Page 6 Just Add Water West em ana PAIRING TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME, P ortiand C enter S tage and hie N ew Y ork T heatre W orkshop are bringing J ust A dd WATEg/WEsr A P laywrights F ee 11VAI. TO PORTLAND, O REG O N. SCHEDULED M ay 2930 AT THE W lNNINGSTAD TlO, AIREATIH e P o KIT-AN d C e NTERKIR THE PER pt irming A rts J ust A dd W ater /W est will FOR FLA HIRE STAGED READINGS OF FOUR PI-AYS (ONE by P oritand resident , S usan M ach ). flprtlanfr ©bseruer Focus May 12,1999 & iH O R A I. S IN G E R S . T h e C hristm as Revels seeks per sons with choral singing ex­ perien ce to a u d itio n for th e a d u lt chorus for the 1999 C h ristm as Rev­ els, to be presen ted at the Scottish Rite T h e a te r D ecem ber 10, 11, 12, 14, an d 15. A uditio n s will be held M ay 22, 23, an d 24 at a location to be an n o u n ced . Now in its fifth year. th e R e v e ls h a s b e e n c a lle d “ P o rtla n d ’s Best F am ily -O rien ted H oliday E v en t,” a fully costum ed, tw o-hour com b in atio n of choral and in stru m en tal m usic, dance, and the- The Shadow Testament M ay 30, 4 PM W ritten by S us an M ach D irected by G retchen C orbe tt At the tu rn of the century in the Pacific Northwest, a 16-year-old girl recounts the haunting events that led to her placem ent on a m ental insti­ tution. An exam ination of the hu m an need to belong - and the con­ sequences of cult behavior. Lobster Alice M ay 29, 8 PM W r it t e n by K ira O DIDRECTOR b olensky , TBA An encounter between a young anim ator working on Disney’s Alice in W onderland in 1946 an d the sur­ ater draw n from b o th folk and com ­ posed trad itio n s o f w inter celebra­ tion. T h e 1999 C hristm as Revels will take audiences to m edieval France. W eekly rehearsals for this all-volun teer cast will be­ gin in S eptem ber and culm inate in s e v e n tic k e te d shows in Decern ber. To obtain in ­ fo rm a tio n ab o u t th e a d u lt a u d i­ tions in May a n d / or children’s audi­ tio n s in S ep tem ­ ber, call the Rev­ els In f o rm a tio n L in e , 224-7411, a n d le a v e y o u r nam e and phone num ber. realist artist Salvador Dali is a m ind spinning blend of absurdity, genius, tem ptation, and desire. Back to Baka M ay 30, 4 PM W ritten by J udith A lexa J ackson D irected by E lizabeth H uddle A witty arsenal of many voices - in mime, dance, and m asks - moves through time and space to tell the story of a middle-aged women’s voyage of self- discovery in the African rain forest Some of the Christmas Revels medieval chorus sing a tavern song. Fighting Words M ay 29, 4 PM W ritten by S unil K utuvilla , tor oe f h - $ ?>■ A h ' direc ­ TBA T he m achism o of boxing looks very different outside the ring. W hen a Welsh boxer travels to the U.S. to fight for the worid bantamweight title, the w om en left behind m ust cope with the shocking repercussions of I KMHO - « > , Af 1 FM the match. F or ticket information , P ortland C enter S tage box 503/274-6588. c a ij . the office at The Straw Boys fool brings Sir Patrick back to life with a holly branch in the 1998 Christmas Revels. Sweet Honey In The Rock CIVIC a u d ito riu m Saturday, May 22 8:00 PM all FASTIXX outlets PCPA box office or by phone 224-8499 Sign language interpreted Hj[zllHlfaJRJfaJraliHlfglllQ| pi «*» n ft.’1’ Ever«j Sendag 6 p.m. t e 1® p.m. N e w Age And L ig h t Werfd B e a t Rhgthms