Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1999, Page 16, Image 16

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    glifi? jo d ia n i» ©haeraer
Martial Arts To Benfit Jefferson Arts Program
________ «
P o rtlan d ’s prem ier m artial artists
a re k ic k in g in to s u p p o r t th e
Jefferson A rts M agnet program , best
known for the n ationally acclaim ed
Jefferson D ancers.
“A rtF o rc e ,” a p e rf o rm a n c e of
dance, m usic and m artial arts, will
and under. All proceeds will b enefit
J e ffe rso n ’s P erfo rm in g a n d V isual
A rts p rogram .
According to Fred Locke, the Mag­
net C oordinator o f Jefferson’s arts pro­
g ram , b udget cuts an d th e lack of
be held at 4 PM Saturday, May 15,
at Jefferson H igh School. Tickets for
th e event are $10 for adults an d $5
for b o th seniors and children age 12
stable funding remain a major concern
for the entire program . T he Jefferson
Dancers were able to continue to per­
form this year only because of “a gen­
erous one-time g ran t of $45,000 from
P G E/Enron.” A rtForce will attem pt to
restore funding to parts of the program
whose budgets have been cut.
“T here is a natural connection be­
tween martial arts and dance,” says Gil
Johnson, head instructor at the School
of Traditional Taekwon-do. “Both are
concerned with movement that is at once
structured and creative. And if you hare
seen the Jefferson Dancers, you know
they excel because of the same discipline,
Chuck Washington
Larry J. Jackson, Sr.
Director o f Advertising
Tony Washington
Copy Editor
Joy Ramos
Creative Director
in r indomitable
ln m itilH Ip s n irit
th that
commitment and
creates a black belt martial artist.
“W hen we learned that this valu­
able m agnet arts program needed to
replace lost funding, we decided to do
our p art,” Johnson adds.
T h e ArtForce program will feature
demonstrations of aikido, karate, kendo
(Japanese sword art), kung fu, jujitsu,
t’ai chi and taekwon-do. T he talent of
the m agnet arts program will also be
displayed including per­
fo rm a n c e s by th e
Jefferson D ancers, d i­
rected by Ju lan e Stites;
the M odem Dance Lab,
directed by Melissa St.
Clair, and the Jefferson
Jazz Combo, directed by
Ronnye Harrison.
Participating martial
arts schools include the
Academ y of K ung Fu,
Garden Home T ’ai Chi
Center, Obukan Kendo
Club, Portland Aikikai,
the School of Traditional
Taekwon-do and Tradi­
tional Okinawan Karate
Heather Fairchild
4747 NE Martin Luther
King, Jr., Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
Fax 503-288-0015
The high-flying students from the School of
showcase their talents May 15 * * * * « * ' ■
Î Ï S ^ o ï- d ï
School's Magnet Arts programs. The School of Traditional Taekwon ao
operates two schools serving the North and Northeast neighborhoods.
D e a d l i n e s lm
s u b in ille d
n ia liii.il:
Articles: Friday by 5 p . m .
Ads: Monday by Noon
Focus welcomes freelance sub­
missions. Manuscripts and pho­
tographs can be returned if ac­
companied by a self-addressed
stamped envelope.
All created display ads become
the sole property of the news­
paper and cannot be used in
other publications or personal
usage without the written con­
sent of the general manager,
unless the client has purchased
the composition of the ad.
ISWTI m rartad
L earn to speak C h in ese o r S p an ­
ish. Study astro n o m y o r o rn ith o l­
ogy. E x p lo re th e film s o f A lfre d
H itch co c k . S tu d y e n v iro n m e n ta l
science o r learn golf. Lewis & C lark
o ffe rs a w id e ra n g e o f e x c itin g
c o u rs e s fo r u n d e r g r a d u a te a c a ­
d em ic cre d it d u rin g two su m m er
sessions: M ay 10 to J u n e 18 an d
June 21 to Ju ly 30.
S u m m er Session is for a d u lt stu ­
d e n ts lo o k in g fo r a c h a lle n g in g
le a rn in g e x p e rie n c e , in d iv id u a ls
who w ant to seriously explore a sub­
ject thro u g h classroom study, as well
as tra d itio n a l u n d e rg ra d u a te s who
w ant to earn acad em ic credit.
S u m m e r S e ss io n c o u rs e s a re
available on an o pen adm ission b a ­
sis. T h a t m eans stu d en ts may enroll
in co u rses w ith o u t go in g th ro u g h
the form al ad m issio n process. V isit
th e S u m m er S essio n W eb site at
w ww.lclark.edu/ -cas/sum m er o r call
P roceeds from the
e v e n t w ill go to th e
dance, music, television
production, theatre and
visual arts departm ents
a t J e f f e r s o n H ig h
School. Tickets will be
sold at the high school
and at the participating
m a r tia l a rts schools.
For m ore inform ation
about purchasing tick­
e ts , c o n ta c t J u d y
S a n fo rd a t J e ffe rs o n
H igh School. C all 916-
PGE - E nron F o u n d a tio n
p re s e n ts
M ay
M ay
M ay
M ay
8 PM
2 PM
8 PM
2 PM
7 PM
6 & 8
N c w m a r k T h e a tre
P o r tla n d C e n te r to r th e P e r fo r m in g A rts
T ic k e t- A v a ila b le a t th e
PC P A B o x O ffic e 11 11 I SW B ro a d w a y )
A ll F re d M e y e r F a s tix x O u tle ts
(2 2 4 T IX X I
S i f,
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10 50
A ll S e a ts R e s e rv e d
T ic k e ts - ,u b |e r t to PAC S u r c h a r g e
.a./A .'J'SfV
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