(The IJortlanì» ©baeruer Focus Focus A S U P P L E M E N T OF P o rtlan d (©bseruer Publisher Chuck Washington Regal C in em a s th e a tre has been ets for show tim es up to fo u r w eeks in selected to show S tar Wars: E pisode I advance. We regret th at we are u n ab le T h e P h a n to m M enace on five screens to accept passes o r d isco u n t tickets of in P ortland: Lloyd C inem as, Eastgate, any k in d for adm ission to this m ovie D ivision, S tark, a n d T eeguarden. T h e for th e first eight weeks. m ovie will be show n in W ednesday, T h e first show ing o f S ta r W ars: M ay 19. T h is m ean s 20111 C e n tu ry Eox E pisode I T h e P h a n to m M enace at a n d L ucasF ilm , L td ., are c o n fid e n t o u r th e a tre will be a special show at th at we will provide the best sound and 12:01 A M W ednesday m o rn in g , May visual p re se n ta tio n for this movie. T h e term s of o u r agreem ent w ith day night. May 18.) T h is is d u e to the Fox a n d L ucasF ilm allow us to start overw helm ing interest in seeing this selling tickets W ednesday, May 12, at m ajor m ovie attraction of the sum m er. 3 PM E astern D aylight T im e. Each cu sto m e r m ay purchase up to 12 tick­ 19, (one m in u te after m id n ig h t T ues­ The R e g al C in e m a s w e b site (www.regalcinemas.com) will list all our Editor Larry J. Jackson, Sr. Director o f Advertising Tony Washington Copy Editor Joy Ramos Creative Director Heather Fairchild 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 503-288-0033 theatres nationw ide playing this film Regal C inem as is the world s largest along with inform ation on each theatre’s m o tio n p ic tu re e x h ib ito r, o p e ra tin g show tim es a n d advance ticket sales. 3,821 screens in 411 theatres in 32 states. Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: news@ portlandobserver.net I )( cullili« Happy 6,h Birthday S H O W T IM E S : Thursday, June 24"' at 7:00 pm Friday, June 25'" at 1 TOO am Saturday, June 26th 11 00 am & 3 00 pm I» '1 Sunday, June 27' at 2 00 pm s u b m i tt e d m a l n i a l www.rosequarter com Articles: Friday by 5 p m . Ads: Monday by Noon CALL ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 n i x T T i r ' » * C 1 KXS ‘• ’ » w o » «WP on*» M f ICW A FRANK roc»*-«» Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ TREATSEATS T IC K E T O U C O U N T i tographs can be returned if ac­ stamped envelope. the sole property of the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written con­ ■ ■ Coupcwn .•» O' »»•« w "t V«*« Taigit Guest C*«d «V» »!■»*««•••* • companied by a self-addressed All created display ads become Q ■ WsV/zcZr/ » H O P P l » Q TOW N Kwasi Spears sent of the general manager, From your Bro OuPree unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. I*** Tkt ParSud Otaarvar tv « » ® « VANCOUVER MEMORIAL COLISEUM June 24—27 Tickets available at the Rose Quarter Ticket Office and all Ticketmaster outlets