P ag e B4 M a y 5,1999 (Tlje ^orttani* ©bseruer THE P R O F E S S O OF P R A IS E Diahann Carroll Ron Kenoly iahann Carroll is undeni Day Mammograms is a program of the ably the consummate en Rite Aid Women’s HealthFoundation. tertainer. So varied and dy­ Mothers Day namic are her gifts that she continu­ Mammograms ally astounds fans and critics alike A mammogram isn’t just for you, with her versatility and magnetism. it’s foryourchildren and your grand­ As one o f the world’s major per­ children. Because when it comes to forming talents, Ms. Carroll has suc­ taking care o f your family, where’s cessfully made the challenging tran­ nothing more important than your sitions from nightclubs to the Broad­ health. You see, mammograms can way stage, to motion pictures and save lives. television, becoming a Las Vegas T h a t’s w hy T he R ite Aid headliner, a Tony Award winner, an W omen’s Health Foundation con­ Emmy and Grammy nominee, and nects uninsured women with free an Oscar nominee in the category of b reast screenings. We call it Best Actress. M o th er’s Day Mammograms. Youmightcall it peace o f mind. To q u alify you have to be at least 40 and meet the income and insurance guide­ lines. D T Facts About Mam- mograms Mahann Carroll A survivor of breast cancer, Ms Carroll is a passionate advocate o f the importance o f early detection. She currently serves as the national spokes­ person for M o th er’s Day Mammograms, a program that con­ nects uninsured women who cannot afford regular mammograms with free screenings at local hospitals. Mother’s gospel and contem porary C hris­ he w o rld ’ b e s t- s e llin g tian music in that his music is not praise and w orship leader m eant to m erely entertain the au ­ Ron Kenoly is com ing to As the worship leader, Ron Portland C hristian C enter w ith dience. his K enoly’s task is to lead the con­ band and jo in in g the P o rtland gregation in creating a perfo r­ Christian C enter’s 150-voice choir mance w ith G od as their audience. for tw o fabulous w o rsh ip and T here are no spectators at Ron praise concerts on Saturday, May Kenoly concerts. Everyone stands 15,h and Sunday May 16th. The to their feet and participates. Ron date is in support o f K enoly’s lat­ K enoly only serves as the catalyst est album . M ajesty (Integrity M u­ in helping the congregation m ake sic) which peaked at #1 on the a joyful noise unto the Lord. “ I t’s C ontem porary C h ristian M usic the responsibility o f me as a w or­ (CCM Update) w orship and praise ship leader to put the focus on the ch arts. W ith alm o st 4 m illio n Lord Jesus C hrist,” K enoly ex­ records sold and alm ost ten al­ plains. “M y jo b is to lead the con­ bum s under his belt, Ron K enoly gregation in songs that give praise has sold more recordings than any unto the Lord. They are the choir.” other w orship and praise leader. Ron K enoly and his band will He has popularized and m ade stan­ be in full concert w ith the Portland dards out o f such paeans as “Let Christian C enter’s 150-voice choir E verything T hat H ath B reath ,” Saturday May 15* and Sunday May “ Whose Report Shall You Believe,” 16th @ 7 PM each night at the “ Use Me” and “I See The Lord.” Portland C hristian Center, 5700 He perform s more overseas w or­ Southw est D osch Road in Port­ ship services than any other w or­ land, O regon. All tickets are $10 ship leader and routinely packs out and available at the Portland Chris­ 20,000 seat arenas abroad. Last year tian C enter and the C hristian Sup­ alone, Ron Kenoly traveled to five ply Store chain. For further per­ continents and logged more than form ance inform ation, contact the 200,000 miles. church at 503-245-7735. K enoly’s m usic differs from A m am m o­ gram is a low dose x-ray of the breast. A mam­ mogram can de­ tect cancer up to two years before you or your doc - tor can feel it. T he e a rlie r breast cancer is found, the better the chances for successful treatment. According to the American Can­ cer Society, every woman 40 years and older should: • Get a mammogram every year. • Have a clinical breast exam by a doctor or nurse every year. • Perform a breast self-exam ev­ ery month. Inter-Faith Mother’s Day Service Offers Healing Hope to Victim s o f Abuse and Their Families Over 60 percent of Oregon women who are abused are mothers. In an effort to assist in the healing process of those who have suffered domestic vio­ lence, an interfaith Mother’s Day ser­ vice will be held Sunday, May 9 at 4 p.m. at the First Congregational church o f Christ, 1126 S.W. Park Avenue. The service is jointly sponsored by members o f the Portland Interfaith Clergy Support Group and the Associ­ ate o f Downtown Churches as part of an effort by Bradley-Angle House to raise public awareness about domestic violence. The service is open to anyone wishing to commemorate or honor women, children and families who have suffered domestic violence The service will be held by Rev erend Patricia Ross, Senior Minister o f the First Congregational Church o f Christ, with religious leaders from the Catholic, Christian and Jewish communities. Other participants cur­ rently include Reverend Slyvia E agen, Interim M inister Salem United Church o f Christ, Reverend L y n n Sm ouse L opez o f the Ainsworth United Church of Christ and Sister Amadene Bean o f the Sisters o f the Holy Names. This is the first interfaith effort o f its kind in Portland. Reverend Ross agreed to lead the service because she believes domestic violence prevention must cross com m unity and religious Right: Praise and worship leader, Ron Kenoly is coming to Portland In May. In Loving Memory o f Lottie L. McAllister bom March 28,1926 died April 19, 1999 in Portland, Oregon. Lottie was a member o f New Hope Community Church, First black Par­ liamentarian in the State o f Oregon, Kaiser Shipyards during W.W.II 2, Prayer Partner TbN-former PTA, Camp Fire and Boy Scout leader, seamstress, cook and caregiver in her later years. Survivors o f Lottie L. McAllister Conway C. McAllister son, Dr. Thomas R. McAllister son, Carolyne F. McAllister daughter all o f Portland, Oregon. Martha Tho­ mas Sister o f Shreveport, Louisiana, Ruth McDaniel sister o f San Diego, California; 5 grandchildren, and 7 Great-grandchildren. boundaries to be most effective. She hopes this service will become an annual event. Also speaking at the service will be Kay Del Marshall, Bradley-Angle House Board mem­ ber, whose sister was beaten, then shot to death byher abusive boyfriend in 1975. Bradley-Angle’s Transition facility is named Andrea Lee in honor o f Ms. Marshall’s sister. Founded in 1975 to provide emer­ gency shelter for women and then- children escaping domestic abuse, Bradley-Angle House is the oldest dom estic v io lence in tervention agency on the west coast. New Life Ministry (Drug & Alcohol) Facilitators: Kevin & Joyce Pastor George Merriweather Northeast Community Fellowship Phone (503) 288-2583 Fax (503) 282-6484 636 NE Stanton Portland, OR 97212 Are you or someone you love struggling with drugs or alcoholZ If so... You are invited to attend our weekly meetings. Every Tuesday evening at 7 pm in the church's lower level. Our purpose is: • To help find freedom through biblical means. • T o learn how to set boundaries fo r ourselves as well as fo r our loved ones. • T o learn how to really let go and trust God. For more information, please call Kevin & Joyce @ 288-2583 ------- W A N T E D KEYBO ARD PLAYER Spirit filled & proficient in Gospel Music. Able to teach as well as play Full-Time Position with New Church in the area. Cali Sharlen at (503) 5 1 9 -1 3 7 9 or (503) 8 0 7 -4 1 9 6 North Portland Bible College 4905 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, Oregon Spring Schedule, March 29 — June 11,1999 Are you single? Do you enjoy good conversation? W ould you like to m ake new friends in an open and re­ laxed environm ent? L e t’s talk about the real issues facing to d a y ’s sin g le s... Join us for “ Sw eet Fel- ow ship” a tim e o f dessert ind discussion. Sw eet Fel- ow ship is held every 3rd Saturday at 4:00 PM at Re- Elections C offee and Books: 146 N E K illingsw orth. T he Jessert and coffee are free! T his event is free and >en to the public. All adult agles are w elcom e to at- nd. P lease b ring a friend! jr m ore inform ation, call 281-5850 Monday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. New Testament Survey III Ministry to Urban Families III R etirem ent Living • Studio & 1 -Bedroom Apartments with Full Kitchens • Easy a ccess to shopping and bus lin es • Dining R oom , Beauty and Barber Shop • Activities, Chibs, and Garden areas • Safpfy, Security, and Com panionship • Federal Rent Subsidies for those that qualify Tuesday Mornings, 9:00 - 12 Noon New Testament Survey III Tuesday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Bible Lands and Customs Equipping the Saints II Lay Counseling II MS Windows 95/Word 97 Wednesday Mornings, 9:00 - Noon Bible Lands and Customs Westmoreland** Union Honor Thursday Mornings 9:00 - Noon Old Testament Survey III Educational Ministries of the Church: Making Our Programs Ready for 2000 M O 4 SS 23rd Avwtua Portland. O ra*on 07203 233-8671 M arshall Union H onor Kirkland Union Honors 2 0 2 0 ItW Northrup I Portland, Orason 07200 3 8 3 0 SB S M i Avattua Portland, Oregon 07266 228-0677 777-6101 Thursday Evenings, 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Old Testament Survey III Celebration and Despair in the Psalms Christian Social Ethics E. Nance, M. Div. Carol Chism, N.S.W. E. Nance, M.Div. Michael Lindsey, M.Div. Brian Fraught, B.A. Jay Held, M.Div. Annett Stanton, B.A. Michael Lindsey, M. Div. James Coleman, M.A. Debra Jenkins, M.A. James Coleman, M.A. Gerald Wilson, Ph.D. LeRoy Haynes, D. Min. (At Allen Temple) Call 288 2919 to register, or to receive Inform ation and ask for A pril '5* »