Focus (Ftje ^ortlanì» ©beeruer . • » Page 7 Einstein's Bridge Area 51: The Reply (A M l B o o k 1999) May 12,1999 (Avon Books; 1997) B y R obert D oherty B y J ohn C ramer tivafo 519.99* THE MESSAGE FROM SPACE WE HAVE BEEN W AITING FOR HAS ARRIVED. FIRST ALIEN CONTACT? M fcu fc-r, OR IN V A S IO N ... Y o u r Cell u la r N O n a newborn twenty-first century, tunnels through space-time have connected our planet with hitherto unimagined alternate universes. A fter m any years, th e genius m inds w orking at the SSC project have reached out into the vast cosmos to achieve th e ir g rea test dream : contact. But w ith whom...or what? And at what cost? For some­ thing has received their message - an an­ cient, hostile entity searching for knowledge and life to absorb and annihilate; an entity that has now locked onto a faint, persistent signal em anating from a d istan t, uncom ­ monly fertile feeding ground...called Earth. I A N O V E L BY ROBERT DOHERT ^ P h o n e o r PaCjêf CREDIT CHECKS DEPOSITS TURNDOWNS HONE RECONNECTIONS 5 2-3 DAYS ■ Simply Cellular & Telephone 3939 NE Martin Luther King Blvd 280-8000 ‘ Airtime and service not included THE AUTHOR OF A R E A 51 AND THE R O C K rea 51 was the most secret A .place ’ in America but it was mly one piece in a puzzle that stretched from Egypt’s pyramids to the mysterious face on Mars... Part of a plan begun 5,000 years ago by those who had been here before. And are coming back. When scientist Lisa Duncan and Special Forces officer Mike Turcotte uncovered the stunning truth about Area 51 a “training area" on Nellis Air Force Base in N evada - they opened up a Pandora’s box kept hidden from the American public for fifty years. : T o o 10 L plained decades of UFO sightings and the most baffling mysteries of history from the Great Pyramid to Easter Island. But these findings were only the beginning. Now a signal had come in from outer space: our first contact with extraterrestrials. The message said they were coming. It didn’t say they had been here be­ fore... and left something behind But what waited deep within the Rift Valley of Ethiopia and inside an ancient Chinese tomb would determine Earth’s fate. The dawn­ ing of a new age. O r the destruc­ tion of us all... o cal . On Any Tuxedo Ren+at See your Mr. Formal prom rep to receive a dis­ count card w orth $20 OFF ANY TUXEDO RENTAL, Get into the tuxedo zone w ith over 70 o f the hottest tuxedo styles and over 100 different vests! ormaL M o v ie P it s : H amos 1.T ue M ummy 6. l o u e 2. Ê w rn .A P ’Mfc.NJT 7. C lE E (S G>£AUT(PUt- 3 . T Ï4£ MATftJX 8. U. M e VEO- G æen K is s to A fo o u r y o u 5. U lE E 10. IOT gimôs I H ate 9. G o Q usî - hnô T in 2oofux Hollywood 503-2S7-Í725 Wot valid with any other offer. for high reboot dancer only. Zootux quantifier are limited to order early, E xpira b/JO/99. Grand Ave. Jan+zen Beach 5 03-232-? 5^2 503-2^7-930?