Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 12, 1999, Page 20, Image 20

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Page 4
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May 12,1999
Leiken has been instrumental in at
tracting sought-after entertainers for
over twenty years. He has managed to
ajor m usical artists are
bring in top draws like Seal, Tina
arriving to the Rose City
to entertain in this year’s Turner, Grover Washington Jr., Rob­
new concert season. Thanks to ert
the Cray
pro­ Band and many other greats.
motional efforts of Dave Leiken, Port­ As a rule, he promotes concerts that
By Joy Ramos
land has earned its status as a “hot
spot” for these entertainers to perform.
all people would like.
David Leiken has remained true and
“fixed" in developing Portland’s
music scene. His long-time friend
and business associate, Steve
McCann (from Denver, CO.) was
lured to this city to join him in that
effort. They continue to maintain a
long friendship and shared history
together as independent concert
Continued on next page.
Evening starts at the Water Front Pilsner room at 6:00 p.m.
then a stretch limo ride to Berbatl's for the red carpet
treatment. (VIP guest only)
VIP tickets available at: Music Millennium (both locations)
Waves Hair Design, Geneva's Salon, Comm Plus Wireless,
Mid 'K' Beauty Supply, Berbatl's Pan, The Print Shop or call
Tickets are $20 and Tax Deductible
General Admission $10 at Berbatl's door 9 p . m . - 2 a . m . 50%
off net proceeds benefit the Children's Fund for The
Raphael House.
For more information call 449-3192.
David Leiken is the owner of Rosemont Theatre, Double
Tee Promotions, Fastixx and Lucky Records.
sfyanb *T¿¿ether!
'T9 ^benefit fHanbs On ^PortLanb
n a t y p ic a l fo u r h o u r s , the Bottle B lon des, a 12-piece
H an d s O n Portland (H O P) L atin/sw in g band, lead the fes­
tivities at the R o selan d T h e ­
vo lu n teers can w eather-proof
an elderly p erson ’s hom e, clear ater. Ja m e y H am pton & T h e
a tr a il, p re p a re a n im a ls for E s se n tia ls , a ja z z -fu sio n en ­
ad o p tion , serve m eals to the se m b le , b e g in th e ev en in g .
hom eless, plan t a com m unity D oors open at 7 PM and mu­
g a r d e n o r g u id e a c r e a tiv e sic start at 8 PM. T ick ets are
p roject for kids. But for four $ 1 0 in a d v a n c e by c a llin g
hours on May 20, H O P volun­ H a n d s O n P o rtla n d at 5 0 3 /
teers - and the general public 234-3581 or F astixx at 1-800-
- will take off their work caps 992-8499, and $15 at the door.
and put on their dan cing shoes All proceeds benefit H ands On
for Band Together!, a party to P o rtlan d ’s m ission o f bu ildin g
celebrate volunteerism. All pro­ the com m unity through volun­
ceeds benefit HOP, which m o­ teer service. T h e event is open
bilizes team s of volunteers on to anyone age 21 and older.
F o r m o re in fo r m a t io n
diverse service projects that are
“done in a day” and have a d i­ about Band Together!, volun­
rect and ongoing im pact on the teering with H O P or designing
a new p roject, please call HOP
com m unity.
Portland favorites Pepe and at 503/234-3581.
Godhead and Ass X
Hands on Portland Benefit
Monday, May 17th- 8 pm
A ll A ges
P e p e & T h e B o ttle B lo n des
Jamey Hampton & The Essentials
Thursday, May 20,h - 8 pm
W ilc o
Friday, May 21st- 9 pm
Monqui Presents
21 & O ver
H.R. (H u m a n Rights) of Bad Brains
Hungry Mob, Signified Monkey
Saturday, May 22nd - 9 pm
V an illa Ic e
Sunday, May 23rd - 8 pm
A ll A ges
A ll A ges
F ro n tlin e A s s e m b ly
Switchblade Symphony
Tuesday, May 25th- 8 pm
21 & O ver