» » m * « r * *» « * «-( J ■ I J j . « f m i t TTTl Max 12, 1999 ( om m itted lo < u ltu ral l>i\ers»(\ Volume \ \ l \ , N um ber 19 k» Star Wars Strikes Again Alberta Street Fair Fun Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Look for Popeye’s Coupons Inside! Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 See Focus See Page AS. University of Oregon Knight Library Newspaper Section Eugene OR 97403 ©b&í (TI i í 38» ITHESl REVIE NATO Attacks Yugoslavia NATO had agreed to stop their air campaign if Yugoslavia agrees to w ithdraw their estim ated 40,000 troops and special p o lice from Kosovo. So far, there has been no evidence o f that. Serb media cited at least seven people killed from the air raid attacks. Chinese and Russian of­ ficials expressed their condemnation ofN A TO ’s indiscriminate bombings. An Evening With Family & Friends future careers, which include becoming authors and entrepreneurs. Bx D ionne P eeples C'O NTRIBITINC W R IT E R Margaret Carter hen it comes to pressing on de After an incident with an abusive spite of, and paving the way for husband in 1967, M argaret C arter others, Margaret Carter, Kay headed to Portland a place she had Toran and Jaki W alker stand out. only This dreamed about. trio o f African-American women have “I left Shreveport, Louisiana with five worked to put this state in the forefront o f babies, a hundred dollars in my pocket politics, housing and service to children and no place to stay. Period.” and families. She never regretted it. As each leaves her current position, Carter retired as a state representative they all say that their mothers played an and as a counselor o f 25 years at Portland integral role in their success. The les­ Community College- Cascade campus sons they learned from their mothers earlier this year. She continues to work at will continue to play a part in their W PCC as a community workforce special­ ist. She also has started her own business, M.Carter and Associates, and will be­ come a lobbyist. In 2001, she plans to run for the state senate. O regon’s term lim its prevented her from seeking another term as state rep­ resentative. “You can’t change from the outside, you must make change from within,” Carter said o f politics. Carter's mother, Emma, believed the same thing in addition to hard work. At the age o f 7, Carter went door-to- door with her mother to register black people to vote in Shreveport, La. Her father, Rev. Hilton Hunter held NAACP meetings at his church. The Ku Klux Kian threatened her par­ ents, once running them off the road. But that never deterred her parents’ efforts to use the political system to make positive change for their community. C arter has done the same thing for her com m unity. During her time in the Legislature. Carter helped make the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday a state holiday. She won legislation requiring the state to di­ vest from South Africa. She also spon­ sored a law creating enterprise zones Continued on Metro Page Chinese Finance Scandal Democratic donor Johnny Chung testified before officials that a senior Chinese official told him “we really like your president” and gave him $300,000 to funnel to the Demo­ cratic Party and President Clinton. Chung was a key figure in the 1996 campaign finance scandal that s cur­ rently being investigated by the H ouse G overnm ent Reform and Oversight Committee. Chung had ac­ cused Robert Luu (from Beijing) for the death threats against him as a result o f the scandal. Yeltsin Impeachment Hearing Im p e a c h m e n t p ro c e e d in g s against President Boris Yeltsin have begun despite strong opposition from the governm ent and Russian citizens fearing that it would desta­ bilize the country. Some politicians predict that Y eltsin may respond by dissolving parliam ent, prom pting a m ajor political crisis. Killer Tornadoes -------- A string o f killer tornadoes had continued to surge through Oklahoma and Tenessee causing a total o f seven deaths and numerous victims in those states. The latest damages in Okla­ homa had raised the death toll to 41. Oregon Freeway O regon’s busiest freeway inter­ change is headed for a m ajor re­ modeling. State transportation offi­ cials have announced plans to spend some $60 m illion on the Interstate- 5/ Highw ay 217 interchange south o f Portland. It presently handles an average o f 140,000 vehicles a day and has a high n u m b ero f accidents. The rem odeling will take about two years and detours will be put in place to try and prevent congestion due to construction. ---------------------------------------------Photo by M . Washington Chuck Washington and Margaret Carter. New Orleans Bus Crash Kills 22 AT&T Software giant Microsoft Corp, will tie forging an alliance with AT&T Corp, to speed the delivery o f voice, video and Internet services to mil­ lions o f American homes. As part of this partnership, AT&T will increase its use o f Microsoft’s Windows CE- based operating system software in its digital set-top boxes, through which AT&T expects to manage its high- capacity cable links to customers. ---------------- ~ NFCDC . NortheaSt Community Development Center). From left to right: Kay Toran. Jakl Walker, A dinner party was held at Jakl Walker s home announcing her resignation from NECD ( Inquiry Begins B y C hristi D aücherty NEW ORLEANS, May 10 (Reuters) - The death toll from a charter bus that crashed in New Orleans while en route to a Missis­ sippi G ulf Coast casino rose to 22 on Sunday night, as investigators began piecing together the cause of the city’s worst traffic accident. Nineteen of the mostly elderly victims died at the scene, while two died at the state Charity Hospital and another on Sunday night at Tulane University MedicalCentre, authorities said Some were thrown from the bus during the crash. At least seven other people were hospi­ talized in extrem ely critical condition, C harity H ospital spokesm an Jerry Romig told Reuters shortly before midnight. "O ne very critical w om an is in surgery now , but we have no idea w hat the outcom e will be,” he said. Six other passengers on board for the M other’s D ay gam bling excursion were hospitalized w ith less serious injuries at o th e r fa c ilitie s , N ew O rlean s p o lic e spokesm an David Bow ser told Reuters. “This is the worst vehicular collision in the city’s history," Mayor Marc Morial said. Details on possible causes o f the accident will not be released until at least a prelimi­ nary joint investigation by city police and the National Transportation Safety Board acci­ dent team is completed, Morial said. The charter bus veered across three lanes o f traffic on 1-610, struck a guard­ rail and smashed into a concrete em bank­ ment and metal fence outside the City Park G o lf Course a t9 a .m .C D T (10 a .m. ED T) (1400 GMT). Police said it took em ergency workers more than four hours to free the bodies o f victim s from the tw isted m etal w reckage. Most o f the passengers were members of a gambling club that often chartered buses for excursions to the G ulf Coast casinos. “This is the worst disaster w e’ve seen here in years," Romig said. “W e’re deal­ ing w ith very, very critically injured eld­ erly people in their 70s and 80s suffering from m ultiple fractures — skulls, chests, legs — and blood loss.” As w ord o f the accident spread, dozens o f residents and some tourists lined up at the local blood bank to donate blood for victim s, blood bank officials said. Almost 100 people donated blood during the four hours the centre was open. Bow ser said the N 7S B team, which routinely investigates all accidents involv­ ing com m on carriers, began arriving in New O rleans on Sunday night. A uthorities initially said the bus car­ ried 37 passengers, but later said that more could have been on the charter from LaPlace, Louisiana, 20 miles (32 km) west o f New O rleans, to a casino in Bay St. Louis, M ississippi The bus had a capac­ ity o f 55 people. “We still don’t know exactly how many w ere on the bus since the com pany hasn t com e up w ith a m anifest yet,' Bowser said. “We do know that.. .some were treated and released, but not how m any.” C arl L aB ranche o f G ary v ille, La., whose 8 1 -year-old father was being treated at Charity H ospital, said seven other fam­ ily m em bers also were on the bus. Romig said the driver, who was c riti­ cally injured with a shattered pelvis, told him he thought som eone cut in front o f him and the last thing he rem em bered was veering to the right. Custom Bus C harter Com pany safety engineer T errell W alker identified the driver as 47-year-old Frank B edell, w ho had been with the com pany for three years and had a clean driving record. He w ould not speculate on the cause o f the accident. Police are analyzing blood sam ples from Bedell, a routine procedure in fatal crashes, to determ ine if alcohol or drugs w ere a factor in the wreck. The east-bound lanes o f the highw ay w here the bus crashed w ere closed for nine hours, snarling traffic on other east- bound routes through the city.