Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 28, 1999, Image 9

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Volume W I N . Number 17
April 28, 1999
Committed to Cultural Diversity
(Lhe ^ o rtla n h (Dbseruer
tin t nt it t t i t u *-n
a I c tt ù a r
Cinco de Mayo
St. John's Parade
The St. Jo h n ’s parade com m ittee is
pleased to present the 37"’ annual St.
John’s parade, Saturday, M ay 8, from
NO ON to 2 PM starting at N. Burr and
traveling w est on N. Lom bard through
dow ntow n St. Johns, turning right at N.
N ew Y ork and disbanding at N.St. Johns
Street next to St. Johns Park. There will
be a carnival with lots o f rides and fun at
James John Grade School (in N . Lombard
& C harleston) on M ay 7,8,9.
Intellectual Society
If you are looking for a night o f pro­
vocative thought, cultural exchange, and
poetry, m ark your calendar for April
29th. The M ogho N aba Intellectual Soci­
ety presents the first o f m any readings at
Portland’s N ew Club OHM. This open
m ike poetry reading is for all cultures
and ethnicity’s. It is an evening o f poetry
created to entertain and educate. The
date is Thursday, A pril 29, sign-up at
7:30 PM, O pen M ike begins at 8 PM
Club Ohm is located at 31 NW Is' Ave.
in Portland.
Hepatitis C Outreach
Currently, there is an estim ated num ­
ber o f 8 m illion infected individuals
that are infected w ith HCV . O nly about
25% o f those have been diagnosed,
w hich m eans there are those w ho d o n ’t
know they have it. T he rally is called
“W ake U p A m erica” and is presented
by H epatitis “C ” O utreach Program
and T he U nited States H epatitis A lli­
ance. It is scheduled from 2-3 PM at
the S tate C apitol in Salem on M ay 3rd.
Learn To Meditate
D iscover and enjoy the m any ben­
efits o f m editation. Free w orkshop o f­
fered by the Sri C hinm oy C entre o f
Seattle. N o registration is required. The
next session w ill be on Sunday, May
2nd, from 1-3 PM at the H illside B ranch
Library (1525 SW Sunset Blvd). Call
206/324-3294 for any questions.
Portland readies for the award-winning celebration, Cinco de Mayo (M ay 5). For more, see El Observador.
Bilingual Literacy
D ía de los Niños y D ía de los Libros,
M ultnomah County Library ’ s celebration
o f bilingual literacy, will be held Friday,
April 30, from 10 AM - 3 PM at the
Midland Regional Library, 805 SE. 122nd.
Families are invited to com e to the library
to honor the pow er and magic that books
bring to children. Activities include Pan-
Latin music by Grupo Kultura at 10:15
A m an d 12:30 PM an d b ilin g u a l
storytelling with Barb N ewcom b Stevens
at 11 AM and 1:30 PM. Other activities
include arts and crafts, library tours, and
a hands-on activity presented by the
Children’s Museum.
Pet Adoptathon ’99
The O regon Hum ane Society joins
hundreds o f other animal welfare orga­
nizations and shelters across the coun­
try, including the H um ane Society o f the
W illam ette V alley and SW W ashington
H um ane Society, to prom ote the adop­
tion o f shelter anim als during this first
w eekend o f “ Be K ind to A n im a ls’
W eek.” A doption fee for cats and dogs is
$40. Rabbits are only $25. Adoption
days are on M ay 1 and 2 ,1 0 AM until 7
PM. Call 285-7722, ext. 215.
Woodlawn's Saturday School
Survives Scare for it's Existence
each o th e r... W e are here to boost our learn­
timely grant o f $500.00from chil
ing sk ills..." really made its impression.
dren and families, a lot o f love from
Here are some examples o f the stories used
teachers Irene Evans. Mrs. Hicks
and Mrs. Goodm an, some books donated by critical thinking activities: Little Boy King
with Dr. Martin Luther King as a boy making
Mr. & Mrs. M arshall, and some breakfast
good choices; Keelboat Annie getting a job in
meals by the M cDonald's on M LK & Colum ­
the 1800’s, on a keelboat in a fiction story
bia Blvd. Acting in concert, they breathed
when she dressed as a man to show she could
another year o f life into the ever so successful
do the job, instead o f getting mad-and got the
in A rthur’s Substitute Teacher Problem,
Even though this year’s W oodlaw n Satur­
Arthur learned the teacher Mr. Ratbum. who
day school was only 10 weeks, instead o f 21
was so tough, challenged his mind and was the
weeks, the w ords o f the Saturday School
best teacher, not the worst. And lastly, Marva
Pledge said every m orning, “W e are here to
Collins, who began a school o f her own. over
build our ch aracter... W e are here to help
Bins Demeo n
Yugoslavia Bombing
Local feminists will speak about what
is behind the U .S.-led N A TO m ilitary
aggression against Y ugoslavia and how
to pressure the A merican warm ongers to
stop the bom bing. Thursday, M ay 13, at
7 PM. An Eastern European buffet will
be available at 6:30 PM for a $6 dona­
tion. The event will be at the N W N eigh­
borhood Cultural Center, C om m unity
Room, 1819 N W Everett, Portland. Call
503/228-3090. W heelchair accessible.
s i I t \ l ISSU ) \ S : < (H iiiin in ilx
in ln i in u tio n « ill be ü ¡ \ cn
p rin t ils il (lah ti i m u » t i Ks
b rim i llu c \ m l dale.
used OesKi ano fc
; o<
20 years ago, in her home, helped the
unteachable students succeed. Her
students began tutoring other students
in the community. The Saturday
School students learned her school,
too. had no money, relying on her
passion to help students to help them­
Yes! These third graders and peer
tutors learned their lessons o f making
things happen. Their $500.00 "Take
Time G rant" was written by dividing
the students into groups. Each group
had several grants, submitted by Mrs. holds up one of the donated books for classroom
G oodm an, w ill for classroom activity.
b e e ith e r a p ­
dents are not making good choices, it seems
proved or not by the end
the W oodlaw n Saturday School staff, peer
ofM ay 1999. At that time
student tutors, and third graders are saying by
we will know if the grant
exam ple that good choices can be made.
they wrote will become a
It is the hope that next year’s W oodlawn
reality. Their effort is a
School students can keep up the
good citizenship reminder
f putting into action the life they
to us all, about what can
at Saturday School by wearing
be accomplished with ini­
the Saturday School Pledge
tiative, self-d iscip lin e,
as a rew ard for 21 weeks o f
problem solving, and per­
be the first tim e in history
severance (all discussed
School that students
in Saturday School, along
on it. It is the
with other life skills).
hope as they w ear the T-shirt; their good
This is the same group
choices and good citizenship will be evident
o f students who after read­
j I c ik I. i i
Ian Buxman. a third grader at Woodlawn Saturday School puts a sentence »tripe In order, to show the story
In “The Marva Collins Story,"
ing information on Coos
Bay and book “Oil Spill,’'
did compare and contrast
activities. Following that,
each wrote letters to Sena­
tor Wyden, voicing their
concerns about the oil
spill’s effect on animals
and their environment.
In a tim e w hen stu-
throughout the com m unity.
The third graders-“the children that led
the w ay’’- to show w hat can be done, when
funding was in question for this program. If
you w ould like to donate funds for either
school supplies or for next year’s Saturday
School students breakfast, or to donate actual
school supply m aterials, please contact:
W oodlaw n Elementary School • 7200 NE
11* A ve • P o rtlan d , O R 97211