Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 28, 1999, Page 7, Image 7

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CThe |)o rtlm tb COhseruer
Citizen Advisory Panel
Begins Meeting on
Interstate MAX Proposal
1st Open House Set for May 3
A new citizen advisory com m it­
tee has been form ed to help evaluate
w hether the Interstate M AX light
rail should be built. T he Interstate
M AX A dvisory Com m ittee (IM AC)
will make suggestions, ensure neigh­
borhood issues are addressed and
provide feedback to T ri-M et, the
C ity o f Portland and M etro.
IM A C m em b ers inclu d e b u si­
ness re p re se n ta tiv e s an d resid en ts
lo cated alo n g the p ro p o sed route.
R ic k W illia m s , L lo y d D istric t
T ra n sp o rta tio n M an ag em en t A s­
so c ia tio n , ch airs it.
T he first A M A C m eetin g w ill
be held on T hursday, A pril 22 from
6-8 PM at T ri-M e t’s H o llad ay
S tre et O ffic es, I s'flo o r co n feren ce
room . T he m eetin g o ffic e is lo ­
c a te d acro ss the stree t from the
N E 7,h A v en u e M A X stations.
T h e firs t o p e n h o u se , sp o n ­
so red b y th e U rb a n L eag u e o f
P o rtla n d , is set fo r M o n d a y , M ay
3 from 4 -8 at E m an u el H o sp ita l
L o r e n z e n C e n t e r (2 8 0 1 N .
G a te n b e in ). T h e o p en h o u se w ill
p ro v id e th e p u b lic an o p p o rtu n ity
to le a r n a b o u t th e p r o p o s e d
p ro je c t, ask q u e s tio n s an d m ak e
su g g e stio n s a b o u t the p ro p o sal.
F or a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n on
In te rsta te M A X , p le a se c a ll 239-
2 2 5 4 o r v i s i t o u r w e b s ite at
w w w .tri-m e t.o rg /in te rsta te m a x
Multnomah County Health
Department Hosts Tent at
Alberta Street Fair
H ealth aw a re n ess is the th em e
fo r M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty H e a lth
D ep a rtm en t's ten t at th e seco n d
an n u al A lb erta S tre et F air, M ay 1,
1999. The c o u n ty ’s te n t w ill be
located near the C h ild re n ’s A c tiv ­
ity C enter at 14,h a n d A lb erta. T h e
ho urs are 11:00 am - 6 :00 pm .
O v er a dozen M u ltn o m ah C o u n ty
H ealth D ep artm en t (M C H D ) p ro ­
gram s and com m unity partners w ill
be rep resen ted u n d e r th e b an n e r,
“ H ealthy P eo p le in H ealth y C o m ­
m u n ities” , in clu d in g :
M C H D B r o w n fie ld s H e a lth
Awareness Project
MCHD Clear Corps
M CHD Healthy Birth Initiative
M CHD Early Head Start
M CHD Field Nurse (NE Clinic)
M CHD Oregon SafeNet
M C H D B reast H ealth P roject
(Breast & cervical cancerprevention)
M CHD M edicaid Eligibility
MCHD HIV/AIDS Health Services
M CHD Tobacco Prevention
M CHD Tuberculosis Clinic
M ultnom ah County District A t­
torney Domestic V iolence
C ity o f Portland Lead H azard
Control Program
City o f Portland N eighborhood
M ediation Center
H ealth in fo rm atio n v id eo s, in ­
clu d in g som e in S pan ish and a
n u m b er for ch ild ren , w ill show at
the M u ltnom ah C ounty tent. E n ­
tertainm ent, gam es and clow ns will
also be featu red at the street fair.
In c o l l a b o r a t i o n w ith U rb a n
L eague o f P ortland, a sh u ttle w ill
run from the county ten t site to the
C h ild re n ’s H ealth F air at L utheran
C om m unity C enter, 4219 NE M LK
B lvd., 11:00 am - 3:00pm . The
c h ild re n ’s H ealth Fair, sp o n so red
by O H SU and M u ltnom ah D ental
S ociety, w ill feature im m u n iza­
tions and m edical, d en tal, vision
and lead screen in g .
Art Beat ’99 Will Make
Your Life Worth Living
I f this w orld has got you dow n -
the w orld w ith traffic jam s, crying
kids and V ISA bills - Portland C om ­
m unity C ollege has a tem porary es­
cape into a land o f beauty, artistic
grandeur and soothing im agery w ait­
ing for you. W h at’s more, it’s free!
Put away the aspirin and find your
way to Art Beat ’99, set to take over
PCC campuses May 10-14. Thisyear’s
multi-campus event represents the 13*
time the college has brought local,
regional national visual pierforming
artists onto its mam campuses to ex­
pose you and others like you to unique
visions and versions o f our world.
Photography is the them e for Art
Beat ’99, w ith the w ork and w isdom
o f P o rtlan d p h o to g ra p h e r T erry
Toedtem eier taking center stage. The
professional photographer, curator
and geologist w ill show slides o f his
w ork and discuss his perceptions o f
nature and art on T uesday, M ay 11 at
the Sylvania C am pus from noon to 1
p.m. in the ST Building, Room 101 ;
T hursday, M ay 13 at the C ascade
Cam pus from lp .m .to 2 p .m .;a n d o n
Friday, M ay 14 in the R ock Creek
Cam pus Forum T heater from noon
to 1 p.m. Toedtem eier’s w ork "C as­
cade H ead from Sea Cave, Lincoln
County, Oregon, 1992,” is featured
on this year’s Art Beat ’99 poster.
In addition to Toedtemeier’s ex­
pertise, PCC will shine a light on youth­
ful exuberance with a Student Photo­
graph Display on all o f the college’s
main campuses throughout the week.
But pictures only tell part o f the story
this year. Portland Hip-Hop artists will
raise PCC roofs, the Second Annual Art
Beat Independent Film Festival is sure
to broaden some minds, and tap dancer
extraordinaire Terry Brock will help
everybody get footloose.
Prepare to put all five senses to
w ork w ith an international food fair
at the Sylvania Cam pus, visual de­
lights such as sculptures, paintings
and the like at all campuses, and
som e o f the m ost bom bastic perfor­
m ance events - such as the boldly
athletic dancing troupe Body Vox,
the W est A frican d ru m m er and
dancer Nii A rdey A llotey, a full
m arching Samba band and a puppet
show for children, ju st to name a few
- will be represented during the
college’s annual art explosion.
Mill Plain
Final Phase
Gets Underway
C onstruction on the urban segm ent o f the
five-lane M ill Plain Extension began M onday,
April 19. T he M ill Plain Extension runs from
C olum bia Street w est over the B urlington North-
em -S anta Fe railroad yard to Fourth Plain Bou­
levard. C onstruction will require 15th Street to be
closed from D aniel to Lincoln and Esther. Grant,
H arney, and M arkle streets will be closed at 15,h
Street. D aniels will be closed at IS* Street in
about 30 days.
Residents are asked to look for changes in the
traffic pattern in the construction area and follow
the detour signs. C onstruction o f this segm ent
will take about nine months. W ork w ill continue
on the bridge segm ent o f the project until sum ­
m er o f 2000.
M ill Plain extension is a $34 m illion capital
im provem ent to the city ’s transportation system.
For m ore inform ation, call K aren Ciocia at
“Art Beat provides an opportu­
nity for people to see perform ers and
artists they w o u ld n ’ t otherw ise see,”
said event co-organizer and PCC
English instructor Sharon Anthony.
“ It brings these artists to their neigh­
borhoods and their com m unities.
“It will also show them w hat an
important place PCC is in their com ­
m unity,” A nthony continued.
Please consult the Art Beat Sched­
ule o f Events following this release for
days, times and descriptions o f the
activities and events taking place dur­
ing Art Beat ’99. It can be viewed in its
entirety at www.pcc.edu/academ/ vapa/'
artbeat.html. Note that this year, there
are a few evening activities for those
unable to get away during the day.
A rt
B eat
T - s h ir ts
w ith
T oedtem eier’s poster photo will be
on sale at art Beat locations for $10.
Posters w ill be available for free at
Art Beat, w hile supplies last.
The Cascade Campus is located at
705 N. Killingsworth in North Port­
land. PCC Rock Creek is located at
17705 N.W . Springville Road in the
Rock Creek area betw een Beaverton
and Aloha. Those art lovers attending
events at PC C ’s Sylvania Campus
will find them at 12000 S.W. 49th Ave.
For m ore information on .Art Beat
festivities, call Sharon Anthony a t977-
8809 or Doris W erkman at 977-4854.
Courtyard Restaurant
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Expires 7 MAY 99
Second Time Around (OBSER3)
MON - SAT 9 A M to 7 P.M.
NOON to 6 P.M.
The Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and
the North Portland Neighborhood Office, along with Tri-Met,
the City of Portland and Metro, invite you to learn about
the proposed Interstate MAX light rail line.
Monday, M ay 3
4-8 pm
Emanuel Hospital-Lorenzen Ctr.
2801 N Gantenbein, Portland
(bus lines: 4-Fessenden. 33-Fremont
or 40-Mocks Crest)
Sponsored by the Urban League
Thursday, M ay 6
4-8 pm
Kaiser Town Hall
3704 N Interstate Ave., Portland
(bus line: 5-lnterstate)
Sponsored by Kaiser Permanente
Wednesday, M ay 12
4-8 pm
Please Join Us for a Free Special Presentation
Çïttfco 'Ïïlythi find 'fôefility.
'P'iivNitùh, 'T'tcfitnicnt ¿5
Saturday, May 15th, 9:00 am -1 2 :0 0 noon, Lorenzen Conference Center
Legacy E m anuel H osp ital & H ealth C enter, 2801 N. G an ten b ein , P o rtlan d
"Innovations in Acute Stroke Treatment & Prevention"
Kaiser Town Hall
3704 N Interstate Ave., Portland
(bus line: 5-Interstate)
Sponsored by Coalition for
a Livable Future
You can also comment on the
Supplemental Draft Environmental
Impact Statement that describes the
benefits, costs and impacts o f the
Interstate M A X line.
For information call:
(503) 962 -2 4 9 9
T T Y (503) 238-5811
9:00 a m - 10:00 a m
M a u ric e H o u rih a n e , M D , N e u ro lo g y A ssoc N o rth w e st,
O reg o n S troke C e n te r & Legacy H ealth System
Choice 2 o f 3 M ini-Sessions Offered at 10:15-11.-00 am
and again at 11:15am-12:OO.
"Taking Care of the Caregiver"
Jill D u re n , L egacy C a re g iv e r S erv ices
"Emotional Effects of Stroke"
D iane Pierce Ph.D., Legacy H ealth System &
Jack Elmer, Stroke S urvivor
Sponsored by:
"Rehab After Rehab"
M a rie V alleroy M D , D eb b ie D re slle r LPT, K ath y H o tz O TR &
D avid P rillw itz SLP, L egacy R ehab Sen, ices
Free: Health Education Information and Blood Pressure Screenings Available
Seminar Refreshments: Courtesy of DuPont
Parking: Emanuel Medical Office Bldg Parking Structure on Graham Street
or mam hospital parking structure on Gantenbein
How we g e t th e r e
American Heart
Please RSVP for this FREE seminar by calling 335 3500 Mon Fri 8:00 12:00 or 1:00-5:00 pm
m a tte rs
1 1 i 238-5811 • vstww.tri-met.org