A. May 12,1999 Focus Stye T H EATER M ovies N ightly In A Galaxy Far, Far Away... w it h His name was Darth Vader. But before he fell to the dark side, before an entire galaxy trem bled in his shadow, he was known simply as Anakin Skywalker. This is the beginning of his story. At nine years old, Anakin Skywalker is a kind and hardworking boy, living as a slave on the desert planet Tatooine and dreaming of a better future. One day, a group of outlanders enters his world and changes it forever. Among them is Queen Amidala of Naboo. Fleeing the evil droid armies that have invaded her homeworld, the teenage Queen Amidala has put her life in the hands of Jedi Master Q ui-G onjinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. The two J ed i must safely spirit Amidala to the Galactic Senate, where she will seek aid for her people. But when the admission! Royal S ta rsh ip becom es stra n d ed on Tatooine, it is young Anakin Skywalker - recognized by Qui-Gon as being especially activities! strong in the Force - who becomes the Queen’s only hope of completing her mis­ FREE FREE FREE sion. Meanwhile, as the fate of an entire planet hangs in the balance, a mysterious and sin­ ister presence plots to obtain revenge on the Jedi and regain the power lost to his kind over a thousand years before. W eeken d M cM enam ins K ennedy School 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon w w w .m c m e n a m in s.c o m P o r tla n d A rt M useum FREE MUSEUM DAY! S U N D A Y , M A Y 23 Down mom the S hiirirerire S ky IÜRSHS or THE nnRTHWEST CüHST ■ Don't miss this free opportunity to see this magical exhibition of Native American masks. 10 am - 5 pm FUN! hi atin ees 2 8 8 -2 1 8 0 FREE Katin ■ ■ i'uunt I mk ‘.’. du H rd M For schedule & information call: music! Season S upporters May the Force Be with You! (Obseruer Also enjoy free Family Day activities inspired by the exhibition. North Wing, 1 pm - 5 pm For more information call 226-2811 This free admission day at the Portland A rt M useum is made possible throug h a generous grant from F O U N D A T IO N Portland A rt Museum 1219 SW Park Avenue Portland. Oregon 9720S www.pam.org '<3“; I Page 8 /---