M ay 5,1999 Editorial Articles Do Not Necessarily Reflect Or Represent The Views O f llo rtk tn b (fi)bsmwr Attention Readers! nnntr take a minute to send us your comments. W e’re always trying to give you a better paper and we can’t do It without your help. Tell us what you like and what needs Improvement... any suggestions are welcomed and appreci­ ated. W e take criticism well! Get your powerful pens out NOW and your letters to: Editor. Reader Response. P .0. Box 3 1 3 7 . Portland, OR 97 208. C lic ^ o r t l a n h (USPS 959-680) Established in 1970 Larry J. Jackson, Sr. E d ito r Gary A nn Taylor B usiness M anager Joy Ramos. Copy Editor M ark W ashington D istribution M anager Heather Fairchild G raphic D esigner quickly surrounded the school and were preparing to close in on them, P r e s id e n t N a t io n a l V rban L eague the two killed themselves. n ce ag ain , a m aelstro m o f And yet, we can say that Littleton h ate, v io le n ce an d d eath , was lucky-given the diabolical scope ca rrie d out by yo u n g bo y s o f the in com m unities seem ingly sheltered killers’ intent: to try to kill 500 students by blowing up the school, from turbulence, has overw helm ed wreak havoc on the larger community, an American high school and its com ­ and even commandeer a jet aircraft at m unity and the nation. the nearby Denver airport, force it into O nce again, w e have watched, in the air and crash it in New York. horror and amazement, the pictures o f And finally, once again, in the first bloodshed, panic, destruction, bew il­ hours and even days after the attack, derment, and unbearable sadness. we heard from students and teachers, O nce again, as w e learn about the from parents, and even from news victim s, w e realize the great poten­ commentators that revealing phrase: tial lost forever to our society. it isn’t supposed to happen here. O nce again, we try to fathom the But we m ust face facts, and draw source o f the killers’ evil rage. an im portant conclusion. W e’ve now gone through the same These rampages have been occur­ shocking routine six tim es in the last ring in the same kind o f places, with 18 months: Before Littleton, it hap­ the same kind o f perpetrators and the pened in Pearl, M iss., W est Paducah, same results: young white males, most K y., Jonesboro, Ark., Edinboro, Pa., from materially comfortable circum ­ and Springfield, Ore. The body count: stances, are striking out to deliber­ 14 dead, m ore than 40 w ounded. ately com mit mass murder. This tim e the violence left its A nd, before and after Littleton, bloody imprint on Colum bine H igh th ere’ve been other sim ilar plots un­ School in Littleton, Colorado. covered— such as the one broken up The shooters were equal opportu­ four days after L ittleton in W im berly, nity haters; they murdered whites and Texas. There, four 14-year-oldboys blacks, athletes and non-athletes, those w ere charged with planning to blow who professed their belief in God and up their junior high school. A uthori­ those they didn’t give time to say any­ ties said the boys had begun their thing. The two killers’ hate was chilling plotting in January and had a list o f 9 and apparently bottomless. The toll was students, teachers and adm inistra­ 13 innocents dead, 23 wounded. tors they specifically intended to kill. Then, discovering that police had H ugh B. P rice ___________________ O © b s e r r ie r Charles W ashington P ublisher It Is Supposed To Happen There Tony W ashington D irector o f A dvertising C ontributing W riters: R ichard Luccetti Lee Perlman, 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97211 503-288-0033 • Fax 503-288-0015 Email: Pdxobserva aol.com Deadline fo r all submitted materials: Articles:Friday, 5:00 pm Ads: Monday, 12:00pm POSTMASTER: Send AddressChangesTo: Portland Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. P eriodicals p ostage p a id at Portland. Oregon Subscriptions: S60.00 p e r yea r The Portland O bserver welcomes freelance submissions. M anuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accom ­ panied by a se lf addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property o f the new spaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ithout the w ritten consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position o f such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLANDOBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN W HOLE O R IN PART W ITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. The P ortlandO bserver-O regon’s O ldest M ulticultural P ublication-is a m em ber o f the N ational N ew spaper A ssociation-F ounded in 1885, and T he National A dvertising Representative A m algam ated Publishers, Inc, N ew York, N Y , and The W est Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. S u b s c r ib e (E b r J J o r tla n b to S b seru er The Portland Observer can be sent directly to your home for only $60.00 per year. Please fill out, enclose check or money order, and mail to: S ubscriptions The Portland Observer • PO Box 3137 • Portland,OR 97208 Name: A d d re ss:. City, State: Zip-Code: _ T hank Y ou F or R eading T he P ortland O bserver Letter To The Editor D ear Friends, M y nam e is K evin M iles and I am currently a sophom ore at grant High School in northeast Portland. I have been w restling since the age o f seven with the Peninsula W res- tling Club, under the coaching direc­ tion o f Mr. R oy Pittm an. I have learned many things through my w res­ tling involvem ent - how to lose with grace and dignity, how to accept suc­ cess, and m ost im portantly - to do my best regardless o f the outcom e. I have been fortunate to have had many successes along the way. I have been the Oregon kids cham pion for m y age and w eight in collegiate, freestyle and Greco several times over. I have represented O regon in seven Western regional tournaments, always placing in the top three and I was the champion for our 12 state region in both styles in 1997, placing second in both last year. As a freshman and again this year as a sophom ore, I won my weight group in the Portland Inter­ scholastic League and was voted the P IL ’s outstanding wrestler. This year I have the honor o f representing Oregon in both freestyle and G reco at the national w restling tournam ent in Fargo, North Dakota. Com petition will be held in late July. I am training hard so that I will be ready and able to do my best repre­ senting m y state. The entire cost o f this trip, as well as an intensive training camp, will be close to $ 1,000.1 am asking for your help by sponsoring m e with a dona­ tion tow ards this amount. Oregon Cadet N ational Team is arecogm zed tax-exempt organization- tax ID #93- 1150366 and any funds you donate are tax deductible. You can m ake a check out to me- K evin M iles- and note in the memo portion the tax ID number. Or if you w ould rather make it out directly to the O regon Cadet N ational Team, and note m y name on the check, that w ould be fine too. Any am ount would be greatly appreciated! Thank you foryour sup­ port and I prom ise to represent O r­ egon well! I hope to hear from you soon. If you have any questions, please call! M y num ber is 282-5351. Thank you again! K evin M iles O regon C adet N ational T eam J o in Us On The N et a t h ttp / / w w w .p o rtlan d o b se rv e r.n e t o r e-m ail a t PDXOBSERV@aol. com member School B y C arol D avis ________________ A lmost five years ago to the day Z V t h a t C olorado students w ere killed by classm ates ’ gunfire, N ash­ ville reeled from the shooting death o f a sev en th -g rad er by his friend and classm ate. Terrance Murray, who would have graduated from high school this spring, has instead left a legacy o f sweeping, safety-conscious changes in the city’s school system. In the Nashville tragedy, the shoot­ ing was not intentional. A classmate took the .25-calibersemi-automatic from under his mother's mattress and, during a class when the lights were low as students watched the movie, “Beauty and the Beast,” he handed the gun to a friend, who thought it was unloaded, rhe weapon fired, hitting I errance who was sitting a row in front o f the shooter. He was dead on arrival at the hospital. “ The stu d e n t’s ap p aren t m otive w as to raise his status in the eyes o f his peers. W hat b etter w ay to be a big m an than to pack a w eap o n ?” s a id W a r re n T h o m p s o n , a V anderbilt U niversity psychology professor, clinical psy ch o lo g ist for N ash v ille 's school system and fa­ ther o f a student at the school w here T errance w as killed. Since the shooting, N ashville schools have established several dis­ trict-w ide changes: • A hotline provides a w ay for students to anonym ously report a gun at school. “ It is my b elief that stu­ dents are our best early warning sys­ tem ,” Thom pson said. • A zero tolerance policy was adopted in w hich students bringing a weapon or drugs to school or who are physically aggressive are expelled from that school for one year and m ust attend an alternative school which has been established solely for these students. • Security cameras have been in­ stalled in every high school. • Faculty are training w ith a na­ tional program called Crisis Preven­ tion Intervention. “W e’redoing some conflict resolution training with fac­ ulty with the notion being that w e’re helping them not escalate the con­ flict and instead helping de-escalate the agitated student,” Thompson said. • Thom pson has provided a series o f school violence workshops in w hich representatives from every N ashville school have attended. Nashville has instituted a number o f conflict resolution programs in sc h o o ls, sa id Jim T u rb e v ille , N ashville’s director o f high schools. However, he said, “one negative o f conflict resolution is that some people you can’t have resolution with and for lack o f a better term. I’ll call them the bullies o f the w orld," he said. “There was the illusion that we could prevent something like this and that there were no weapons in school. It squashed that illusion and made parents, teach­ ers and principals m ore vigilant." In the shootings’ afterm ath, T h­ om pson and other school psycholo­ gists steered parents toward positive, constructive action, he said. For ex­ am ple, several students and parents w ent to T ennessee’s Capitol Hill to It’s tim e for Americans to stop pretending this kind o f shocking, m a­ levolent violence "isn ’t supposed to happen” in white enclaves that have the trappings o f the A m erican Dream. It is supposed to happened there— because it keeps happening. Why? To force A m erica to honestly discuss the impact on young m inds o f the pervasiveness o f an entertain­ ment culture that too often glorifies extreme, mindless, random violence. To urge A m erica to stop pretend­ ing that the easy availability o f guns and other im plem ents o f mass de­ struction plays no role in all o f this. To shock W hite A m erica out o f the w idespread, racially -o rien ted b elief that only those boys and young men (it is males overwhelm ingly who com m it such violence) who live in poor black and Hispanic neighbor­ hoods can fall prey to feelings o f alienation and w orthlessness that curdle into violent rage. This is not happening am ong poor black and Hispanic kids in inner cit­ ies. It cannot be written o ff as a ‘ ’ghetto or “b am o " problem which the rest of .America need not pay heed to. Indeed, after the Springfield, O r­ egon school killings last M ay, Dr. D eb o rah P ro th ro w -S tith , o f the Harvard School o f Public Health, suggested that these incidents are the “ second w ave” o f the youth hom i- protest a bill on the governor's desk that perm itted the legal carrying o f concealed weapons. The governor signed the bill, but the efforts were good for the parents, Thom pson said. “W e tried to find a w ay to put their energy into som e­ thing positive instead o f blam ing som eone for the shooting," he said. Carol Davis is a free-lance writer ' Í .4 ¿ e that K r it .»rvn%7i11 iH cide epidem ic convulsed i h black and H ispanic inner-city neighbor­ hoods in the 1980s and early 1990s. “1 can’t, as a public health person, she said on A B C ’s "Nightline,” “look at w hat’s happened in schools over the last six to eight months and say these areisolatedevents. lfyou take troubled kids and add guns and add a precipita­ tion event in a society that glamorizes explosive responses to anger, you’ve got danger and I think it ’ s now happen­ ing pretty m uch across the country. W hat is driving young w hite boys to these m urderous acts? W hat are the com m onalties and w hat are the differences betw een the present epi­ dem ic o f youth violence and the ear­ lier one in urban neighborhoods? W e m ust recognize that beneath the m ur­ derous hatred o f these killers lies a profound, boiling rage that com es from an even m ore profound sense o f inadequacy and pain. What is causing this? For all our sakes, A m erica m ust take this opportunity to explore the racial issues em bedded in these dif­ fering but connected outbreaks o f significant youth violence. A s the reig n in g su p e rp o w er, Am erica tries to shield the world from terrorism. But the terrorism in our schools and the terror in the hearts and minds o f many o f our children, on all sides ofthe color line, cry out for attention, too. based in Nashville, Term.. and a former editor for the Nashville Banner. W arren Thom pson, clinical psy­ chologist, N ashville school system ; professor o f psychology, V anderbilt University, N ashville, Tenn., 615- 259-8593. Jim T urbeville, D irector o f H igh S ch o o ls, N ash v ille. T enn., 615- 259-8770. Yes! It’s your time! You couldn't have dreamed it better if youd tried. You've learned tha t hard w ork and long hours definitely pay o ff and that getting ahead is easier w he n there's family behind you. That's the w ay it is w ith American Family Mutual Insurance. Like you, w e understand it's consistent performance that builds strong reputations. That's ju st one o f many reasons w h y year after year; were awarded an A+ (Superior) rating from the respected insurance r a tin g a u th o rity , A M. Best. have family behind you. Before you make y o u r move, m ake o n e call a n d a h e lp fu l, friendly agent will be delighted to tell you more. Then go ou t there and conquer th e w orld... w e ll be right behind you. All Your Protection Under One Roof. American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries, Madison. Wl 53783-0001 www.amfam.com