Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 12, 1999, Page 6, Image 6

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    Peace And
Justice Family
Camp Set
T he d a te s fo r th e an n u a l
Parenting for Peace and Justice
Family Camp have been announced
for June 17 - June 20. The ninth
annual camp will be held at the
S u ttle Lake U n ited M ethodist
Church Camp & Retreat Center.
The Parenting for Peace and Jus­
tice Family Camp is an ecum eni­
cal interfaith event co-sponsored
by the A rchdiocese o f Portland s
Office for Justice and Peace, the
Peace with Justice Division o f the
U nited M eth o d ist C hurch, the
Peacemaking Unit o f the Presbytery
o f the Cascades plus other faith-
based associations.
R everend W es Y am aka will be
the key w orkshop facilitator, and
this y ear’s them e focuses on the
sources o f inspiration for the love
o f art in fam ily life and com m u­
nity. He is recently retired from
his work w ith the U nited M ethod­
ist general board o f C hurch & So­
ciety. He and his fam ily were in ­
terned in a detention camp for those
o f Japanese origin during W orld
W ar II. O v e r th e y e a rs M r.
Yamaka, an artist, has led m any
creativity w orkshops. He and his
wife reside in K eiser, OR
The annual Parenting for Peace
and Justice Fam ily Camp provides
an opportunity for fam ilies to leant
practical skills for making peace
in the home and fostering justice
in public life. Childcare is pro­
vided for children under the age
o f 3 years old during w orkshops,
w hile special creative tim e is
planned for children aged 3 to 6
year old during workshops. C hil­
dren age 7 and older are included
in the family workshop sessions.
Suttle Lake Camp is located
13 m iles northw est o f the tow n o f
Sister, O R ., on the east shore o f
Suttle Lake. The cam p is located
in the D eschutes N ational Forest
in a protected Bald E agle w ild­
life habitat. Lodging Facilities in­
clude 20 rustic sleeping cabins,
clu stered in groups around a cen­
tra l sh o w e r/re stro o m fa c ility .
T here are four sem i-dorm itory
s le e p in g ro o m s in th e M ain
Lodge, plus additional sleeping
room s in W esley M eadow L odge.
F am ilies are asked to provide
their ow n bedding and tow els.
D ining facilities have full food
se rv ic e w ith an e m p h a sis on
freshly prepared food including
plenty o f hom e baked bread
For inform ation about cost and
registration please call (503) 233-
8361. A map and other informa­
tion will be sent upon receipt o f
camp reservation.
Buddhist Program
at Interfaith
Spiritual Center
spiritual developm ent and growth.
S' ritual m entors from various
i jrld religion traditions offer in­
dividual direction and m entoring
as well as retreats and w orkshops
on spiritual life and practices o f
the m ajor w orld religions. All
services and resources are pro­
vided on a sliding fee scale that is
based on income and ability to
pay. For more inform ation about
the center, or to arrange a meeting
with a spiritual m entor, please call
the ISC at 233-2023. The ISC
offices on the 2nd floor o f the Sa­
cred H eart Rectory at 3910 SE
1 l‘h in Portland, O regon. Free
parking is am ple and the building
is wheel chair accessible.
A free public talk entitled "B ud­
dhism in Plain English: A C om ­
mon Sense A pproach” will be o f­
fered by R everend M aster D aizui
M acPhilam y on Sunday, M ay 23rd,
4:00 P.M. at the interfaith S piri­
tual Center, 3910 SW 11* St., Port­
land. Rev M acPhilam y, a B ud­
dhist m aster in the Soto Zen tradi­
tion, is the H ead o t the O rder o f
Buddhist C ontem plative at Shasta
Abbey, Mt. Shasta. C alifornia. A
question and answ er will follow
the public talk. The Portland B ud­
dhist Priory and the Interfaith C en­
ter cosponsor this event. For m ore
inform ation, please call 238-1 123.
The Interfaith Spiritual Center
(Isc) offers m any resources for
Elks Grand Daughter Ruler
Visits Portland
he G rand D aughter Ruler,
H onorable Jean C.W . Smith
o f the Im proved B enevolent
P rotective O rder o f E lks o f the
W orld, G rand Tem ple w ill be visit­
ing Portland O regon for the first
time. She will be attending the north­
west states (O regon & W ashington)
associations annual convention held
M ay 13-16*.
Billy W ebb Elks Lodge #1050,
The D aughters o f D ahlia Temple
#202 and S hining S tar o f Unity
Tem ple #1379 will host the annual
convention. ‘The Portland Elks are
honored to have her in attendance’
says the D aughter State President,
Ella V. Pow ell.
The Elks celebrated it’s 100,hyear
in 1998. It is the largest, predom i­
nately black fraternal organization
in the w orld. The G rand Temple
(D aughter’s) was founded in 1902
by the late Emma V. K elly. To date
the entire organization boasts a mem­
bership o f over 450,000 w ith lodges
and temples in The U nited States,
Canada. M exico, Cuba, W est Indies,
V irgin Islands, Panam a, A laska and
The Bahamas.
The order is known best for its De­
partment o f Education. Two and one
half million dollars in scholarships have
been given to youth o f all races for the
past sixty years. The scholarships are
awarded to high school students com­
petin g in an O ra to ric a l contest.
Portland’s Oratorical was held April
25th. The winner will compete at the
state level on May 14th. The Oratorical
is a highlight of each convention. Port­
land has had a winner for the last 3
years. Our 1998 winner advanced to
the Grand before elimination.
The Convention activities will cul­
m inate with the coronation o f the
Northwest States Queens Ball on Sat­
urday, May 15lh.
p ^ G ^ n d D a u g h te rR u ie T H o n o ra b le Jean C.W . Smith of the Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks
Please help us welcome our Grand
Daughter Ruler to Portland.
of the World
n Loving Memory of Herman
Pablo Hayes bom 5/11 /02 died
4/30/99 of old age. Herman Hayes
was bom in the Dalles, Oregon, and
loved in Portland from 1912- to
present. Mr. Hayes occupation was
a service worker for hotels includ­
ing the Mallary hotel and the Port­
land Hotel. He was a painter, a
merchant seaman in the thirties and
he also worked as a cook for the
Union Pacific Railroad in the Thir­
ties and forties. Survivors of
Herman Pablo Hayes, wife, Lucille
Hayes wife o f Portland. Oregon.
Jack Henderson nephew of Port­
land, Oregon and Irene Henderson
niece o f Portland, Oregon.
St. Paul M issio n ary B ap tist
C hurch is having a Youth Revival.
It w ill be held M ay 26, 27, & 28
(W ed-Fri) at 7 p.m. nightly. Food
w ill be served follow ing the F ri­
day evening service. St. Paul is
lo c a te d at 8101 N. Fiske (o ff
L om bard), Portland, OR. The
phone num ber is 289-0147.
The Revival theme is “ T rans­
form ing inquiring minds based
on the scripture Romans 12:2
The come and enjoy the mes­
sage, songs, and fellowship with us.
Mack McGhee Sylvester
The Board of Directors, Students and Staff of
New Life Ministry
(Drug & Alcohol)
Facilitators: Kevin & Joyce
Phone (503) 288-2583
Fax (503) 282-6484
636 NE Stanton
Portland, OR 97212
A re you o r someone you love struggling
w ith drugs o r alcohol:
If so...
You are invited to attend our weekly meetings.
Every Tuesday evening at 7 pm in the church's lower level.
Our purpose Is:
• To help find freedom through biblical means.
• T o learn how to set boundaries fo r ourselves as well as fo r our loved ones
• To learn how to really let go and trust God.
North Portland Bible College
invite you to their
Celebration of Achievement
Friday, June 11,1999
Pastor George Merriweather
Northeast Community Fellowship
to cherish his memory, his lov­
funeral and graveside ser
ing wife, Milus G. Sylvester,
vice was held at Skyline
F u n eral H om e fo r M ack Brother John Sylvester o f Port­
land, brother-in-law A rthur
McGhee Sylvester, who died
Johnson o f Bastrop, LA, God
on April 16, 1999 at the age o f
brothers, Paul Reed o f Port­
86. Mr. Sylvester was bom in
land, Melvin Cain o f Tacoma,
M onroe, LA on A ugust 31,
WA, and Bill Jones o f Port­
1913 at Lawson and A btene
Sylvester. He confessed his
land. His loving children,
K a th e rin e H ill, N o rm a n
faith to Christ at Baptist Church
Sylvester, Sheila Cham bers,
in Bonita, LA. Mack started
and Bemetta Sylvester, all o f
singing in a traveling gospel in
Portland, will always rem em ­
1936. Mr. Sylvester m oved to
ber him. Also to cherish his
Portland, OR on June 1, 1952.
memory are eight grandchil­
He w orked at St. V incent’s
dren, five great-grandchildren
Hospital for 35 years and the
and a host o f nieces, nephews,
NW Foundry for 25 years.
cousins, and friends.
Mack McGhee Sylvester leaves
apt ist
St. Paul
7:00 p.m .
North Baptist Church
7412 N Mississippi (1 blk. south of Lombard)
Portland, Oregon
Speaker is:
Harold Williams, P.C.C. Board Member
for information contact'.
North Portland Bible College
4905 N Vancouver
Portland, OR
(503) 288-2919
Dr. O. E Broun, President
m n r. information, oleate call Kevin & Joyce @ 288-2583
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