^JorHanb ffibamrer Page B7 A D V E R T IS IN G SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to “ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY." & MJM Manor 6 0 6 NE Sacram ento P ortland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 2 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -2 1 6 2 SUBSIDIZED UNITS MAY BE AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to •EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY.” James Lee Gardens 6 2 0 NE Brazee P ortland, Oregon 9 7 2 1 2 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -2 1 6 2 H um an Transit Operators Salem Area Mass Transit District is now accepting applications for Transit Operators to operate passenger buses over prescribed ro u te s in a ccordance w ith designated schedules. No previous bus driving experience required. We train. Effective July 1, 1999, starting wage will be $12.38 per hour. Detailed description of duties, qualification requirements, and o fficia l application form available in our Human Resources office, 3140 Del Webb Ave. NE, Salem, OR 97030. Official District a p p lic a tio n fo rm m u st be completed and received at District by 5:00 p.m. May 28, 1999. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Radio Producer - Sports station seeks hungry aggressive producer who wants to be in charge. You don't take no for an answer when going after guests. You know the difference between compelling and sleepy. You understand th a t s p o rts ra d io is re a lly m ale entertainment radio. You live, eat, and breathe sports. You know the importance of prep and will make sure the talent you work with is always a step ahead o f the competition. Send resume and tape (if applicable) to Program Director, KFXX, 0700 SW Bancroft, P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 1 . EOE. Minorities and women encouraged to apply. ofton I R eso u rces Internal Consultant, Organization Development City Of Portland, Oregon Service Improvement Initiative (Sil) $57,533 to $73,507 This new position will provide design services, facilitate city bureau strategic planning, and assist the bureaus in developing continuous improvement approaches andThe ideal candidate will have a solid background in organizations development and lab°Fore detailed information and to apply, either visit the City's 1 ^ebsut® " Northeast Portland Brand New Home $1 25,500 Administrative Support Specialist 3 ♦ Waiting for you Is this new 3 bedroom, 1 Vi bath house w /a combination floor plan Including dining & living space off of the kitchen. This Is a special buying opportunity for you. Ask about the HOST details or the option to include a new range & refrigerator. Call: David J.Tangvald 635-2660 x204 or 24HR 790- 3665._________ ______________ For application information contact: Karen Hupp Legislative Administration 140-B State Capitol, Salem OR 97310 (503) 986-1373 Job Line (503) 986-1375 http://www.leg.state.or.us Deadline: Apply now. Open until session committee» »but down. Waltingforyou isthis new 3 bedroom, 1 V6 bath house w /a combination floor plan Including dining & living space off of the kitchen. This Is a special buying opportunity for you. Ask about the HOST details or the option of a new range & refrigerator included. Call: David J. Tangvald 635-2660 x204 24HR 790-3665 Cord Blood Collection Tech American Red Cross is establishing an e xcitin g new program In Umbilical Cord Blood Banking. Two full time positions available to collect umbilical cord blood In a hospital setting, Interact with laboring mothers and hospital staff, and ensure s a fe , e ffic ie n t, a p p ro p ria te c o lle c tio n and p ro c e s s in g of s a m p le s. Q ualifications include LPN or equivalent, strong phlebotomy and people skills. Familiarity with blood banking and/or labor and delivery preferred. Bilingual abilities a plus. Applications required. Please apply at or call 503-284-0011 ext. 311 for information: American Red Cross Advertisement For Bid Sealed bids for the Cordley Hall Partial renovations Phase 2 project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:00 PM, local time, May 18, 1999. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on May 19, 1999 at 2:00 PM local time. All bidders must be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board. Additional Information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737- 7694. Oregon Health Plan Coordinator C eres Behavioral H ealthcare Sys­ te m s, a M anaged Behavioral H ealthcare Organization th a t is an A ffilia te o f M agellan Behav­ ioral H ealth, is accepting appli­ c a tio n s fo r th e p o sition o f Or­ egon H ealth Plan C oordinator. The su cce ssfu l candidate w ill par­ tic ip a te as part o f a team m an­ aging Oregon Health Plan M en­ ta l Health Services. R esponsi­ bilities include working with com­ m unity m ental health providers and o th e r key com m unity con­ s titu e n ts to m o n ito r and im ­ prove quality o f care. Requires e xce lle n t verbal and w ritte n s k ills , and experience and un­ derstanding of public sector men­ ta l health services. M u st be p ro ficie n t in MS Office. M ini­ m um B.A. in hum an services or e quivalent. Salary com m ensu­ rate w ith experience. Ceres o ffe rs co m p e titive salaries, b e n e fits packages including 4 0 1 K ,p lu s a g re a t working en­ vironm ent. Qualified applicants are invited to send resum es to: Ceres Behavioral Healthcare Systems Attn: Human R esources 9 2 1 SW W ashington S treet, Suite 5 5 0 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 1 9 -6 8 9 2 e - m a i l : jharvey@ magellanhealth.com Equal Opportunity Employer Executive Director Non-profit organization is seeking an Executive Director, Must have a good sense of humor and like a challenging and rewarding career. For more inform ation and an application packet please call 503- 223-7411. Closing date is June 1, 1999. Jam m ln' 9 5 .5 looking fo r bright, a g g re ssive , good natu re d , promotions team members. No experience needed but a positive mental attitude is required. If your interested we will be holding a group interview on Wednesday April 21” at 6:00pm at the Double Tree Hotel - Lloyd Center. No phone calls. Equal Opportunity Employer You Can Now Find Us On the Web! http:// www.portland observer.net Dermatology Surgery Instructor The appointee shall provide services as assigned by the supervisor in furtherance of the University's missions and goals of teaching, research, patient care, outreach and public service. This position is under the supervision of the Chair of the Department of Dermatology. The qualified candidate will be d ouble boarded and have experience with experim ental lasers. Duration of this appointment and indicated salary may be changed or eliminated if a gift, grant, or contract fund supporting this position becomes unavailable. Nell A Swanson, M .D . Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology Oregon Health Sciences University 0P06 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. Portland Oregon 97201-3098 Voice: (503)494-1375 Fax: (503)494-6968 0 H S U is an Atftrmetlvo Action/Equal Opportunity Employer___________ Clerical Unit Supervisor In the Public Guardian organization, you will supervise clerical workflow and clerical and staff work for all court documents. Duties include producing one-of-a-kind co u rt docum ents; performing notary functions and filing co u rt d o cu m e n ts; co o rd in a tin g program information software/data systems; training staff, and acting as a liaison with probate court to assure com pliance with court policies. Requires equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. One year of legal experience and knowledge of legal terminology desirable. Must be able to pass a criminal background check. Salary Is $14.13 per hour. Apply by May 7. Security Officers Pacific Northwest Regional Blood Services Job No. 246N16 3131 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97227 Needed - FT/PT Starting up to $8/HR. Positions now available in: • Downtown Portland • Hillsboro • North/NE/SE Portland area We encourage women & minorities to apply. Accountant Applications are also available a t : The Portland Observer Newspaper • 4747 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd • Portland. OR 97211 Sportswear Company» We are seeking a team player to work In our Shipping Department. You will coordinate the efficient and accurate processing of all outbound shipping documentation. Act as a backup to the Shipping Supervisor, for all Shipping Department related fu n c tio n s . P ro fe ssio n a l and technical skills are needed to support efficient movement of shipments to the retail industry. R e s p o n s ib ilitie s Include pre p a ratio n , p ro ce ssin g and transfer of confirmed pick reports. In ve stig a te sh ip p in g re la te d d o cu m e n ta tio n is s u e s and problems to complete resolution. Must possess Associate Degree (or e q u ivale n t w ork experience) minimum two years experience In a business environment, preferably in, tra ffic, shipping custom er service, claims, or related field; or e q u iva le n t exp e rie n ce In transportation logistics, claims or customer service in the apparel industry. Excellent verbal and written communication skills in a fast paced, pressure oriented environm ent. Fam iliarity with Distribution Center operations servicing the re ta il industry preferred. Intermediate Microsoft Excel and Word experience a plus. Pre-employment drug screen required. Please send your resume to: Columbia Sportswear Company, Human Resources, dept. SHPSPEC, PO Box 8 3 2 3 9 , Portland, OR 97283 or Fax (503) 735-4597 Drug Test Administered ___________ M /F /D /V ________________ Rideshare/Comuter information is available C olum bia Work for One Tough Mother! Shipping Specialist Northeast Portland Brand New Home In N.E. $1 28 ,50 0 • Short term positions to complete the 1999 Legislative Session • Possibility of continuing employment • Must be computer literate/55-60 wpm • Interviews begin immediately Multnom ah County's Aging & Disability Services Department currently has the following great opportunity available: Transportation www.ci.portland.or.us\jobs or call (503) 823-6959. Apply by May 2 1 ,1 9 9 9 Minorities, females, and disabled encourage to apply Reception Center Coordinator - Innovative non-profit program serving high-risk youth. BA required, Masters preferred. Experience working with high-risk youth or similar population and ability to work in collaboration with private and public sector, supervision experience a plus. Competitive salary and benefits. Send resumes to: NAFY, 812 SW 10"’ Ave., Portland, OR 97205 Part-Time A ccountant needed to perform accounting and auditing functions within general accounting and to summarize data for periodic operating statements for a training institution. Requires a Bachelor Degree in Accounting or Business Administration and one-year related experience. Public and private sector experience preferred. Directly related experience may be considered in lieu o f formal education. Submit letter of Interest and resume to: Initial Security (formerly Stanley Smith Security) 10725 SW Barbur Blvd. #110 1-800-523-9908 Equal Opportunity Employer M /F /H /V FAMILY AND COMMUNITY I PARTNERSHIPS COORDINATOR J I FT Coordinator needed to overier services for families ( o f children ages 0 -3 in an Early Head Start program « I Requires BS in ECE or the equivalent and 2 years expe- I rience Head Start experience preferred Salary $24,000 I $25,000 EARLY HEAD START TEACHER INTERVENTIONIST FT Teacher/lnterventionist needed for an Early Head Start program The Position requires BS in ECE or equiv­ alent w ith 2 years' experience in human services or a CDA in ECE with 5 years' experience in human services, including understanding/expeiience w/diverse cultures. $ 8-$W fh r. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT FT Administrative Assistant needed to provide clerical support for an Early Head Start program Requires 2 years coursework at an accredited business school or 2 j years'relevant work experience. $8-$8.7S(hr 0 W’ FT Teacher needed to plan and implement home visit services and classroom curriculum for emergent, child- directed. developmental!» and culturally appropriate program for children 0 -3 and their families Requires AA/BA in ECE or CDA credential and two years' experi­ ence Previous Head Start experience, bilingual skills preferred Requires driver's license and reliable form of transportation, $20,000-$22,000. For the above positions please send a resume w,cover letter to Volunteers o f America o f Oregon. Inc.. 537 SE Alder Street. Portland. OR »7214. T Assistant Veterans Services Officer $2,513 - $3,056/m o Closes 5 /1 4 /9 9 Call (503) 648-8606 TTY (503) 693-4898 for information. County application and supplemental application form s required Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply Apply To: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Zoo Construction Project M anager (Oregon Zoo) - $ 5 5 ,3 8 0 .0 0 - $77,531.00/annually, 1 full-time position. (Deadline May 10,1999). O versees and manages contractors, subcontractors, other professional and technical staff as assigned, and the construction of a $30.5 million dollar addition to the Zoo. To apply: create a resume; write a cover letter which includes: l)yo u r experience with facility construction project management, including type of project and dollar values; 2) your experience in management of a highly visible construction project with considerable public Interest and oversight. Send materials to: Metro HR Dept. 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232. Fax to: (503) 797-1798. or email to jobs@metro.dst.or.us For details, call (503) 797-1570. Web address: http://www.metro- region.org Associate Transportation Engineer Senior CADD Designer a J is o greet pieci to work tor Washington County Metro the following agencies: has the following positions: « opprccxjbon and support » ¿ ^ ÿ o r tu n ÿ ^ r n ÿ o j^ ^ Recruiting volunteers and practicum students to work with survivors of the sex industry and their children. We need s u p p o rt in a d vo ca cy, emergency services, facilitating groups, child care, office work, fundraising and board members. Please contact Audrey at 282-1082 for appl ¡cations and/or questions Providing regional services Creating livable communities , / n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries. and a large variety of careers available statewide. Currently, openings exist kt Volunteers of America of Oregon, a not- w ! for-profit social services organization with as 1 102-year history serving this community, J Attn: Susan Hakoda. Volunteer Opportunities Parking Facility Operator Im m e d ia te o p e n in g fo r fu ll and part-tim e lo t a tte n d a n t w ith P o rtla n d 's leading parking Company. We are seeking dependable individuals w ith a n eat appearance and a positive a ttitu d e . • $ 7 .2 5 sta rtin g wage • A dvancem ent potential • M edical, Dental and 4 0 1 K available A p p lic a n ts m u s t have va lid drivers license, s u b m it to drug te s t and background check. Apply in person betw een 1 2 :0 0 and 1:00 PM daily atCity Center Parking at 2 1 5 SW 6 ,n. Office of Medcal Assistance Programs Principal Executlve/Manager D Policy Unit Manager This is Where Ordinary People Become Extraordinary Citizens I Volunteer! of Amtrica, Oregon. The Council for Prostitution Alternatives Vending route for sale: Snickers Bars. 50 Locations. $800-$1200 solid monthly income. Cost $2995. www.vendingroutes.com 1-800-963-6123. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TEACHER INTERVENTIONIST An Equal Opportunity Employer - A Drug Free/Smoke-Free Work Place DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Case M anagem ent Coordinator S upervisor fo r case m anagem ent program serving high-risk youth. M S E /M A in related fie ld , case m anagem ent, supervisory exp. N ecessary. Respond to NAFY, 8 1 2 SW 1 0 lhAve., Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 We value diversity. p f: PPS Civil Service board is seeking applicants for custodial positions. Beginning annual salary $22,964, plus district benefits package. Applications will be accepted May 3 - 12, 1999, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. In fo rm a tio n and a p p lica tio n s available in the lobby o f the B lanchard Education Service Center, 5 0 1 N Dixon, Portland, OR 9 7 2 2 7 . All a p p lic a n ts who successfully pass the Civil Service test will participate in a thorough pre-employment physical, which Includes screening for substance abuse. No phone calls please. AA/EEO Employer Responses M ust Be Received No Later Than Friday, April 30. 1999 As an affirmative action employer, we are seeking qualified minority, female, veteran and disabled applicants; however, all qualified applicants will ! > Portland Public Schools Application materials and formal job announcements are available at: www.co.multnomah.or.us/jobs/, In person or by mailing a self-addressed stam ped envelope re q u e stin g application forms to: Multnomah County Employee Services, 1120 SW 5"’ Avenue, First Floor Lobby, PO Box 14700, Portland, OR 97293-0700. Assisted access to Multnomah County Libraries. Equal Opportunity Employer. Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy. Troutdale, OR 97060 I Custodian« INMWl « AlWriO Topnotch design skills are needed for designing complex transportation projects in our Region 1 construction Project Manager s Office in Troutdale. Using computer-aided drafting and design, you will prepare geometric design, drainage design and construction details: generate base maps; develop terrain medels; and perform complex CADD duties tor location and construction projects. You will also assist in field surveying and inspection work as needed. Requires a Bachelor's degree in Civil or Transportation- related Engineering; or a PE (Civil or Transportation). PLS, FE/EIT or FLS/LSIT. Salary $2,622 • $3.752/m onth + excellent benefits; health insurance; paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 10 paid holidays, and full employer-paid retirement contribution Announcement «JCDT9246. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 986-4030 (TTY (503) 986-3854 for the hearing Impaired) or v isit w ww.hr.dae.etate.or.ua/lob» for announcement and application. ODOT Is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is May 24, 1999. Traffic Signal Technician 2 Intelligent Transportation Systems Technician Located in Salem, this position will perform technical work on Intelligent Transportation Systems in the areas of design, testing, installations, inspections and repair. Requires a Limited Maintenance (LME) or greater electrical license (if the successful applicant does not possess an appropriate electrical license upon the date of appointment, they will be required to qualify for and complete an LME apprenticeship program), AND either an Associates degree in Electronic Technology and two years of experience maintaining and repairing traffic signals and signal controllers, or electronic data collection and management experience; or five years of experience maintaining, testing and repairing equipment (two of the five years must have been maintaining and repairing traffic signals and signal controllers, or electronic data collection and management equipment). Salary $2.376 - $3.406/m ortth + excellent benefits: health insurance; paid vacation and sick leaves; 9 paid holidays; and full employer paid retirement contribution Announcement «OCDT9010A. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (503) 986-4030 (TTY ,8 0 3 ) 986-3854 for the hearing impaired) or vlalt www.hr.daa.atata.or.ua/loba for application material». ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce. Deadline is May 28. 1999. Executive Support Specialist 1 TDD Administrative Support Assistant Excellent organizational, communication and computer skills are highly desired for this immediate vacancy In Salem Position will provide confidential administrative support for the Deputy Director of the Transportation Development Division and assist with the control of workflow, decision making on timelines and accomplishing special projects. Requires three years of clerical/secretarial experience which included one year at a full performance-level performing typing, word processing or other generation of documents; and lead work responsibility or coordination of office procedures. Salary $1.808 $2.516/m onth ♦ excellent benefits, health insurance: paid vacation; sick and personal leaves; 9 paid holidays; and full employer-paid retirement contribution Announcement SOCDT9231. Contact ODOT Recruitment at (603) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY (803) 9 8 8 3 8 5 4 for the hearing Impaired) or vtsR www.hr.dae.etate.otue/lobt for application metadata. ODOT is an AA/EEO employer committed to a diverse workforce Deadline is May 21. 1999 A * > ^ V> '-X-TÏT.Jp The Department 01 Human Resources (DHR). Office of Medical Assistance Programs (0MAP), located in Salem is recruiting lor a fulFtime Policy Unit Manger The employee in this position is responsible for the man^jem ent of the design, development, implementabon. monitoring, evaluation, and maintenance of all fee-for-service programs: the production of administrative rules affecting medical services to 0MAP clients; and ensuring program conformity to State and Federal regulations To qualify, you must have six years' experience In supervision, staff-technical, or professional-level work. This expehertce must have included at least two years supervision and management ot a program section or unit which included a) development of program rules and policies, b) development of long- and short-range goals and plans, c) program evaluation, and d) budget preparation. A Bachelor's degree or courses in a field related to M an^em ent. such as Business. Public Administration, or a field related to the program of the employing agency may be substituted tor up to three years of the required experience, but will not substitute tor the two years specialized experience. Salary is $3.469 to $5.132 a month. To apply, obtain a State of Oregon application from either your local employment department office or by contacting the DHR Job line at (503) 945-5742 and apply to Announcement « £ 9 9 0 3 8 2 . Send or deliver your completed application material» to: Department of Human Resources. Records and Recmttment Unit. 500 Summer Street NE-4th floor. Salem. OR 9 7 3 1 0 0005. or you may fax your application materials to either (503) 378-2249 or (503) 3 788463. Closing date is May 17, 1999 at 5:00 p.m OREGON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Personnel Technician This key position provides administrative and technical support in the Recruitment Unit in Salem and plays a vital role in the recruitment and application process for filling the Department's statewide vacancies. Requires one year of personnel assistant experience directly assisting personnel staff and employees in the administrative functions ot a personnel program, or two rears' personnel office clerical experience providing knowledge of personnel procedures such as recruitment and selection, classification and pay. benefits, grievance procedures, or administration of personnel rules and policies, or a Bachelor s degree in Personnel Mansgement or a closely-related field. Salary is $1.846 to $2.592 a month. Job Announcement « £ 9 9 0 3 7 0 and a Stata of Oregon employment application may bo obtained from any Oregon Employment Department or vlalt out web site at wwwdoc.stats.oiu», or you may can our office at (503) 3 78 6 0 13 . Closing date is May 7, 1999. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Attorney There is a current Attorney vacancy in the Business Transactions Section of the General Counsel Division located in Salem Duties include providing general counsel services to state agencies with public contracting and transaction needs. Applicant must have knowledge and expertise In business end contract law; familiarity with general commercial law. information systems technology or intellectual property lam. including software development and licensing; and public contracting law is desirable. Excellent writing, analytical and verbal skills are required Must be an OSB member Salary is $3,240 to $6.427 a month, depending on experience To apply. caK (503) 3 7 8 5 5 5 5 Ext. 321. (TTY (503) 3 7 8 5 9 3 8 far the (waring Impaired) ot vistt our web site ot ww w doj.itetsor.u, AA/EOE. Closing date is May 17. 1999 J /h e e e are Just torn» of the current apanbigt available wHh the State at Oregon. For eddtttonal tofotmrtJon. a copy of the State of Oregon Application Fown and wort cmnptot* announoamant listing*. c a l tba Store Job fine (Oregonian InoMa U no),5 0 3 ) 2 2 6 5 5 5 5 »7777 (TTY,5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 4 6 7 2 ), vM t your local amployment dapartrean t or vM t our web rite at wwwhtdae.erete.eiue/)oba. The State of Oregon and all Ito dMaione opual opportunity emptoywe.