Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 12, 1999, Page 2, Image 2

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May 12,1999
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Shooting At Wood Village
Green Apartments
At 5:50 p.m. May 8, 1999, the
M ultnom ah County S h e riff s O f­
fice received a call regarding shots
at the W ood V illage G reen A part­
ments. W hen deputies arrived on
the scene, they discovered Jose
Feliz running dow n A rata Road
away from a car he has w recked a
The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with
Crim e Stoppers, is asking for your help in locating
and apprehending G ene M ichael Smith. Felony
arrest w arrants are on file charging Sm ith with Pa­
role V iolation and Assault.
G ene M ichael Sm ith is described as a 24-year-old
w hite m ale, w ith a date ot birth o t A pril 7, 1975.
Smith is 6 ’4" tall, w eighing 235 pounds, w ith brown
hair and brow n eyes. He has num erous tattoos and
has also used the alias ot Jason M ichael \ \ hitehouse.
Smith is a know n gang member and has lived in
N orth and Southeast Portland in addition to Salem.
Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard ot up to
$1,000 for inform ation, reported to Crim e Stoppers,
which leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved
felony crim e, and you need not give your name. C all
Crim e Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP
dren w ere hom e at the time. A
friend o f defendant 35-year old
C a ro ly n E xum a lso has b e e n
charged in the case, but it’s not
clear what role police believe Allen
Driver Only Has Permit
B row ning played in the killing.
Exum told police she heard a sound
from the den one day in M arch,
and found her 39-year old hu s­
band, W illiam , in a pool o f blood.
Murder Investigation Closes Park
Portland police say part o f a large
park in the city will rem ain roped-
o ff until the scene o f the murders is
investigated. Two bodies w ere
found in the park Friday... one
only about ten-feet from a popular
trail. Police spokesw om an Cheryl
K anzler says officers found the
second body w hile investigating
the first. She says police could
have more inform ation today about
the victim s and how they died.
Gun-Owners Discard Firearms
dreds o f Oregon residents are turn­
ing in guns they don’t want around
their homes anymore. Among the
350 guns handed in to a group called
Ceasefire Oregon this weekend were
an Uzi and six sawed-off shotguns.
The total was fewer than it’s been in
earlier years, but Ceasefire Oregon
spokeswoman Jean Morton says sig­
view ed by detectives. Rochin has
been taken to Em anuel Hospital
where he is in stable condition.
Caesar Rochin was bom on Febru­
ary 25, 1979. An exact birth date for
Jose Feliz is not known at this time.
He is approximately 30 years old.
Traffic Accident Involving Three Teens
Murder Charges Filed Against Wife
w om an who called police to report
her husband had been murdered
has been charged w ith killing him.
Police say the co u p le ’s four chil­
the scene. D eputies found C aesar
Ricardo Rochin w ith a gun shot
w ound to the chest.
Rochin and Feliz are brother-
in-law s and apparently w ere in­
volved in an argum ent. Feliz was
arrested and is now being inter­
nificant consciousness has been
raised about gun-violence since the
shooting rampage in Littleton, Colo­
rado. The group will continue its
collection effort next weekend.
At approxim ately 12 noon on
May 6,1999, three teen-agers were
involved in a traffic accident at
302nd and Roork Road. The teens
were speeding and lost control o f
their vehicle as they turned a cor­
ner. The car rolled as a result.
None o f the people in the ve-
lacks, Whites Differ Greatly
on Opinion of Police
AP W ire S ervice
HAMDEN, Conn. (AP) _ There
is a significant difference in how
blacks and whites in Connecticut view
the way police do their jobs, accord­
ing to a new poll.
The Quinnipiac College poll re­
leased Thursday found that 77 per­
cent o f the white voters surveyed
approved of the job police are doing
statewide while only 36 percent of
black voters approved.
The poll found that among white
voters, 60 percent see police as
friends, but only 26 percent o f the
black respondents see police as
The poll director said the huge
gap could be the result, in part, o f the
recently highly publicized incidents
involving black suspects shot by
while 48 percent say police treat ev­
eryone else the same.
However, when black voters are
asked the same question, 88 percent
said police are tougher on blacks
while only 9 percent say police treat
white police officers.
When asked about police in their
own communities, 88 percent o f white
voters approve o f the job the locals
are doing, while 55 percent o f black
voters approve.
When asked about police officers
statewide, 37 percent o f white voters
say police are tougher on blacks,
everyone the same.
Quinnipiac College surveyed 649
state residents form April 26-May 2,
who said they are registered voters
and there was a supplemental sample
o f 71 black voters.
The poll has a margin o f error o f
plus or minus 3.7 percent.
Teenager Discourages Toy Guns
Portland teenager is taking a unique
approach to discouraging gun use.
Cody Hill became an anti-gun ac­
tivist two years ago when he saw
School; his name w ill be released
pending contact w ith his family.
T h e p a s s e n g e r s w e re J u s tin
P a lm b la d , DOB F eb ru ary 14,
1984, and Ryan Holtman, DOB
July 21, 1981. Both are students at
Sam Barlow.
h id e were wearing a seat belt. The
driver o f the car only had a learner’s
perm it and no adult was in the car.
Two o f the teens were taken to
OHSU and one was taken to Kaiser
Sunnyside for evaluation.
The driver o f the car is a form er
student from Sam Barlow High
someone get shot. Hill, now 15, has
organized a gun exchange program
for kids. Instead o f turning in real
guns, the program encourages kids
to trade in their toy guns. In return
for plastic firearms, children can
get sports equipment, art supplies.
Legos, and books.
Third Annual Sturgeon Festival
The third annual Sturgeon Fes­
tival at the c ity ’s W ater Resources
Education C enter is scheduled Sat­
urday, M ay 22, from 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. The festival features enter­
tainment, food, prizes and activi­
ties for all ages. New this year is the
W atershed Congress, a presenta­
tion o f w ater quality projects by
local students. Festival visitors can:
• W atch am azing birds o f prey
courtesy o f Hawk Haven
• T est their knowledge o f salmon
and sturgeon at Salmon in Jeopardy
• See and feel insects and rep­
tiles w ith Creature Features.
• W atch the Bridge o f the Gods
puppet show by the Tears o f Joy
• M eet Eartha the Clown and
her parrot
• D iscover w hat sturgeon eat at
the Sturgeon diner.
• Have fun at the Gummy W orm
Feeding Frenzy
• Try to catch the right size
sturgeon at K eepers or Not
The “Sturgeon General,” John
DeVore, will talk about w hat's new
in the world o f sturgeon. Leam about
the rare animals that inhabit the Co­
lumbia River ecosystem and the
plight o f the W estern Pond Turtles.
Home Run
Michael Piper Receives
Pathfinder Award
Honor recognizes public adm in­
istrators w ho have instituted inno­
vative program s
M ichael C. Piper, d irector o f
C lark C o u n ty ’s D ep artm en t o f
C om m unity Services and C orrec­
tions, has been selected to receive
this y e a r’s P ath fin d er A w ard from
the W ashington R esearch C oun­
cil. The aw ard honors and recog­
nizes outstanding non-elected pub­
lic adm inistrators who have insti­
tu ted in n o v ativ e program s that
have substan tially im proved qual­
ity o f service while reducing costs.
Piper will o fficially receive the
aw ard at the W ashington Research
C o u n cil’s annual m eeting on June
3 in Seattle.
In announcing Piper’s selection,
the Pathfinder A w ards C om m ittee
cited his enterprising use o f com ­
munity partnerships, as well as his
realistic and creative appraisal o f
the best role o f government in ser­
vice delivery. The announcement
state, "W e believe his efforts and
Clark C ounty’s approach to com ­
munity services and corrections
provide a model for administrators
and local governments to em ulate.”
Piper has been instrumental in
helping the community articulate
its vision for social services, par­
ticularly family and youth services.
In working toward the goal o f ef­
fective, innovative programs, he en­
courages partners to put their re­
sources on the table so they can be
reused in new and different ways;
illustrates the pow er o f thinking
about systems; empowers people
at all levels o f an organization to
make change and to work toward
the next level o f change.
O ne recent outcom e o f P iper’s
leadership has been a five-year
$6.5 m illion grant toC lark County
from the U S. D e p a rtm e n t o f
H ealth and Human Services. The
grant is provided to develop a co­
ordinated, seam less system o f care
for children at risk. Building on
C lark C o unty’s history o f innova­
tive com m unity and public-private
partnerships, it involves the col­
laboration o f 17 separate entities.
The system o f care is expected to
serve as a national model.
T h e W a s h in g to n R e se a rc h
C ouncil, based in Seattle, is a pri­
vate nonprofit organization de­
voted to public policy research.
Its prim ary purpose is to serve its
m em bers and the public by pro­
moting effective public policy and
efficient governm ent through in­
dependent and objective fiscal
analysis o f im portant policy ques­
tions and through broad com m u­
nication o f its findings.
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Second City Flyer Arrives This Month
The second ed itio n o f the new
C ity Flyer will appear in city wa-
ter/sew er b ills as o f M ay 3. The
form er eight-p ag e n ew sletter was
redesigned to a one-page tri-fold
w hich fits into u tility bills and
saves the city postage costs. The
redesign allow s the publication to
be printed six tim es a year. Ar-
ticles are focused on custom er ser­
vice and include inform ation about
V ancouver Farmers M arket, the
N e ig h b o rh o o d P a in t P rogram ,
Com m unity Policing, Salm on Re­
covery efforts, and a Y2K update.
Additional copies o f the publi­
cation can be picked up at Marshall,
Luepke and Bagley centers. City
Hall, Citizens Service Center, Clark
Public U tilities office, the utilities
office at 2323 General Anderson,
East Police Precinct at 1201 Tech
Center Dr. and Central Precinct at
2800 Stapleton Rd
For m ore details contact Bar­
bara C rest, Publications Services
M anager at 696-8016.
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