Page B2 W Itorttonfr (fìbae W V May 12,1999 Carlos Franco Gets # 1 in Compaq Classic Trail Blazers 110, Suns 99 land this season. But after a first quar­ B y LANDON H A LL__________________ N EW O R L E A N S (R eu ters) - ter in which the Blazers shot 71 percent © I h i A m o c u t id P m » Ken Griffey, Jr. Paraguayan C arlos Franco fired a 6- and led by 16, the Suns outscored them GAME: Seattle Mariner» (14-16) at under-par 66 Sunday to record a two- New York Yankee* (19-10). 82-77 the rest o f the way. PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Y ou’d shot victory over H arrison Frasar TIME: Sunday, 1:39 p.m. EDT. Phoenix ended the game with a expect the Portland Trail Blazers to be and third-round leader Steve Flesch Ken Griffey Jr. couldn’t have flurry, scoring 25 points in the final six showing some of their youthful cocki­ at the $2.6 m illion Com paq Classic. picked a more appropriate stage for minutes, including four 3-pointers in a ness with a 2-0 lead over Phoenix and The 33-year-old Franco, w ho has the latest milestone o f his career, as span o f 2:07. The Blazers’ slack de­ a season-long dominance over the Suns. five victories on the Japanese Tour, the young slugger hit his 361 st home fense infuriated coach Mike Dunleavy It’s a sign o f m aturity, then, that started the day tw o shots behind run at Yankee Stadium Saturday. and showed what can happen when the Flesch but finished at 19-under 269, even p lay o ff novices like the Blazers The hom er, G riffey’s 11th o f Suns get on a shooting streak. setting a 72-hole course record at the know that it will be a different series the year, tied Y ankee legend Joe “W e were a little too com fortable English Turn G olfandC ountry Club. in Phoenix. And they can see them ­ D iM aggio for 45th place on the at the end. W e hit a lull,” Dunleavy Franco, w ho jo in e d R oberto de selves taking a tum ble should they career list. said. "I can tell you th is: Y ou can ’t fall V icenzo as the only South A m eri­ fail to keep the pressure on. D iM aggio, w ho died in M arch, asleep at the wheel against this team cans to capture a PG A T our event, “ W e’re as good as any team in played 13 seasons from 1936-51, B rian G rant scored 22 points, earned $468,000. the league, po in t-b lan k ," P ortland m issing three years because o f Rasheed W allace had 21 and D am on “This was the biggest w eek o f my guard G reg A nthony said after the W orld W ar II, w hile G riffey is in Stoudam ire had 22 points and 13 life,” said Franco. “ I’m very proud o f B lazers’ 110-99 victory o v er P h o e­ just his 11th season. assists for the Blazers, w ho shot a w hat I did. I ’m very proud for my nix on M onday night. “B ut w e still “I don’t w orry about that stuff, season-high 57 percent. Isaiah Rider, country. It’s very important that Para­ have periods, after w e ’ve played G riffey said. “ I ju st play baseball who scored 25 points in S aturday’s guay is know n for golf. Playing in w ell, w hen w e let up. W e still d o n ’t and hope som ething happens." 95-85 G am e 1 victory, added 17. A m erica is a lifelong dream .” have the killer instinct it takes to Venus Williams Beats Pierce Franco received a parade in his na­ It was the S u n s’ goal to take aw ay grab a team by the throat and en d it.” tive Asuncion after finishing sixth in the in Second Final in Seven Days R ider’s easy looks at the basket by After a scoring burst that began late Masters and expects another hero’s M ary Pierce has quickly grown double-team ing them , but that strat­ in the third quarter, the Blazers were welcome when he returns home follow­ tired o f seeing V enus W illiam s on egy quickly fell apart M onday night. never really threatened by the Suns, ing next w eek's Byron Nelson Classic. Rider had three assists in the opening the other end o f the court. who have lost all five games to Port­ He has been bothered by tendinitis in For the second straight week. his wrist and arms and almost withdrew Pierce reached the final o f a tour­ from the tournament before it began. nament, only to see W illiam s beat “ 1 think I m ade the right decision," her for the title. It happened today Damon Stoudamire said Franco. "This week was m y week. when W illiam s, the third-seeded quarter, including one on the very w asn ’t a factor. He played ju st seven I’m hitting everything great, driving American, posted a 6-4, 6-2 vic­ m inutes and scored three points. first p o ssession of the game. SPORTS STANDINGS great, great irons, putting great.” tory over the ailing and fourth- W ith little scoring punch from his 1999 SPRING STANDINGS Rider got the ball dow n low against In addition to his success on the seeded Frenchw om an to capture starters. Suns coach D anny A inge Rex C hapm an, and the Suns doubled Japanese Tour, Franco has w on in the SOFTBALL W L the $1.05 m illion Italian Open. w as forced to go sm all w ith forw ard W L To on Rider, but he bounced the ball to BASEBALL Philippines, Singapore and every coun­ Wilson 11 1 Bothered by a tender left thigh D anny M anning and guards G eorge 13 1 L Madison Stoudamire, who sw ished a 3 -pointer. try in South America except Bolivia, Madison 10 3 that w as w rapped heavily. Pierce 10 4 F,W,G,M M cC loud and Pat Garrity. They all Lincoln Portland m ade lO o fits first 14points Marshall 9 3 which does not have a tournament. 10 4 C,F,M,JM could not contend w ith W'illiams, Wilson played extrem ely well, com bining Franklin 6 6 and quickly led 22-7. Franco got to 19-underby sinking an 9 5 L.L.M.M.W who has won eight straight matches Cleveland G.M.B.W.JM.B for 41 points. But it w asn ’t enough. Rider ended the quarter on a 41 -foot eight-foot birdie on the 15th hole and 9 5 Franklin Benson 6 7 on red clay. O ne o f those victories “A s starters, w e might be relying on desperation 3-pointertobeat the buzzer held on by pamng the final three holes. 8 5 Marshall Grant 5 8 cam e a w eek ago against Pierce in (the bench) too much," said Jason Kidd, C,M,W,M,L He had seven birdies and recorded his and give the Blazers a 33-17 lead. Lincoln 5 8 the final at H am burg, Germ any, w ho had 12 points and 12 assists, but Roosevelt 5 8 Cleveland 3 9 only bogey onthepar-5 sixthhole, where “W hen you com e out in the first and before that w in had never w on Benson 3 12 just one point after halftime. “W e have Roosevelt 1 11 he hit his approach shot into the water. quarter and go dow n 33-17, it s re­ Grant 3 12 an event on clay. Jefferson No team to get a fire lit under our butts to get us “The last four or five holes, the ally hard to overcom e,” the S u n s’ Jefferson 0 14 going. If the first unit isn’t doing it. then Johnson Sprints to Victory holes got narrow er, the greens w ere C lifford R obinson said. “W e fought GIRLS TENNIS W L w e’re in big trouble." W L To O lym pic cham pion M ichael 50 percent sm aller and the fairw ays MENS TENNIS- our w ay back into it, b ut it’s hard to Cleveland 9 0 0 M c C lo u d an d G arrity ea ch had longer," he said. “It w as incredible.” Lincoln i JohnsonelectrifiedFort-de-France overcom e a team that is as confident Lincoln 8 1 L 1 Grant 15 p o i n t s to le a d th e S u n s . A m em b ero fth e 1992 W orldC up Wilson 7 2 stadium Saturday afternoon by as the B lazers.” L 1 Wilson Grant 5 3 R o b in so n h ad 14. team. Franco joined G len D ay as the winning the m en’s 200-m eter dash Surprisingly, the Suns did come G.L.W 3 Franklin Franklin 4 4 T he B lazers, w ho h av en ’t ad ­ second first-time w inner on the PGA during an IA A F m eet on this back. Portland led only 52-47 at the L,W,G,F 4 Benson Benson 4 5 vanced pastthe first roundsince 1992, Tour this year and becam e the eighth F rench C aribbean island. B,F,W,L,G half, despite shooting 63 percent. 5 Cleveland Jefferson 2 5 foreign-bom player to w in in 1999. a re n ’t w illing to count the Suns out. 6 Johnson m ajestically w on the Phoenix pulled within 67-66 with 2.22 Roosevelt Marshall 3 6 He also m oved into the top 15 on the “ A s far as I ’m concerned." it’s 7 1 Madison race in 20.07 seconds and was left in the third quarter, but the Blaz­ Roosevelt 1 8 0 8 still zero-zero,” Rider said. “T h at’s a Marshall m oney list w ith $814,520. feted w ith a standing ovation from Madison 0 9 ers w ent on a 22-6 run over the next No team Jefferson In addition. Franco became the first dangerous team , and if you take them the thousands in the grandstands. 7:43. Stacey A ugm on’s three-point rookie to win on the Tour since Gabriel W L GIRLS TRACK for granted, th ey ’ll beat you. W e'v e Lindford Christie, the Olympic play m ade it 89-72 w ith 6:39 left. MENS TRACK V)Z L 0 Benson Hjertstedt captured the 1997B.C.Open. got confidence against them , period. 100-meter champion in 1992, was Phoenix continued to struggle for 0 Madison 1 Grant Flesch, who turns 32 later this B ut w e ’ve got to com e out and do it injured and couldn’t com pete but 1 p o ints, esp ecially from its big men. Benson 1 Lincoln month, fired a final-round 70 and posted all over again. W e ca n ’t let dow n 1 received an ovation when he walked Franklin C enter Luc Longley had another hor­ 2 Madison his first top-10 finish o f the year. He 1 Notes@ : G am e 3 is Wednesday Grant onto the track to greet the crowd. 2 rible gam e, m issin g all four o f his Wilson took home $228,000, raising his sea­ 2 Wilson night in Phoenix. ...The Suns’ reserves Am ericans dom inated the 100- 3 Cleveland shots and scoring zero points. Pow er 3 son earnings to $337,536 in 12 events. Lincoln 3 have outscored the starters 98-86 in the Franklin m eter dash as w ell, with M ilton forw ard T om G u g lio tta had eight 4 Cleveland Last year’s PG A T our R ookie o f 4 Jefferson se rie s.... Grant broke his career play­ M allard w inning in 10.33. points on 3 -o f-10 shooting. F or the 4 Marshall the Y ear, Flesch w as denied his first 4 Marshall o ff high o f 18 po in ts.... Chapm an is 6- 4 series, L o ngley has tw o points on 1 - Roosevelt 5 Roosevelt Tour victory, finishing second in this Morales to Go Home for Next for-25 in three games against the Blaz­ 5 Jefferson o f - 10 shooting, w h ile G u g lio tta has event for the second straight year. Title Defense ers this season. H e m issed two games W L GIRLS GOLF 20 points on 8-of-23. But he w as thrilled for Franco. W L Erik Morales wants to look spec­ MENS GOLF because o f in ju ry .... The Suns are in 0 Lincoln Shooting guard Rex Chapm an, “W e played a lot in A sia,” Flesch o Wilson tacular every time he steps into the 1 danger o f losing to Portland in the first Wilson w ho w as 3 -o f-12 in G am e 1 and was said. “H e’s a hard guy not to like. I 2 Lincoln I ring. He didn’t against Juan Carlos 1 Franklin round for the first time in four series. no m atch for R id er d efen siv ely , 2 knew he w as the guy to look out for." Franklin 1 Ramirez, and that could mean trouble Grant 2 Grant Eric Booker, Dennis Paulson and 2 Cleveland to the next fighter who tries to take 3 Cleveland Craig Barlow tied for fourth at 15- 4 Roosevelt his WBC super batamweight title. 4 Benson 6 Madison under 273, one shot better than Austra­ I Ramirez proved to be a most 5 Madison 6 Marshall lian Craig Parry, Day and Hal Sutton. 7 Roosevelt capable substitute opponent for Mo­ 7 Benson The English T urn G o lf and C oun­ 7 Marshall rales, going nine rounds with the No team Jefferson X X Ä S S Ä Ä Ä S S S , try Club course is a par-72 layout that 7 Jefferson 122-pound cham pion Saturday covers 7,116 yards. night and still having enough en­ And call NACME at 1-800-97-N-A-C-M-E. ergy to argue strenuously when the I referee stopped the fight before the bell sounded to begin the lOthround. W hat looked like another short fight for M orales w hen he knocked Ram irez dow n three tim es in the first three rounds turned into his longest fightsince winning the title. single-gam e hom e run m ark set by center in a field w here the fences “ In m y next fight, I hope you B y BART JANSEN H enry Rochelle o f Cam pbell, who m easure 320 feet dow n the left field will see a knockout,” M orales said. © T hi Assocwrto Pm » hit five against Radford in 1985. line and 355 to center. “ Luckily, we had people on base, Hornets Owner Starts Over Pick a slugger— M ark M cGwire, Rochelle w ent 8-for-8 in a 38-0 win, so they couldn’t w alk me,” he said. George Shinn has started over in driving in 10 runs and scoring eight. H ank A aron, Babe Ruth. asearch for a partner to share owner­ T h e R B Is re c o rd w as 14 by “M y teammates came through form e.” N one o f them ever put on the kind M cDougall is in his first year at ship o f the NBA Charlotte Hornets. L ouisville’s Jim LaFountain against o f pow er show M arshall M cDougall Florida State, after playing two sea­ M ichael Jordan said Saturday W estern K entucky in 1976. did on Sunday. I he broke off negotiations with Shinn N o m ajor league player has ever sons at Santa Fe Community College The Florida State second baseman in Gainesville, Fla. He hit three homers becauseofadisagreem ent over how hit six consecutive homers and drove in hit m ore than four hom ers in a game, much control over basketball op- 16 runs-both NCAA records -in a2 6 - not even in extra innings. N ine m ajor as a freshman and nine as a sophomore | erations the former Chicago Bulls He now has 23 hom ers this sea­ 2 rout ofM aryland in College Park, Md. leaguers have hit four hom ers in a son, tops in the A CC. He had two starwouldhave. After the announce­ H is astounding 7-for-7 perfor­ nine-inning game, the last being Mark earlier m ultiple-hom er gam es, h it­ ment Shinn said other interested m ance set school and A tlantic C oast W hiten o f St. Louis against C incin­ ting tw o against N orth C arolina- | people have approached him. nati in 1993. W hiten drove in 12 runs C onference records. A sheville and three against M iami. “Since the discussions between By late in the gam e, M cD ougall’s in that game, tying the record set by “ I ju st go up there and try to m ake Michael and I were announced, I team m ates and the 247 fans in the Jim Bottom ley, w ho did it for St. good contact," M cDougall said. “It’s have received numerous inquiries stands at Shipley Field w ere cheer­ Louis in 1924. from others who are interested in M cDougall began his assault qui­ already passed my goal for the year. ing for him to hit another one out. the possibility o f a partnership in the etly with an RBI single in the first I’m having fun.” A nd another. Three other Sem inoles — K evin Hornets,” Shinn said in a statement “ It was a great feeling because ev­ inning. Then he had a solo hom er in Cash, Ryan B arthem ely and Sam released Saturday night “Out o f re­ eryone was rooting for m e.'' McDougall the second, a three-run shot in the Scott — also hom ered Sunday. N ick spect for Michael and the discussions Algebra Geometry Calculus. Call 1-800-97NACME. fourth, a solo hom er to left in the said. “Seeing my teammates react and Stocks (9-1) earned the win, allow ­ www that we were conducting, I did not sixth, a three-run shot in the seventh, the fans react, it was great. ing tw o runs on four hits. M aryland’s follow up on any o f those tnqumes a grand slam in the eighth and a “They were laughing and jum ping Jam ie H am m ond (4-3) gave up 10 “ At this point I plan to review three-run shot in the ninth. around. They co u ld n 't believe it." those opportunities and proceed All o f the hom ers w ent to left or runs and 13 hits in 5 1-3 innings. M cD o u g all b ro k e th e N C A A accordingly.” PIL Standings Demand it. What a Game! Six homers, 16 RBIs ÜfST MATH©POWER NACME < f