• » Focus ¡Tltr Fortiani» ©Iwruer u jM M k tie o p e • By Mi»» A nna s -s LIBRA: (S a p ta n te 24 - October 23) Gather J that m t * . and pohthe e n a g y to get a tmk atruarpAAed A hw rrk there h tu ttu e In pulling o il what nerd» m h e done rvrnlualy. fc » tnnr to the eM nroor between briancr and baric «ago» t o _ «ad to take a * o ijiu t »kat « * e )™ « « • » 4 1 Y « “ ™ 1 “>t>r Du ma get taught up in a »kuatitn which h goktg n o where. You can qufecrftttal o i rtam eit m d ju d p n * y r» x » d l« .h a i* l» :< x tW b t-k u k i ■n, a n a n iJ h h quhe a bk » you pot yoth heart to A beck t a n b < s n m .1 brtfr, A fa p . SCORPIO. (Oct 24 - No». 22) TAURUS: (April 21 - May 21) it', tbnr far a w e ! dm erved tern A h week. Along with red dutuld A bw »i < w mW unk m w u a h hurt V"Ut t o t i p A b w w k Irt A rto k n » what ha* hurt ymi. and hnw u> » < *1 ,o m e aeli introapre lion. Pay attention to anv health nutter», no mat ter how trivial they may »rem. Rumanrr may be on hold far the time |m b k m in A«- t o n ­ t e - d in * Ut look at any WitanaUtM ly c o )«wr i“ U A p-rutnal phi being until you review your lie-tin*» and ojaion* lor htxe yarn want to Veupbv you hold d m may be qutMutnert. an By Io ( u wkh A o Ito»; proceed. GEMINI: (May 22 - June 21) T h ere fat no auch th in * a i p e r f e t t o , ao don't expert aa m uch SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 23 - Dec 21) H ui vwx-k you ¡wohaWy o « n e to u n r im p n u n t r e n d u » ) « from y,torteli, an d A o a e around you. S lo p b r in y ao criticai and the beri u«e o f your m oney Uwriy dbruMiom with (amily members learn io b e good to youraell and to o A e n . M o w your hunch et will bring new mkxmatxm to the group. Bi- « M i o « «1 Vuing anothrr thia week, y ou w ill b e j la d you d id , or aorry y o u didn't. D eleg a te know ywur fcd in p . you may juri w e d to t i t « « th» «mr awhfc. r r sp o n iib llitir v CAPRICORN: (Dec 22 - 5an. 20) CANCER: (June 22 - July 23) A w in tim a U m vuu may he able to glean trom a b n u k mrmb.T nn Ytatr behei ayatern may teem to be dtnraepating bekae your .yr». and m atui bt»» authoritarian this figure may «v m . wH hr wrfi wjrth anv akhtatyh A h dom not atrm io be good new» al the pnweM time, it w it umvjmiwtabia*«» Drwhnun» do «erw a w ry wefcil fcmtton. but trv In the long tun. T ik e advantage o i the u q ,u r t and rare tamil» mem a it to get caught up in sudi ( a n u s « btaannal ¡uflrimg » in irtkx t e n warn u> glue you-b u n ilv haa alwuy. been A rre lor you. AQUARIUS: (January 21 - February 19) LEG (July 24- August 23) You may be able to lew h am x b n the kw on o i l> «using energies to Try » i aer amt. time A uing the week U. rxpkmr any new way» o i wit p i A a b ie ends. Ynb lor m m ey. find Auto Insurance -- ■ with a hands-on exhibit called Imagine Space! from May 29 OMSI brings space down to earth - September 6. Beginning May 29 through f you think Star Wars is as close as space artist Robert McCall, perhaps September 6, OMSI is open best known for creating the popu­ .you can get to outer worlds this M onday through Sunday lar poster art for the movie 2001: um m er, th in k again! T he count- from 9:30 AM to 7 PM, and Space Odyssey. lown has begun at the O regon Mu- Thursdays until 8 PM. For A com plete ed u c a to r “ F light eum of Science and Industry for Pack” including an exhibit overview, more inform ation, the pub­ he arrival of the broadest collection lic can call OMSI at 503/ f space artifacts and exhibits ever classroom activities and space-re­ lated resources, is available to teach­ 797-4000 or visit OM SI on­ ssembled in the Pacific Northwest! line at www.comsi.edu. Imagine Space/, O M SI’ s sum m er ers who bring their classes to OMSI. Additional out-of-this world events xhibit, lands M em orial Day Week­ and activities in clu d ed in end for a three-m onth habitation OM SI’s “Summer of Space” (lay 29 through Septem ber 6. are: the debut of OM SI’s new V isitors will experience first- motion simulator ride on May rand the thrill of past, present and uture space exploration through a 29; the return of the popular OMNIMAX movie Destiny in variety of hands-on exhibits and displays, rare space artifacts and re­ Space, opening May 29; a va­ riety of space-related summer productions, and original artwork that combine science and technol­ Camps and Classes; OM SI”s an n u a l Space C e leb ratio n ogy with art and creativity. “The mystery of space and the event on July 17 and 18, com­ memorating the 30th anniver­ lure of uncharted territory intrigue millions of people, young and old, sary of m an’s first walk on the and is especially top-of-mind with moon; and a variety of free summer Star Parties. the recent shuttle mission by John Im agine Space! Includes G lenn,” explains Jim Todd, OMSI exhibits, artifacts and repro­ A stronom y and Space E ducation ductions from the Columbus Coordinator. "ImagineSpacefhxinyp O h io S cie n ce I n s titu te the final frontier to life. It’s a total (C O S I), N A SA , B o ein g , immersion into the wonder of space Space C enter H ouston and exploration, launching visitors on a T he Cosmosphere. journey of hands-on discovery, ob­ Imagine Space! Is featured servation and study. It’s the most in O M SI’s C hanging Exhib com prehensive collection of space its Hall, and space-related ex­ ex h ibits an d artifacts ever to be hibits, labs and dem os will shown in the Pacific Northwest.” be incorporated throughout Imagine Space! Features a broad the museum. T he exhibit is range of fun, interactive activities that brings down to Earth for astro­ included with OMSI general adm ission, $6.50 for adults naut w annabes of all ages. The exhibit also features dozens (ages 14-62) and $4.50 for se­ niors (63+) and youths (4-13). of original works of art by renowned Nov there’s s cure for SK22 When you first heard you got it, it scared you. You thought you would never be able to drive again And even if you could, how would you be able to aflord it? Think again Get back on the road to recovery with the help from your friends at Columbia Insurance Group C olum bia In s u ran c e Group, Inc Free phone quotes. Low down payment. Low monthly payments. Instant coverage TOJP TO BOTTOM FASHION ATHLETIC SHOES & CLOTHING We Feature Fubu, Boss, Nike, South Pole, First Down, Fila, Adidas, Lugz T-Shirts S /S io Freaky Chains "Free" COME SEE US and work boots «vr . 3 . > .z - i t . • f. i. • » * *■»*»• V & : < f. ’