.V . ■*' ■■ J» • .* i i • - ■< Focus îh e JforiUrofr ©baeruer M a y 1 2 ,1 9 9 9 Page 5 H akim andJ-M ack (Hip H op) and Bruce prom oters for local, national and inter­ C onte (Sm ooth Jazz). T h e partnership national talents. M cC ann’s experience and involvement with renown perform ­ has proven to be professionally and per­ sonally fulfilling for M cCann. ers like Kenny Cl,Jeff Lorber and U-Krew has crossed over well to serve as head of m arketing and prom otions for Letken s Talent Show label. Lucky Records. Currently, he is pro­ m oting Dennis Springer (Smooth Jazz), does not have a big m arket base for Hip A ccording to M c C a n n , “ P ortland H op artists to showcase their talents ” H e credits / this town as having a “hot ï I bed” of talent waiting to z • b e re co g n ize d . U n d e r­ standing this, he has re­ quested the help of Tony W ash in g to n (from the P o rtla n d O b se rv e r) to host a talent show event this Fall. T hey endeavor to seek out the best bud­ d in g a r tis ts , o ffe rin g prizes like a trip for two to H a w a ii fro m T ony W ashington and a poten­ tial re c o rd in g contract with Lucky Records. staff. Adam Zack (Talent buyer), Sage Scully (Publicity) and Lowell Members of the Double Tee McGregor (Production). Not pictured are Liz Collran and Kathy Goranson. F o r m o re in fo rm a ­ tio n re g a rd in g the u p ­ ton at 503/288-0033 c o m in g t a l e n t sh o w , o r Steve M c C a n n at c o n ta ct T ony W ashing- 503/248-1988. S teve M cCann is the P ro m o tio n and Marketing Director of Lucky Records currently prom oting lo ca l a rtis ts like Hakim and J-Mack (Hip Hop), Shamir (Reggae), Billy Bradford (Vocalist) and Patrick Lamb (Smooth Jazz). He will be hosting a Portland talent show this fall as a scouting opportunity. Come S ee Mark ^(IHE McMenamins DY SCHO V o V i EVEN TS M ary K a d er ly Thursday, May 6 at 7:00pm in the Gymnasium T h e J im M esi B a n d If you can’t Thursday, May 13 at 7:00pm in the Gymnasium come see T h e S te v e B r a d le y Thursday, May 20 at 7:00pm in the Gymnasium us today - Don’t worry C r a ig C a r o th e r s S o n g w r ite r s in th e R o u n d about it... Sunday, May 30 at 7:30pm in the Gymnasium $7 Cover ...Because w ell always save you money! 7807 SE 82nd Open 7 Days a Week!! 8:30 au . - 6:30 p.u. . >Vz. f>[ USE» TIKE K1MC | M c M e n a m in s K e n n e d y S ch o o l 5736 NE 33rd • Portland, Oregon • (503) 249-3985 Not happy with the bus? Come roll with us! All ages welcome • No cover charge unless noted