■ > 5 May 5, 1999 Hage AS <£lje |îarUauh ©beeruer Necessity Takes Precedence Over Protest B y C indn S immons A ssociated P ress W riter As she w aited for a fill-up at a dow ntow n service station, m otorist Christi Boom said she really w anted to partic ipate in the national gas boy­ cott to oppose high prices. There w as ju st one little problem . She was running on empty. Across a state that has the nation’s fourth-highest gas prices _ up to S 1.60 a gallon in some places _ necessity seemed to take precedence over protest. “ It’s kind o f like food, y ou’ve got to buy it,” said M ark Edlen, w ho also knew about F riday’s boycott before he forked over $31.70 to f i l l the tank on his Range Rover. Even w ith the boycott and prices o f $ 1.59 for regular unleaded, atten­ dant Joe Kelly said he saw no dropoff in business at his C hevron station in the city ’s O ld Tow n district. K elly said com plaints have ta­ pered o ff as custom ers have grown num b to the highest prices in years. Prices norm ally go up w hen it gets close to sum m er, he said, “but this is rid ic u lo u s.... W e were a little shocked ourselves." O ne person who said he was driv­ ing right past the pumps Friday was U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, who has taken aim at high gas prices across the West. The Oregon Democrat has asked the J ustice Department to look into the high prices and to determine whether to launch an antitrust investigation o f the oil industry. He said that while the na­ tional average is $ 1.15 a gallon, Oregon drivers are paying $1.52, trailing only California, Hawaii and Nevada. At the Fairgrounds Texaco station in G rants Pass, prices were a rela­ tively inexpensive $ 1.49 a gallon for regular unleaded, and if there was a boycott going on, nobody could tell. “We had six motor homes at once in here this morning,” said owner Randy Harris. “Personally, I don’t think it will affect the oil companies unless people quit driving the whole day. I don’t think anybody is going to walk to work.' Added customer Denise Troxel, whose tab for filling up herpickup came to S42.50: “When you need gas, you need gas. What are you going to do?” adults get a m inim um o f seven hours sleep. O th er w ays to pro m o te good sleep include: A com fortab le m attress that is Exercise, but not right before bed. A light snacks before bed if you tend to aw ake hungry in the night. Adopting a regular bedtim e ritual, like having decaffeinated tea each night, gives people a chance to un­ w ind and think about things before going to bed,” he said. Medical Marijuana Activist Rally at the State Capitol Salem, O R - V oter Pow er, a grassroots PAC, is sponsoring a “ M arijuana is M edicine" rally o f medical patients and their supporters on the front steps o f the State C apitol in Salem at 10:00 AM Friday April 30th. The group is celebrating the implementation o fth e O regon M edi­ cal M arijuana Act (ballot m easure 67) which goes into effect on M ay 1. The law allows seriously ill patients with doctor’s approval, to grow and use marijuana. A ctivists are also urging the O r­ egon Legislature to pass H JM 10, which vans» un n g ita a to change w hich calls on c C u ongress federal law. T he current federal law classifies m arijuana as a S chedule I drug under the Controlled Substance Act. T his classification m eans that doctors are prevented from prescrib­ ing m arijuana and it cannot be sold at pharm acies. H JM 10, sponsored by R epresentatives Jo A nn Bow ­ man, calls on C ongress to “ m odify the legal status o f m arijuana to al­ low its lim ited m edical use in those states w here lim ited m edical use has been legal u nder state law ." The H ouse Judiciary com m ittee passed HJM 10 yesterday. S p eak ers — at — the - rally w ill in- ----- c lu d e R e p re s e n ta tiv e s Jo A n n B o w m an , R e p re se n tativ es Floyd P ro zan sk i, S torm y R ay, and chief p e titio n e r o f O M M A , M ic h ae l R ose, c h ie f p e titio n e r o f the m a ri­ ju a n a re c rim in a liz a tio n re fe re n ­ dum (m easu re 57). A n d o th e r p a ­ tien ts and ac tiv ists. At 8:00 AM in the G alleria area o f the C apitol b u ild in g , there w ill be a b r ie f o pening o f a p o ster d is­ play show ing patien ts affected by the federal policy. F or m ore in fo rm atio n or to a r­ range interview s co n tact John Sajo 5 0 3 -7 3 6 -0 9 0 7 Earlier Prenatal Screening Are You Getting Enough Sleep? for Down Syndrome One ofthe most prevalent sleep prob- ems in America is insufficient sleep. “ People try to do too m any things n 24 hours. W hen push com es to ¡hove, sleep gets sho v ed ,” said Dr. vlax H irs h k o w itz , a s le e p r e ­ searcher at B a ylorC ollege of M edi- :ine in H ouston. “ T o avoid sleep leprivation, he recom m ends that not too old. G oing to bed when sleepy instead o f fighting sleep. M a in ta in in g a re g u la r sle e p schedule. Preliminary Construction Work Begins On Airport Max In p rep a ra tio n for the start o f \ir p o r t M ax light rail constru ctio n ater this spring, B echtel Infrastruc- are Corp, w ill create co nstruction tag ing areas at tw o T ri-M et park fc rid e lots located along the align- nent. T his m eans som e park & ride paces w ill be n ot be available dur- ng construction. At Parkrose Park & Ride, lo­ o te d at 95,h and NE Sandy Blvd., a juarter o f the lo t’s 273 spaces will be en ced o ff w hich started April 28. This is an underutilized facility and will not im pact current users. •At G atew ay Park & Ride, lo­ cated at 99lh and NE M ultnom ah, 20 parking spaces will be elim inated to accom m odate the construction work. T hese 20 spaces will be fenced o ff w hich started M ay 3. This lot is cur­ rently at capacity and com m uters are encouraged to take a bus or carpool to the park & nde. To be eligible for a designated cappool spot, carpools m ust register by calling 227-7665. To find out about bus routes that serve G atew ay T ransit Center, call 238-RIDE. The pre-construction activity will not affect bus or M ax service. •M ajor construction on the 5.5- m ile A irport Max light rail extension is expected to begin in mid-June. This innovative project is the result a public-private venture involving the Port o f Portland, Tri-M et, the City o f Portland, the Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission and Bechtel. The 67th Season of Multnomah Greyhound Park W ood Village, O R - “ Here com es Rusty!” That fam iliar call that is now synonym ous w ith the fastest dogs in the world trying to catch "R usty the B one," as the 67,h official season o f greyhound Park (M GP). N ew th is seaso n is im p ro v e­ m en ts and co n stru ctio n at the Park. M u ltn o m a h G re y h o u n d P ark is b u ild in g an ex p an d ed p ark in g lot, rem o d e lin g the h o ld in g k en n els, an d b u ild in g , a new sta te -o f-th e art k en n el com p o u n d for the g rey ­ h o u nds. P atro n s w ill h av e a new en try w ay an d the la n d sca p in g and flo w ers w ill be ex p an d ed . "A fte r the g reat se aso n w e h ad la st year, th e se new im p ro v em en ts sh o u ld sig n al o u r co m m itm en t to o u r ra c ­ ing fa n s,” n o te d C arl W ilson, g e n ­ era l m anager. T he F req u en t Fan C ard retu rn s th is se a so n fo r p atro n s to w in prizes. I f you alread y have a card, be rea d y to earn p o in ts startin g the o p en in g day. S ign up fo r a F re ­ q u en t Fan C ard ( if you d o n ’t h av e on e) and be rea d y to earn p o in ts tow ard free program s, buffets, trips and o th e r g reat g ifts. E very tim e a fan com es to the P ark, a co m p u ter track s the entry. A new racin g sch ed u le is being in tro d u c ed this year. R acing from M onday through Saturday (in som e ca se s T uesday th ro u g h S atu rd ay ) w ill be the race card this year. S u n d ay m a tin e es are b eing re ­ m oved and M o n d ay s added. T his allo w s for m o re racin g o p p o rtu n i­ tie s, and this a ttracts a h ig h er c a li­ b er o f kennel an d greyhound. “ W e w an t the ab so lu te b est k en n el in term s o f racin g , rep u ta tio n , care o f do g s an d co m m itm en t to e x c e l­ le n c e ,” said W ilson. A lso new this y ear w ill be an ex p a n d ed in fo rm atio n booth. A n ­ n o u n c e r E ric A n d erso n w ill be p la ce d on th e th ird floor. R ace fans can ask him q u estio n s in -b e ­ tw een races. F or co m p lete racin g sch ed u les and inform ation fans can ac cess the M G P w eb site at: h ttp :/ /w w w .ez2w inm gp.com Be a p art o f the 76,h season o f M u ltn o m ah G rey h o u n d Park rac­ ing. L ive racing co m m ences the ev en in g o f Friday, A pril 30, and w ill co n clu d e O cto b er 9th. L ocated in W ood V illage, O regon take 1-84 to W ood V illage E xit 16-A. C all (5 0 3 ) 6 6 7 -7700 for details. Crime Statistics per Northeast Neighborhood Association R ate R obbery 1 Boise- 1 Concordia- 1 King- 0 A lam eda- 0 Eliot- 0 G rant Park- 0 H um boldt- 0 Irvington- 0 Lloyd- 0 Piedm ont- Sahin- 0 Sullivans Glch.- 0 0 V ernon- 0 W oodlaw n- Lloyd- SullivansGlch.- Boise- Eliot- Hum boldt- Irvington- W oodlaw n- Concordia- King- Piedm ont- G rant Park- Sabin- V em on- A lam eda- 7 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 ACC.R A ssault R es B urglary 6 12 Piedmont- King- 5 King- 11 H um buldt- 4 Eliot- 9 W oodlaw n- 3 Boise- 8 Concordia- 3 Sabin- 7 Lloyd- 7 Sullivans Glch.-3 V em on- 3 Concordia- 6 Piedmont- W oodlaw n- 3 5 Boise- G rant Park- 2 4 Eliot- 2 Humboldt- 4 Sabin- 2 V em on- Sullivans G lch.-1 1 Alameda- 0 Alameda- G rant Park- 0 0 Grant Park- 0 Lloyd- 0 Irvington- T heft F/Airro 1 Boise- 1 Eliot- 1 H umboldt- 1 Lloyd- 1 Piedm ont- 1 Sabin- 0 A lam eda- 0 C oncordia- 0 G rant Park- 0 Irvington- 0 Kina- Sullivans G lch.-0 0 V ernon- 0 W oodlaw n- 15 Lloyd- Eliot- 15 Concordia- Lloyd- 11 Eliot- Alameda- 11 Humboldt- Irvington- Irvington- 8 Piedm ont- King- Sullivans Glch.- 8 SullivansGlch.- 7 Concordia- G rant Paik- 6 G rant Park- Boise- 6 H um boldt- W oodlawn- 6 King- Alameda- 6 Sabin- Piedmont- 5 W oodlaw n- Sabin- 3 Boise- V em on- 3 V em on- M urder - N one Reported Hum boldt- 4 Irvington- 3 King- 3 Piedm ont- 3 Concordia- 2 Eliot- 2 Sabin- 2 Boise- 2 G rant P a r k - 1 SuBfrareGIch-1 V ernon- 1 W o o d law n -1 A lam eda-0 Lloyd- 0 O ther T heft A uto T heft A rson N on /R es B urglary 10 9 9 8 7 7 7 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 Lloyd- SuOivansGlch. Eliot- H umboldt- Irvington- King- V em on- Boise- Concordia- G rant Park- Piedm ont- Sabin- W oodlaw n- A lam eda- 69 20 11 10 9 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 H O U STO N — Pregnant w om en might benefit from a screening test that can be given earlier during preg­ nancy. Currently, prenatal screenings for Down syndrome using maternal blood cannot be perform ed in the U.S. before the 14,h week o f pregnancy. Researchers at Baylor C ollege o f Medicine in Houston will soon evalu­ ate a screening test that can be per­ formed between the 10,hand 14"’week o f pregnancy for a m ulticenter study by the National Institute o f health. The new procedure requires an ultrasound exam and a blood sam ple from a fingerprick. T he ultrasound m e asu res the sp a ce b e h in d the b ab y 's neck that, w hen larger, often correlates w ith an increased risk o f D own syndrom e. The blood sam ple is analyzed for two chem icals asso ­ ciated w ith the genetic disorder. T hese results, in com bination w ith the m o th er’s and the b o d y ’s size, can be used to p roject the likelihood o f D ow n Syndrom e. If a high risk is determ ined, the m other will be o f­ fered prenatal testing that can co n ­ firm these presence o f absence o f D ow n Syndrom e. A pproxim ately one in 700 kids is b om w ith this form o f m ental retardation, w hich is caused by an extra chrom osom e. “ By perform ing the test for D ow n Syndrom e during the first trim es­ ter,” said K atie L eonard, a genetic counselor at Baylor. W om en inter­ ested in participating in the study can call (713) 798-4363. Free Skin Cancer Screenings W ith sum m er just around the cor­ ner, it’s a great time for free skin cancer screening! WHO The A m erican Cancer Society WHAT Annual free skin cancer screenings WHEN Saturday, June 5, 1999 from 9:00 a.m. until 1 p.m. WHERE The follow ing Portland/V ancouver area locations: Legacy Good Samaritan Com prehensive Cancer C enter 1015 NW 22nd Ave. Portland Providence/ With summer just around thecomer, do Portland Medical Center Radiation O ncology Dept. 5050 NE Hoyt, B Level Portland OHSU OHSU H ealth Center 15350 SW Pacific Hwy. Tigard Southwest Washington Medical Center Campus 400 NE M other Joseph Place V ancouver WHY Skin cancer is the most common form o f cancer in the United States, and the most easily prevented and detected. yourself and your skin a favor and learn more about skin cancer. Although the screenings are free, pre-registration is required. Call the American Cancer Society, toll free at 1 - 800-528-1525 inOregonor 1 -360-695- 2278 in Washington to register. Ap­ pointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The skin screenings are performed by dermatologists donat­ ing their time and talent to this event. The screenings take just five minutes. F or m ore inform ation about skin cancer, such as FREE brochures, please contact the Am erican Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit our W eb site at w w w .cancer.org.