M a y 12, 1 9 9 9 (Etye ìportlauì» ©baeruer Page A 7 Residents Search for Ways to 5 1 Avoid Homeowner Headaches A re c e n t su rv ey o f P o rtlan d homeowners conducted for Sears home Central, shows that more than 66 per­ cent o f those surveyed consider know­ ing who to call the most important issue when faced with a home repair or im­ provement situation. Respondents also reported that they were eager to learn how to maintain their homes to reduce the number o f repairs/improvements. The survey shows that the average homeowner survey ed in the Portland area spend approximately $1,600 a year on maintaining and improving their homes. Although homeowners spend a sub­ stantial sum on their homes, the survey shows they do not always know who to call when the dishwasher goes on the fritz or when the air conditioner goes kaput. Selover says that implies urgency and uncertainty. "A n urgent situation can easily turn into an em ergency situation when you don’t know who to call or w ho to trust,” she says. "W hen things go wrong in your home, your whole life feels a bit out o f whack. Fortunately, hom eowners in the Port­ land area can now solve their urgent dilem m as by having a reliable source ’o fhom e repair and improvements help — Sears H ome Central.” Sears Home Central, a new service s e lf at risk. • B e fo re you d ig , call the O r­ egon U tility N o tific a tio n C e n te r at 1-800-3 3 2 -2 3 4 4 to h av e u n d e r­ g ro u n d p o w er lin es m arked. • M ake sure o u td o o r e lec trica l o u tle ts a re g ro u n d e d an d h av e w e a th e rp ro o f covers. • D o n ’t let ch ild ren p lay in trees clo se to p o w er lines. » D o n ’t p la n t trees o r sh ru b s n ear tra n sfo rm e rs o r u n d erg ro u n d lines. R e m em b er to call the O r­ eg o n U tility N o tific a tio n C e n te r b e fo re you dig! • E le ctric al to o ls sh o u ld alw ay s h ave a th ree -w a y g ro u n d ed plug. • Be aw are that tree lim bs, m etal to o ls and lad d ers to u c h in g p o w er lin es can be e le c trifie d . • K eep e le c tric a l eq u ip m en t at least 10 feet aw ay from p o o ls or u MT'V THE LARGEST. HOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IS THE WEST May 11 through May 25,1999 S p e c ia l H o u rs: S a t., M ay 15th O p e n u n til 9 : 0 0 p m MAILER SALE! 30% OFF Everything in the store* FABRIC DEPOT COI POX as possible. •25pereentofPortland homeowners M c C a lls P • Lim a it t 6 t p er e c o r u p n o n s - V alid attempt to fix things in their homes on their own, but end up calling a profes­ sional repair technician. Sears Home Service is a division o f Sears, Roebuck and Co. Sears Home Services is the nations leading repair improvement service provider serving more than 15 million homes annually. to get it untangled— Call PGE. • D o n ’t play w ith m etallic b a l­ lo o n s o r m o d e l a irp la n e s n ea r p o w er lines; they can cau se d a n ­ gero u s p o w er outages. $1.99 1 20 9 9 5 ^ 3 /9 9 - 4 d n ^ o n l y SPECIAL SALE ou ever hear o f the jazz playin’ man, the man with the cats who could swing with his band? His name was Duke. Duke Ellington. As a child, he said piano made an umpy- dump sound that was headed nowhere worth following. But, years later, he • • heard the piano played a whole new way. People called themusic "ragtime." and soon the sound had Duke s fingers Y w eek from 10 am — 2 pm. Parents and guardians w ho are interested in inform ation about the cam p and the scholarship opportunities are en­ couraged to call 280-8614. D onors to the scholarship fund include the A utzen, H erbert T em p leto n and U nion Pacific Foundations. riding the piano keys. Duke began to compose his own melodies, which led him to form aband. The Washingtonians. Before long, the group was performing at the swankiest hangouts in Harlem, including the Cot­ ton Club, but under a new name: Duke Ellington and His Orchestra. Soon the whole country swung to Duke’s beat. Andrea and Brian Pinkney con­ ceived this book through their love o f music. Mr. Pinkney was espe­ cially inspired by both his personal -------- - • interest in jazz (he has played drums in sev eral b an d s) an d th e w ay Ellington’sm u sich asb een d escn b ed as painting. To the com poser, the sounds o f the musicians were like the colors o f a paint box. E llington's method influenced both the Pinkney’s as they worked together to create their own color-drenched canvas o f w ords and pictures. This is a story o f one o f the greatest composers o f the twentieth century - the king o f the keys Duke Ellington. 2 DAYS ONLY-MAY 21 & 22 /, A % OFF " LXl I All Fabric exten d ed hour*» Saturday op en til 9pni Limited to stock on hand! OUTDOOR SALE BEGINS MAY 29! 50% OFF ALL THESE PATTERNS • M cC all’s • S im p lic ity ♦ V o g u e • B u t t e n c k • H urila BE SURF. TO CHECK OI R STORE FOR “VLANAGErS SPECIALS” •tUscounc. do 1.01 ippb Io pnswush din«,mod or marked d » n Homs. VI 199 Ihn. S . RETAIL - WHOLESALE International A doptions G etting Easier 1 84 EUGENE, OREGON — A Eu­ gene-based international adoption agency says some countries are mak­ ing it easier for hopeful parents to adopt. Susan Cox with Holt Interna­ tional Children’s Services says that for a number o f reasons, people who want to adopt children no longer outnumber the children available. But Cox says it still takes a long tune and involves a lot o f paperwork since the children have to inunigrate to the country. 1 F 4 N CD / ---- / STAHK street ? M txj ★ RETAIL H O I RS: M<)\4RI9(Ktnn-9(«)pm SATt Rl)AV>:i«Um"pin s i v i m i»umam“ piii 700 S.E. 122nd Ave. Portland. OR WHOLES.AIE H O I RS: MOX-FRI " .4Um-S Sllpni SAtt RDAX 9l«6m-Spm St XDAY1 lU kuinpin Visit our website at www fabric depot com SAFEW AY 252-9530 1-800-392-3376 Ödntos —* FOOD & DRUG Look For Your Safeway W eekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...and save more by shopping at Safeway. Whole Pork Loin o y c Visit Safeways Web site at www.safeway.com Ì i Sun 16 Mon I £ Tu» r ï T ir ___________________ _______ Frtl Sai Wed n ■ I 121 [ 1 3 ] [ 1 4 ] 1 5 Doritos Tortilla Chips Cut from 14 to 17-lb. loins. Whole only at this price. Custom cut & wrapped in one package. II • Fly kites in an open field, never nearoverhead lines. But it a kite does get caught in a pow er line, d o n ’t try im and; 3) M aintain/fix things as soon w et surfaces. Play It Safe — TV — ■ . * ■ D B V ANDREA AND BRIAN P^NKNKV • At least twice a year Portland resi­ dents call a professional contractor. • Three im portant pieces o t ad­ vice Portland residents would give new hom eow ners are: 1) Hire som e­ one you trust; 2) D on’t fix yourself Work Safely Near Your Home • K eep p le n ty o f sp a ce b etw e en you and o v erh e ad p o w er lines. • B e fo re you trim o r cut do w n tre e s n e a r o v e rh e a d lin e s, c a ll P G E ’s tree lin e (5 0 3 -5 9 0 -1 4 5 5 ). W e can tell you w h eth e r i t ’s safe to do the w ork befo re you put y o u r­ (Hyper,on. .998) Other local survey results of interest: Play It Safe With Outdoor Safety Tips W ith sp rin g p la n tin g se aso n w ell u n d e r w ay and w arm e r te m ­ p era tu re s aro u n d the c o m e r, O r­ eg o n ian s are h ea d in g o u tsid e to p a rtic ip a te in a c tiv itie s ran g in g from g a rd e n in g to ho m e im p ro v e ­ m ent to k ite flying. Portland G eneral E lectric (PG E ) is en co u rag in g ev ery o n e to e x e r­ cise cau tio n and care around e le c ­ trical eq uipm ent w hile w orking on o u td o o r p rojects and taking p art in recreational ac tiv itie s throughout the sp rin g and sum m er. W ith M a y b e in g E le c tr ic a l S afety M o n th , PG E o ffers th e fo l­ lo w ing tips fo r a safe and e n jo y ­ able se aso n o u td o o rs: Duke Ellington from Sears, Roebuck and Co., can help homeowners with the touch o f a button. As the “Service Side o f Sears”, Sears Home Central provides one central source for a household ot home repair and improvements services that can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by calling just one number: 1- 800-4-MYHOME. "Sears Home Cen­ tral is great for homeowners because it helps alleviate anxiety since it ’ s a famil­ iar name homeowners can turn to w hen things go wrong,” Selover says. MADE For Kids Theatre Camp The M A D E for K ids theatre cam p is glad to announce that through generous donations a scholarship fund has been set up for the theatre sum m er cam p this sum m er. The cam p is designed for children 11 to 15 years old, and costs $250 for a 3 w eek session that m eets five days a fhe King Of the Keys .99 14.5-oz. Assorted varieties, Limit 2. JJS» SAVE up to $i .61 on 2 Golden Ripe Bananas Del Monte SAVE up to $1.76 on 4-ibs. Safeway Club Price 4,$1 Safeway Club Price ia 449 Now the savings are in the Card!