Page 10 ijliv llorUanb (Ohsvruvr Focus May 5,1999 IN P R I N T A PARENT'S GUIOE TO MORE THAN 500 MOVIES ON VIOEO FOR KIOS AGES 2 t» I I Doctor M onís Quick Reference Guide to Natural Healthcare at Home B y K athy D uerr Excerpt: At the age of 22, I be­ came aware that there was a healer inside of me, struggling for a way o f expression. My in itia tio n into healing was through gardening. I undertook the task of educat­ ing myself in the ways of the bare­ foot doctor, including growing, har­ vesting, and preparing plants for m edicine. Not long after I began this journey, 1 started having babies of my own and began to practice what 1 was learning. I was fearless The Movie Mom’s Guide To Family Movies an d s e lf-a s s u r e d , u sin g p la in , s im p le , o ld -tim e re m e d ie s th at worked every time. All three of my children were born at hom e with midwives using natural m edicine. We used herbs, hom eopathy, and hydrotherapy during my pregnan­ cies and births. It is both safe and possible to care for o n e’s family and feel com fortable while doing so. Due to over-domestication many of us have lost our ability to do this. Trust yourself as a m other to feel the needs of your child. U sin g these sim ple rem edies will help you re­ gain your inner gift of healing. This book is my gift o f support to all the mothers who prefer not to resort to over-the-counter drugs and pharma­ ceuticals for the everyday m edical care o f their families. For a copy of this book, contact the N a tio n a l C o lleg e o f Naturo- pathic M edicine at 503/499-4343. t . /,’ A ■z b 'W W (AoonSooks; 1999) A X \ 1 < i ii 1 B y N ell M inow W hat if you could teach your children about life w ith popcorn X ; emmtcomnuiriimins ‘uurmrTOUsiwtiBHT and wonderful movies? Here at last is the ultim ate refer­ ence for every frustrated parent who diversity. J \i f T T \>°r *l0 A Parent’s Guide To More Than 500 Movies On Video For Kids Ages 2 to 18 knows that television can be more than an electronic babysitter. T h e M ovie M o m ’s G u id e to Family M ovies recom m ends hun­ dreds of superb movies available on video - movies that offer more than m in d less ex p lo sio n s, casu al sex, and lim iting stereotypes o f women and m inorities - m ovies that exer­ cise the mind and spirit and bring the whole family closer together. Part 1 (M ovies about Values) in­ c lu d e s su ch c h a p ters as Honesty and Integrity, Loy­ alty, Empathy and Compas­ sion, and Courage. Part 2 (M ovies and G rowing Up) features m ovies on such top­ ics as am b itio n , fam ilies, competition, understanding em otions, and school. And Part 3 (Just for Fun) exam ­ ines com edy, fantasy. W est­ erns, m ystery & suspense, and m uch more. Each entry contains a detailed plot de­ scription and warns parents about depictions of sex, vio­ lence, alcohol and drug use - even how the m ovie mea­ su res up by m od ern -d ay standards of tolerance and I /íí¡6 Mef 7a- h I Quick Reference Guide to Natural Healthcare at Home '*'■4, \ I A KATHY DUERR Foreword by LEHDON SM ITH . M.D. LOSE WEIGHT MS77 O UK SUFEK - N A TUKAL SECKET EOKMULA MIXED IN T O A 'D ELICIO U S TASTING C O O K IE ' CKEA TING THE ONL Y 'F A T IU K N IN G CO O KIE I N THE W O K LD' Thb high fiber, 100% natural cooHe revs up your metabolism and helps to control your appetite. No matter how many dleu have failed you before, you are guaranteed not to fall thb time. P u t s right these cookies a e 100% guaranteed to succeed or your money win be gladly refunded. y o u HA VE N O TH IN G TO LOSE BUT FA T DON'T DELAY • ACT NOW AND FIND OUT HOW ONE COOKIE A DAY CAN GIVE YOU THE BODY YOU'VE ALWAYS DREAMED O f To receive more Information about thb Inaedlbie cookie diet, lend onedolar to cover postage and handling, along with your name and address H. Sloan • 3281 NE Fremont Portland. OR 97212