.. ;? • ■ 0 X 4 . » - i V» Ì e . »* » « « •• ; • - '. < ■ • ■ r X < » * « ♦* -*“ & ’• • I • May 12,1999 ; (Tlje Fortiani' ©baeruer Page A3 Columbine ‘Boy in the Window’ OK By SANDY SHORE © T he A ssociated P ress LITTLETO N , Colo. (A P) — Pat Ireland doesn’ t rem em ber everything that happened the day he was shot three tim es and craw led out a sec­ ond-story window . He does recall thinking som eone w’ould catch him. P e o p le a r o u n d th e w o rld w atched on live telev isio n as the 17-year-old stu d en t escap ed the C o lu m bine H igh S chool ram page by tu m bling out o f a library w in ­ dow and into the arm s o f police. “ It w as the shortest w ay dow n, o u t,” Ireland said Friday, sitting in a w h eelchair betw een his parents. "1 felt confident that th e re ’d be som e­ one there to catch m e.” It was the first time he has spoken publicly since the April 20 massacre that left 15 dead, including the two student gunmen, and 22 others injured. “W e know that everyone has been w ondering w hat happened to the boy in the w indow , and h e ’s doing really, really w ell, said Ireland s opened fire, “1 closed my eyes,” he said. Ireland w as shot once in the right foot and tw ice on the left side o f his head, suffering neurological dam age that m im ics a stroke. The extent o f perm anent dam age isn’t known. “T his is a very rem arkable, brave y o u n g m a n ,” s a id D r. A la n W eintraub, adding that Ireland is m other, K athy. Ireland knew o f gunmen Eric Hams, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17. but was not acquainted with them. W hen they m aking a steady recovery. Ireland occasionally has muscle spasm s in his leg. The m ost difficult aspect o f his therapy is speech and reading because “the words get mixed up in my head som etim es and I’m not sure o f all o f the m eanings,” he said. During a hospital news conference, Ireland stopped occasionally to confer with his parents before he answered questions in a strong, clear voice. “ I d on’t really rem em ber all o f it,” he said. “ I ’m still trying to piece together the events that happened.” H e adm itted he feels a “ little bit” o f anger, but has not given it m uch thought. A nd he is eager to return to school, yet unsure how he w ill react. Mrs. Ireland said she and her hus­ band, John, did n ’t realize the boy in the w indow was Patrick until they saw a a video video ot o f the saw the rescue rescue three mree days uays after the attack. “I felt, and I think John did too, that there w asn’t any reason to consider that might be Patrick because we knew he was paralyzed and we couldn timag- ine that,” she said “ I didn’t picture it happening that way. When we did see it, w e knew immediately it was him. Four other students rem ained hos­ pitalized Friday, two in serious co n ­ dition and one in fair condition. The fourth was undergoing rehabilitation. M eanw hile, 13 w ooden crosses erected at Clem ent Park in m em ory o f the victim s will have to com e dow n again. Religious symbols aren t allow ed in such a public space, said E die H ylton, m anager o f the F oot­ hills Park and Recreation D istrict. Illinois carpenter G reg Z anis ini­ tially erected 15 crosses, including tw o for the gunmen. Those w ere tom dow n and Zanis rem oved the rest. He put them back up this w eek after the controversy died dow n, but park m anagers say they will have to be rem oved — a declaration that “ shocked” Zanis. “ I’ve gotten 80 letters from people saying how important the crosses are to the healing process,” he said. Amy Fisher Gets Parole A fter 7 Years ■ ■ B> MARC HUMBERT © T he A ssociated P ress A L B A N Y , N.Y. (M ay 6) - Amy Fisher, w ho at 16 becam e the tab­ loid headline "L o n g Island Lolita after shooting her lover s w ife in the head, w as granted parole today after nearly seven years in prison. Officials said she would be released w'ithin one week from the western New York prison where she is being held. " S h e ’s been served (w ith the de­ cision) this m orning and granted re­ lease,” state Parole Board spokes- m an Thom as G rant said. The three-m em ber parole panel, w hich interview ed Ms. Fisher on Tuesday, voted 2-1 to free her, ac­ cording to Grant. He said the board has ordered her release by a w eek from today from A lbion state prison. She could be let out sooner. Grant said. Ms. Fisher shot Mary Jo Buttafuoco, then 37, in the head at the front door o f the Buttafuoco hom e on N ew Y ork’s Long Island in 1992. She had been having sex with Mrs. Buttafuoco's hus­ band, Joey, a 38-year-old business­ man who later served six months in jail for statutory rape for the affair. The teen was sentenced to five to 15 years in prison for first-degree assault. A judge last m onth agreed to give her a shorter prison sentence, making her eligible for release if the parole board agreed. Ms. Fisher had argued she was denied effective legal coun­ sel w hen she initially pleaded guilty. D uring a court appearance last m onth, Ms. F ish erto o k resp o n sib il­ ity for the shooting and apologized to M rs. B uttafuoco. " W h a t h ap p e n ed to you - it w a sn ’t y o u r h u sb a n d ’s fault ... It w asn ’t m y fath er’s fault. It w as my fault and I ’m so rry ,” she said. Mrs. B uttafuoco said her faith in God allowed her to forgive the woman who seriously w ounded her. The two corresponded for several m onths. The Buttafuocos now live in Los Angeles, where Buttafuoco has been a cable television talk show host. The case inspired several television movies. lnastatem ent,M s. Fisher’sm other. Rose Fisher, said she had ‘ ’prayed and waited for this momenttoarrive. Know­ ing my daughter is coming hom e is the best M other’s Day gift I could wish for. " I a m looking forw ard to holding her in my arm s, telling her I love her, and getting started on the rest o f our lives together,” Mrs. Fisher added. Mother Charged in Daughter’s Death © T he A ssociated P ress O R L A N D O , F la. (A P ) — A w om an w ho sa id she w as en rag ed that h er 8 -y e a r-o ld d a u g h te r w et h er p ants w as ch arg ed S un d ay w ith b ea tin g th e g irl to d ea th w ith a b ase b a ll bat. A nita Sim m ons, 36, told investi­ gators she hit the girl eight or nine tim es on the head and shoulders Sat­ urday morning. Six siblings also were hom e at the time. “T he m other indicated to the in­ vestigators that the child was wetting her pants at the age o f 8, and that infuriated her,” said O range County S h e riffs Sgt. Bernard Presha. S im m o n s ’ b o y frie n d . D arry l T h o m as, 3 1 , c a lle d for help w hen he g o t h o m e sh o rtly b efo re m id ­ n ig h t, at le ast 13 h o u rs la ter, a u ­ th o ritie s said. The girl, Causla N icole Glover, w as pronounced dead early Sunday, Presha said. M s. S im m ons faced a b ail h ear­ ing M onday on a seco n d -d eg ree m u rd er charge. $100,000 POWERBALL WINNERS! No Charges for Police Shooters r ’V mained unconscious throughout and Bi ANTHONY BREZNIi AN © T he A ssociated P ress RIV ERSID E,Calif. (A P )— Four police officers acted in haste and in error, but were justified in shooting an unresponsive, arm ed young black w om an found sitting in a car, the district attorney said. The death o f Tyisha Miller, 19, in December led to allegations that the officers — three whites and a Hispanic — were racists. Religious leaders, civil rights activists and residents o f River­ side, 60 miles east o f Los Angeles, protested the shooting at town hall meetings, vigils and marches. D istrict A tto rn ey G ro v er T rask said T h u rsd ay the o fficers m ay h av e acted h astily and m ade m is­ tak es in ju d g m en t, b ut they did not act crim in ally . M iller’s relatives were angry with the decision. “ It is sickening and it is sad,” said the Rev. Bem ell Butler, a cousin. “Police officers are able to m urder and it. U 11U get 1 aw ’’ ay with ' never reached for the gun. Ms. M iller had pulled into a gas A coroner’s report indicated all station parking lot w ith a flat tire. the bullets entered her body from the Relatives w ho arrived to help her back, proving that she was n ot lying said they called police after Ms. down when she was shot, Trask said. M iller appeared to be having a sei­ Her loaded gun was never fired. Ms. zure and w as foam ing at the mouth. M iller was hit by 12 o fth e 23 bullets. T h e o ffic e rs fo u n d th e ca r still Four struck her in the head. ru n n in g , w ith the rad io an d lights T o x ico lo g y tests sh o w ed M s. on. In sid e, M s. M iller w as u n re­ M iller had a b lo o d -alco h o l level sp o n siv e, ly in g on the fully re ­ o f . 13 p ercen t. A d riv er in C a lifo r­ c lin e d d riv e r’s seat w ith a gun in nia is leg ally in to x ica ted at .08 h er lap. T h e o ffic ers w ere unable percent. T ests also d e te c te d m a ri­ to aw a k en h er by b an g in g on the ju a n a resid u e. w in d o w s, sh in in g lig h ts o r sh a k ­ The officers’ plan to break in the ing the car, T ra sk said. window o f her locked car to get the W hen an officer tried to break the gun out o f her lap may have been a d river’s side w indow w ith a baton mistake, but did not reach the level o f and reach for the gun, Ms. M iller sat crim inal conduct, Trask said. It was up, lifted a pager and stared at the a judgm ent call and it w as probably cop, w ho backed aw ay, T rask said. a m istake in their judgm ent,” he said. O ne officer yelled at the others to In Sacram ento, A ttorney G eneral hold their fire, and the w om an lay Bill Lockyer endorsed T rask ’s deci­ dow n again, Trask said. W hen she sion, but said he would investigate rose up again and appeared to reach reports o f “racial insensitivity and for the gun, the officers all fired, the even racial hostility” w ithin the Riv­ prosecutor said. erside Police Department. Fam ily m em bers contend she re- ? f-. 7 , M I i ’ - ’- * *** \ ’ »♦ r . *• I* < •• Volunteers to Help ■ ■ M B f S JL = Tornado V ic tim s HOOD HOOD RIVER, RIVER, OREGON OREGON — — A A Red Cross volunteer on her way to OklahomaCity to help tornado victims says she expects it’ll take a while for the loss to sink in. Susan Hoffman from the town o f Hood River says victur victims are in shock after powerful winds flat­ tened sections o f Oklahoma. Hoffman has volunteered at several disaster sites, and says she knows ‘ 'they really haven ’ t <»* • come to realize exactly what all they’ve lost orw hat all thatthey still face.” And in spite o f her experience, she says from what she’s seen on T V , this one looks overwhelming. Crime Dip Credited On Tough Sentences SA LEM , O R EG O N — The sp o n so r o f O re g o n ’s to u g h crim e se n ten cin g law say the law has cau sed a h ealthy drop in O re g o n ’s crim Rep- V I l l l i v e I rate. U i v . Salem R epublican --------------------- r re se n ta tiv e K evin M annix say s o v era ll crim e is dow n m o re th an six -p erc en t from a y ear ago. S ta ­ tis tic s from the Law E n fo rcem en t D ata System also show that crim es th ro u g h a co m m ittee o v er the o b ­ je c tio n s o f a re lu c ta n t ch airm an . C o m m ittee m em b er R e p re se n ta­ tiv e L y n n L u n d q u ist su p p o rts the b ill— sa y in g he th in k s th e b ill w o u ld lessen th e p o te n tia l to h av e gu n s in crim in al h an d s. B ut o p p o ­ V ag ain st p eo p le h av e d ro p p e d m ore than th ree -p e rc en t w h ile crim es ag ain st p ro p erty h av e sh o w n an eig h t- p erc en t d ecrease. •n--. •Sc » More Hurdles for Background Checks S A L E M , O R E G O N — G un- b u y ers in O reg o n can cu rren tly av o id a b ack g ro u n d -ch eck if they b u y firearm s at a g u n -sh o w , b ut th at co u ld change. B ackers o f a b ill to ex ten d b ack g ro u n d ch eck s to gun show s m an ag ed to p u sh it J--. p n ents. in clu d in g the O re g o n G un- O w ners A sso c iatio n , sa y the b ill goes too far. T he b ill’s o p p o n en ts co u ld sen d it to an o th e r c o m m it­ tee— red u c in g the ch a n c e th at it w ould ev en get to the full H ouse o f • iu •"-jiZY R ep resen tativ es. Psychologist Recounts Balkan Trauma PORTLAND, OREGON — A p sy ch o lo g ist ju st returned from A l­ b a n ia w h ere he helped refu g ees in th e w arrin g B alkans get m ental h ealth c o u n sellin g . The em o tio n al trau m a for the refu g ees w as so c le a r th at a group o f P o rtlan d - b ased m edical d o cto rs took a p sy ­ ch o lo g ist for the first tim e on one o f its m issio n s to a d isa ste r area. D r. Jo h n Fazio (F A Y -zee-o h ) says i t ’ll get m ore d iffic u lt for the re fu ­ gees em o tio n ally as they realize th a t th ey m ig h t n ev e r retu rn to the life th ey knew . Dr. F azio say s th e re 's so m uch su ffe rin g in the refu g ee cam p s that it tak es w ork to keep from b eco m in g so co ld to it that it d o e s n 't reg ister. D r. F azio is a so cial science p ro fe sso r at W arn er P acific C ollege. Here are just a few of the 146 Oregon Powerball $100,000 winners who know just how fun it is to win playing Oregon Lottery Powerball! 1 i *