Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 12, 1999, Page 14, Image 14

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    M a y 12, 1999
Linneman Pump Station
Control System Upgrade
Notice To Contractors
Hie No. 1.15-3.2
Sealed bids for the construction of the
Sealed proposals will be received by the Department of Environ­
mental Services, 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon
97030, until Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 10:00 a.m., local time, a
which time they will be opened in Conference Room 2A, for the
Linneman Pump Station Control System Upgrade.
Water System Improvements
for the City of Butte Falls,
Butte Falls, Oregon; Jackson County;
will be received by the City of Butte Falls until
2:00 P.M., Thursday, June 3, 1999.
Bids submitted prior to open.ng are to be de'ivered to: City
Recorder; City of Butte Falls, P.0. Box 268, 431 Broad Street, Butte
FalB,dOoS n?ng7^
The major items include, but are not limited to, the following.
• Installation o f new PLC, control circuits and panel, float
switches, ultrasonic level sensor.
• Removal o f existing wiring, conduits, etc.
2be conducted in the Butte ™ ls Community
Building, 525 Main Street, Butte Falls, Oregon. Sealed bi s wi
p u S opened and read aloud at 2:15 P.M., on June 3. 1999.
The project may be generally described as follows:
Schedule "A"
1 2 ” PVC Waterline.................2,590 Linear Fee
1 0 ” PVC Waterline.................. 385 Linear Feet
8 ” PVC Waterline.................... 7,395 Linear Fee
6 ” PVC Waterline.....................2,710 Linear Fee
4 ” PVC Waterline..................... 1,295 Linear Fe
Construction of a 0.5 million gallon precast prestressed or glass-
fused-to-steel bolted ground storage potable reservoir including
sitework and site planning. Include an alternate bid for con®Jruc
of a 0 3 million gallon reservoir instead of the larger one. Construe
Son also indudes chlorination building upgrades, and electnca
control and monitoring improvements and will require the removal o
tw o smaller concrete reservoirs.
Drawings and specifications may be seen at the Office of HGE
inc., Architects, Engineers, Surveyors &Planne; s:
P s
Coos Bay, Oregon 97420: and at the following locations.
City of Butte Falls................Butte Falls, Oregon
HGE Inc., 19 N.W. 5th Avenue.............Portland, Oregon
Construction Data W est................ Portland, Oregon
Construction Data Wilsonville.......Wilsonville, Oregon
Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center......Portland, Oregon
Dodge Scan Reports................................. Wilsonville, Oregon
Douglas County Plan Center........ Roseburg, Oregon
Eugene Builders Exchange............ Eugene, Oregon
Grants Pass Builders Exchange.................Grants Pass, Oregon
Medford Builders Exchange....................Medford, Oregon
Oregon Contractors Plan Center...............Clackamas, Oregon
Central Oregon Builders Exchange............. Bend, Oregon
Construction Bulletin.................................... Bend' Oree°
One copy of the Contract Documents may be obtain®b b*
prospective Bidders of cash or check in the amount of $100.00
made payable to the Engineer. Deposit made upon procurement o
drawings, specifications, and forms of contract documents w ill be
non-refundable. Individual sheets and specification pages may be
purchased for the cost of reproduction: Drawings $2.00 per sheet;
Specifications $0.25 per sheet.
Bidders m ust prequalify with Owner (under ORS 279.039), o
Standard Oregon Review Board prequalification forms, for the class
of work to be encountered in the project, at least ten (10) days prior
to bid opening. Prequalification forms may be obtained from the
Engineer and should be submitted to the Owner (City of Butte Falls)
via the Engineer (HGE Inc., Architects, Engineers, Surveyors &
Planners - Coos Bay). If a prequalification form is on file w ith the
Engineer and is not over one year old, refiling is not necessary unless
there has been a substantial change in Contractor's status.
Work included in this project is for public work^subject.to the
Oregon Prevailing Wage Rate Laws (ORS 279.348 to 2 79-363J-
Bidders attention is directed to the requirements of employment and
minimum wage rates to be paid. No bid will be considered or received
by the City of Butte Falls unless the bid contains a statement by the
bidder as part of its bid that the provisions required by ORS 279.350
are to be complied with. Requirements for Bidders and Contractors
under this Order are detailed in the Contract Documents.
Successful Bidder must be registered, or shall become regis­
tered with the Construction Contractor's Board as required by ORS
67 1 .5 3 0 if awarded a contract. Bidder is not required to be licensed
under ORS 468A.720.
j , _
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner
provided in the “ Instructions to Bidders” , upon the Bid Form
(Proposal) provided by the Engineer, and accompanied by a certified
check or Bid bond executed in favor of the City of Butte Falls in an
amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the
bid Bid Bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated damage
should the successful Bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a
contract and provide suitable bonds to ensure the faithful perfor­
mance and payment of the work (in the event the contract is awarded
such Bidder). Funds for the improvements are available, and
monthly payments will be made by check.
Contracts awarded for this project will be financed with a grant
and loan from the Rural Development (formerly FmHA) branch of the
United States Department of Agriculture. Prior to any Contract
Award compliance with all USDA/Rural Development requirements
will be verified. Similarly, all project payments, change orders, and
associated paperwork will be subject to USDA/Rural Development
review and approval prior to becoming effective.
Bidders will be required to comply with the provisions of the
President's Executive Order No. 11246 concerning Equal Employ­
ment Opportunity (EEO), including all issued amendments thereun­
der. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order
are detailed in the Contract Documents.
The City of Butte Falls may reject any bid not in compliance with
all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may
reject for good cause any and all bids upon a finding of the City of
Butte Falls that it is in the public interest to do so.
No Bidder may withdraw or modify its bid after the hour set for the
opening, and thereafter until the lapse of ninety (90) calendar days
from the bid opening date.
By order of the Ctty Council, City of Butte M b ;
Jackson County, Oregon.
Jack Brown
Request For Proposals
The Oregon Health Division announces the availability of funds
to promote outreach regarding early detection of breast and cervical
cancer. Funded projects will focus on Asian women, lesbian women
and women with disabilities who qualify for services through the
Oregon Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. Applicants must be a
orivate non-profit organization as defined by both federal and state
taxing authorities. For a complete application packet or for .more
information please call Amalia Alarcon-Gaddie Multicultural Health
Specialist or Maria T. Tenorio, BCC PmgramManciger at <503) 731‘
4273. Applications are due by May 21, 1 9 9 9 ._____ __________
Notice Of Opportunity
For Public Hearing
Notice to Contractors
Contractor for this work shall furnish all labor at current State of
Oregon prevailing wage rates, materials and equipment and ser­
vices of all kinds to complete the work in accordance with the plans
and specifications therefor.
Prior to obtaining plans and specifications, contractors must be
a holder of or purchase ($50) the current - City of Gresham Public
Works Standards (July 2 0 ,1 9 9 3 ) as identified by the Department of
Environmental Services distribution list.
Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the
Department of Environmental Services, 1333 N.W. Eastman Park­
way, Gresham, Oregon. Additional copies of said plans and specifi­
cations can be obtained upon application to thei Department o
Environmental Services and by posting a non-refundable fee of $25
with the Department of Environmental Services for each set of plans
and specifications requested. If plans and specifications are or­
dered by mail, you must add a $5 processing and mailing Charge-
Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Clint
Moshofsky, Project Manager, (503) 618-2637.
Contractors shall obtain a City of Gresham business license prior
to commencing work.
All proposals must be submitted on the regular forms furnished by
the City of Gresham, addressed and mailed or delivered to the
Department of Environmental Services, City of Gresham, in a sealed
envelope plainly marked “Sealed Proposal for the Linneman Pump
Station Control System Upgrade” , bearing the name and address of the
proposer. A performance and payment corporate surety bond in the full
amount of the contract shall be required to guarantee faithful perfor­
mance of the terms of the contract at the time of contract execution.
In determining the lowest responsible proposer, the public
contracting agency shall, for the purpose of awarding the contract,
add a percent increase on the proposal of a nonresident proposer
equal to the percent, if any, of the preference given to that proposer
in the state in which the proposer resides.
Each proposal m ust contain a statement as to whether the
proposer is a resident proposer, as defined in ORS 279.029.
Each proposal must contain a statement by the proposer that the
provisions of ORS 279.350 will be complied with.
Each proposer must file with this proposal an affidavit of non­
collusion. A copy of the non-collusion affidavit is bound herein.
The City of Gresham reserves the right to reject any and/or all
proposals, waive informalities or to accept any proposal which
appears to serve the best interests of the City.
The City of Gresham is an equal opportunity employer.
Notice is hereby given that the public hearing previously scheduled to be
held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-
Met) at 9 :00 AM Wednesday May 26’" at the Portland Building, 1120 SW
Fifth Avenue, Second Poor, Room C will not be held because no request for
hearing was received. The Purpose of this hearing would have been to
consider amendment applications for projects for which federal assistance
from the Federal Transit Administration is being sought.
The Proposed Program of projects is the purchase of twenty-five
replacement and four expansion mini-buses and will be submitted in four
separate grant amendment applications. This request re-programs existing
grant funds and does not represent an addition o f federal funds:
A. Section 5307 FTA Fund«
P roject
F ederal S hare
L ocai S hare
T otal B udget
24-Ft Mini-buses
$ 1 ,2 4 2 ,1 0 9
B. Section 5309 FTA Funds
24-FT Mini-buses $ 1 60,000
$ 40,000
$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
C. Total Program of Projects
24-Ft. Mini-buses $1,153,687
$ 2 8 8 ,4 2 2
$ 1 ,4 4 2 ,1 0 9
While formal public testimony will not be taken on the application at the
meeting o f Tri-Met’s Board o f Directors, the meeting is open to all. A copy
o f the grant application will be available for public inspection at the Tri-Met
Grants Department, 4,h Aoor, 401 2 SE 1 7 * Avenue, Portland.
B ruce H arder
E xecutive D irector
F inance & A dministration
T ri - M et
Multnomah Education Service District
Request For Proposals #431-99-393
For Purchase, Installation & M aintenance of a
K-12 Student Administrative Software System
A Consortium of Beaverton School District, Eugene School District,
and the Multnomah Education Service District (MESD) is accepting
sealed proposals to obtain a K-12 Student Administrative Software
System as described in this document. MESD is coordinating the
publication of the RFP, but all Consortium members will be jointly
evaluating and making the selection Separate contracts will be issued
to the Successful Proposer by members of the Consortium.
Sealed proposals will be accepted until:
4:00 p . m ., PDST
(Pacific Daylight Savings Time),
Tuesday, June 1 ,1 9 9 9 .
At the Multnomah Education Service District Purchasing Office at
11611 NE Ainsworth Circle, Portland OR, 97229-9017 (PO Box
301039, Portland, OR 97294-9039), at which time and address the
names of the offerors submitting proposals will be read publicly.
Interested parties may attend.
Specifications may be obtained in person at the above office, by
calling(503) 257-1790, or by e-Mail at donjTicks@emaiLmesd.kl2.or.us.
The District may reject any bid or quote not in compliance with all
prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject
for good cause any or all bids or quotes upon a finding of the agency it
is in the public interest to do so. No bid or quote will be considered that
is received after the appointed date and time.
Request For Bids
Advertisem ent For Bids
Demolition of Truck Wash
M etro South Station
RFB #99B-14-REM
New Suspended Ceiling System
at Two High-Rise Buildings
Job No. SC-16-01-99
The Regional Environmental Management Department of Metro, a
regional government organized underthelaw softhe state of Oregon and the
1992 Metro Charter to provide services for Multnomah, Clackamas and
Washington Counties is requesting bids for demolition of the old truck
rinsing station and surrounding landscaping. The work will also include
paving the landscaping area for parking.
Contemplated work consists of concrete and asphalt removal, clearing
and grubbing of sod and tree roots, subgrade preparation and subgrade
fabric Furnish, place and prepare rock base, asphalt paving and striping,
concrete curbs, storm water piping and jersey barriers. Make irrigation
modifications, paving cutting and truck hauling of materials
Sealed Bids are due no later than 3:00 p.m., Monday, May 2 4 ,1 9 9 3
at Metro Regional Offices, Regional Environmental Department, 6 0 0 NE
Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97232 Attention: Rob Smoot at which time
they will be publicly opened and read in Room 275. Copies of the RFB
documents are available at the Metro Regional Offices between 8 :00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. weekdays or calling Metro at (503) 797-1652.
This is a public works project. All bidders must certify that they will comply
wilt the requirements of ORS 279.350, requiring payment of prevailing wage
rates effective at the tim e o f this advertisement and payment of fees as
required to BOLI. Contractors must be registered with the Oregon Construction
Board pursuant to ORS 671.350.
Bids must conform to the RFB format and be complete including the use
of any forms. Metro may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part,
or waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is
deemed in the public interest.
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s)
based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion,
physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status.
Metro extends equal opportunityto all persons and specifically encourages
minority and women-owned businesses to access and participate in this and
all Metro projects, programs and services.
Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP),
8 910 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97203, until 2 ° 0 P-m-.
Thursday, June 17, 1999 for labor and materials for work at two high-rise
buildings within the Portland area. Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened an
publicly read. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for opening
until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening
The basic work consists of removal of the existing ceiling suspension
system with acoustical lay-in panels and the replacement with new. Removal
o fth e existing interior lighting and the replacement with new. Minor rough
CarB?dnS c aumePnts are available at the HAP Office noted above. A $50 (fifty)
deposit for one set and $20 (twenty) for each additional set is refundable
when documents are returned within 10 days after bid opening.
Attendance o f bidders is requested at a pre-bid tour o f the project
Williams Pi.za Apartments. 204 1 NW Everett Street.
Portland, OR. 97 0 2 9 . Time at 10 :0 0 a.m. Tuesday, May 25, 1999.
Questions posed during the tour, not addressed in the documents, will be
answered by addendum.
• „ j
Execution of an Affidavit of MBE Participation (HAP form 421) is required
o f each bidder in order to qualify as a qualified bidder for this work.
The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in compliance
with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any
or all bids and waive all informalities if, in the judgment of HAP,, it is in the
public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed
to H. David Walter at 735-4210.
H ousino A uthoritt O f P or tu aio
H . D avid W
A ssistant D irector . H ousino O feratio ns
Request For Bi
Diesel Fuel Supply
RFB #99B-14-REM
The Regional Environmental Management Department of Metro, a
regional government organized underthe laws of the state o _ °re6 ° " a " d ’
1992 Metro Charter to provide services for Multnomah, Clackamas an
Washington counties is requesting bids for demolition of the old truck rinsing
station and surrounding landscaping. The work will also include paving
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to
C.A. W hite Gardens
735 N. Fremont
Portland, Oregon 97227
(503) 287-2162
'^C o n te m p la te d work consists of concrete and asphalt removal, clearing
and grubbing o f sod and tree roots, subgrade preparation and s^
fabric. Furnish, place and prepare rock base, asphalt paving and strip g,
concrete curbs, storm water piping and jersey barriers. Make irrigation
modification, paving cutting and truck hauling of ™ate' ia|s.
Sealed Bids are due no later than 3 :00 p.m Monday. May 2 4 ,1 9 9 9 at
Metro Regional Offices, Regional Environmental Department, 6 0 0 NE Gran
Avenue Portland, Oregon, 97232 Attention: Rob Smoot at which tim e they
S Ï Ï pubHcly opened and read in Room 275. Copies o fth e RFB documents
are available at the Metro Regional Offices Between 8 :00 a.m. to 5 .00 p.m.
weckdâvs or collinÉ Metro at (503) 797-1552.
This is a public works project. All bidders must certify that they will comply
wilt the requirements of ORS 279.350, requiring
° f p'®*a' f " f
rates effective at the tim e of this advertisement and payment of fees. as
required to BOLI. Contractors must be registered with the Oregon Cons ru
Board pursuant to ORS 671.350.
Bid must conform to the RFB format and be complete including the use
of any forms. Metro may accept or reject any or all bids, whole o
p .
or waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action
deemed in the public interest.
anu r^ rs o n is l
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate agiainst a" V p«
based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientat.on, age,
physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status.
Metro extend equal opportunityto all person and ’ ^ ' X a t e l n t h i s and
minority and women-owned businesses to access and participate
all Metro projects, programs and services.
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to
MJM Manor
606 NE Sacramento
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 287-2162
If subsidized units are not available at this tim e ..
rtt^d to
placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed
James Lee Gardens
«• * *’<
6 20 NE Brazee
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 287-2162
’*7 "