionnaires p riorto bid. Pre-qualification questionnaires will
Sub-Bids Requested
735 N. Fremont
Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 2 7
___________ (503) 287-2162___________
An independently owned and operated member o f The Prudential Real Esule Affiliale». Inc
Standard M anholes
Temporary Diversion & Bypass Manholes
Connection to Existing Manhole
Temporary Overflow Pipe
Temporary Bypass Pumps
4 8 ” Sanitary Sewer Pipe
4 2 ” Sanitary Sewer Pipe
Installation of 7 0 ’ o f 2 4 ’ Diameter Class 50, Ductile Iron Pipe
Sub-Bids Requested
1730 NE 10“ Avenue, Portland OR 97212
Bus 503 281-4040 • Fax 503 281-4456 • E-m ail wtesfa/aaol.com
Subcontractor/Supplier Bids
Request for Proposals
Wally W.Tesfa
N orthw est Properties
The major Item» Include, but are not limited to, the following:
11 Each
3 Each
2 ,5 0 0 LF
8 5 0 LF
. . .
Prudential r '/ z z
Sealed proposals will be received by the Department o f Environmental
Services, W astewater Services Division at 1333 N. W. Eastman Parkway,
Gresham, Oregon, 9 7 0 3 0 , until 1 0 :0 0 a.m. Wednesday, June 9 ,1 9 9 9 , local
tim e, at which tim e they will be opened in Conference Room 2A for the
construction o f the Linneman Trunk Sewer Reconstruction C.I.P. # 3 0 6 1 .
6 0 6 NE Sacramento
Portland, Oregon 9 72 12
(503) 287-2162
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to
James Lee Gardens
6 2 0 NE Brazee
Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 2
(503) 287-2162
$ 3 3 5 1 -$ 4 2 7 5 /m o DOQ. Position is
responsible for management o f the
P riv a te
D e v e lo p m e n t/P u b lic
Im provem ent program; includes
s u p e rv is io n o f E n g in e e rin g
T e c h n ic ia n s . R e view s p la n s ,
co m m u n ica te s e ffe c tiv e ly w ith
developers and engineers, and
e n s u re s
c o m p lia n c e
w ith
regulations, standards, City utilities
and city’s m aster plans. Future
promotional opportunity available.
Requires a Bachelor's Degree in
C ivil E ng in eering , 4 years o f
professional Civil Engineering and
2 years o f supervisory experience.
P.E. preferred but m ust obtain
O regon P ro fe ssio n a l Engineer
L ic e n s e w ith in 6 m o n th s o f
appointm ent. Competent use of
computer and CAD programs a plus.
P rio r e xp e rie n ce w ith p riv a te
d e v e lo p m e n t
p u b lic
improvement projects desirable.
Successful candidate m ust pass
p re -e m p lo ym e n t d ru g scre e n .
Application packets are available
at W est Linn City Hall, 2 2 8 2 5
W illam ette Drive, West Linn, OR
9 7 0 6 8 , or by calling (503) 722-
3 4 2 6 (voice mail) or (503) 656-
4 5 1 8 TDD. Please return completed
packets to City Hall by June 14,
1999, 4 :0 0 PM. Recruitment will
re m a in o p e n u n til s u ffic ie n t
applicatio ns are received. EEO
ww w.teleport.com /~w estlinn
Providing regional services
Creating livable communities
Zoo Construction Project Manager
(O regon Zoo) - $ 5 5 ,3 8 0 .0 0 -
$77,531.O O /annually, 1 full-time
position. (Deadline May 1 0 ,1 9 9 9 ).
O v e rs e e s
m anages
contractors, subcontractors, other
professional and technical staff
as assigned, and the construction
o f a $ 3 0 .5 m illion dollar addition
to the Zoo.
To apply: crea te a resum e; w rite a
cover letter which includes: l) y o u r
experience with facility construction
project m anagem ent, including
type o f project and dollar values:
2) your experience in management
o f a highly visible construction
project with considerable public
in te re s t and o v e rs ig h t. Send
m aterials to: M etro HR Dept. 6 0 0
NE G rand Ave., P ortla nd , OR
9 7 2 3 2 . Fax to: (503) 797-1798,
or em ail to jo bs® m etro.dst.or.us
For details, call (5 0 3 ) 79 7-1570.
Web address: http ://w w w .m e tro -
A A /E E O E m plo yer
Case Management Coordinator
Supervisor for case management
program serving high-risk youth.
M SE/MA in related field, case
management, supervisory exp.
Necessary. Respond to NAFY,
8 1 2 SW 10'h Ave., Portland, OR
9 7 2 0 5 We value diversity.
•' A ,