JtVíEPSTAKfj iter now, ta ll 1-877-UAW -AND-GM or visit www.uow-gm.websweeps.com The clock is ticking and a new Corvette is waiting to be given away at the UAW-GM QUALITY 500 in Charlotte. NC, on October 10, 1999 The Corvette is built by the proud men and women of UAW-GM. With optional equipm ent, its approxim ate retail value is $55,000. Even if you don't win the C o rvette, you could be one of seven lucky fin a lis ts to win a trip £{lL\7f> for two to the UAW-GM QUALITY 500. You can enter at any UAW-GM Sweepstakes tour event, or by v is itin g us on the W o rld W ide W eb at w w w u a w -g m .w e b s w e e p s .c o m or by calling 1-877-UAW -AND-GM But do it soon. Tim e is w asting. And that new C orvette will be gone quick as a wink See official rules for complete details. Enter now' GM ASSMIBIY LINE IO FINISH IINC...TCAMWORK WHS! OF F ICIAl HUI F S NO PURCHASE N f Cl SSARY How lo f nl< i Fou may i i i l n Hiiouqh one nl 11»* h»llnwint| inelhiNls I) Louipb-lt-an I lllioial I n il y I m ill available al any HAW l.M Sweepstakes Inin evenl. OH «'(Call 1 H77 UAW ANO GM(t M77 H?M 26341 OH 3) Com,dele tin an Inn . . / " u . l . i k ' > u h/ loin, ..t «WWU.IW qm wi bsweeps com All in liim . im r.IlH - h i ihvim I by niMMi I SI mi b/ tO /'fl IIM II ONI INIHY PI R 11 RSON 11H DAY leqanHess ol enliy method Spwiso» i«»t lespiHisible loi l.itc Im.l ilk-qibk-t»i dain.iqed enin»-. oi mail ui Im < im i mmssiun nileiiupl«»ii ikletwNi deli-ci delay in lelepbnne ni Inleinel u |«* i . i I« mis in h.insmis*.«Mi theft in (k*slii«.l«Hi |N*s .in mdei nl then r tndoiu ., lection Ibe otfds nl lieint) elected is a I inalisl depend nn Ibe uuinhet nl valid m ines let eived Ini the .(«■( ihi iluw m qs II any I malists are iilidlrte In alteiwl Hie ( w . mm I Pnze I vent m (\H Selecliiwi Ceinnony , proxy may !»•■ .<1,1 with poor nnlrt« Io and approval ol '.pt.nsnr apprnpiiale uiillw tii/ubmi nl I inalisl and e»et utNNi ul I inlMlify and where lequl, a Pubi« ily Keksiä* 1*1 i/es/Aproxímate Helad Value (AHV) Seven I Malisi. p f,/e . a trip foi two to II» UAW OM Q IIA I 11Y SOU la te in l.bailnlle N C nu lO/lO/'IO liip mt .Intit-, luiind hip much air ti.wcl lim n Hit- iu.i|tH t iH ilin e ii »al aii|««t neaicsl w inneis ies«lei«:e Inui ill,jilts bulel .icrummo dutiom (10/7 99 19 10/99) Iwo ,-al s m a (.bailulle Mnlnr Speedway suite Ini the UAW l.M 0IIA IIIY '»00 Iwo 1« kets In II h - All Pm Huni|H-i In Huni|«-i MMI all qinuml lian-qNiltatHMI ami (l(N the I inalisl (Hllyl ShOO i ash (AHV S? 000) All oli» I expense- ate the it-sponsibiltly ul I inalisl . One la.tnd Prize a Z«MM> ( heviolet Curvelte (AHV SSS (MMP| Velin le AHV Iw .ed ini I'k N MSHP and is sulqect to chanqe the wmum will mdel the prize v-bir I. by ' I»' bn») bom a pr- uppmved list ol I.» buy options Some i.-sbit .linns may apply I liqibrtily Sweepstakes n|w*n ,n krq.il lesHlenh. ul the IIS , IH ye.Ms nt aqi- m nkkM wdh a v . i I n I dnvei s license, except tm , mptoye. i. md thru iinm. rli.ib tamilies and ineinlN-i . nt Ibe same household! nt (N-neial Mnlms (.m)H»abun Umled AutniiHibile Wmkeis Cliarkille Mnlm S|H>edway and then .Hlvrrhsinq m (NunMitHHl a(|eocies. who may not entei Void Where prnliiluted m it-.lricb.-d by law (.em-ial Haudoin diawmqs . nn I tace i ai Iinaksi (Minnqs will I n * i inm I im ted uiMk*i the sii | n * ivisnmi nl Oiianhim M.iikehnq, tin .m iiNte|N*iwlent