April 28,1999 Page 7 ^orttani» (Observer Students Stem Violence With Help of Student Mediutors Agencies Unite to Stop Truants From Cash Rewards fbr Crime Tips Raised Old-Tashioiied Mtay Depending on the severity of the crime reported, citizens of Kingman, Arizona receive $50 to $1,000 if their in­ formation leads to an arrest. The infor­ mants an' also guaranteed anonymity The Crime Stoppers and Mohave S ilent W itn essP ro g ram in New Mexico are similar in that both have a police phone number for reporting crimes and callers are given an identi­ fication number at the start of the call by computer voice mail or by a per­ son answering the call. After police officers have investi­ gated the report, the caller checks back, quoting the identification num­ ber. If an arrest was made, the caller is asked where he or she would like to meet someone to receive a reward. In Keshena,Wisconsin, the program organizers are studying the feasibility of transferring the reward money at a local bank drive-through window. The caller would simply state the identifi­ cation number at the bank to receive a prepared envelope with cash in it. So far, officials say neither of the programs has experienced a prank call or had a case of a person abusing the system to get back at someone else. T h e good news is th a t w hen For Amanda Lalu, 12, it was the im p le m e n te d p ro p erly , c o n flic t almost-daily occurrence of fistfights at her school - and a routine spectacle resolution and peer m ediation pro­ gram s can reduce the n um ber of of nosebleeds, black eyes and hair conflicts reported to teachers and pulling that made her enroll in an 80- adm inistrators by 80 percent, ac­ hour program in conflict resolution. cording to findings by the national S p o n so re d by th e A m eric an Friends Service Committee (AFSC), center. O ne popular model is commonly the program trains youths nation­ referred to as HIP, an acronym for w ide in conflict reso lu tio n tech­ Help Increase the Peace. T he model niques. A lthough the AFSC pro ­ involves “skill building” techniques gram is decades old - it was started such as active listening and making in 1917, inspired by Q uaker ideals eye contact, as well as learning how of nonviolence - the training has not to rely on reflex reactions when taken on new urgency in the wake of a series of school shootings across in a tense situation. Some law-enforcement experts the country in the past year. see conflict resolution as preferable to other anti-crime strategies that T m Victims a id have caught on in the schools. For Perpetrators Work example, several studies have con­ cluded that the installation of “tar­ Together to P rese« get-hardening” devices like m etal detectors are ineffective and often Violence dow nright detrim ental to a school’s Five years ago, Twinkle Rudberg well-being. lau n ched an o rg an izatio n called - Robin Antepara Leave O ut ViolencE (L.O.V.E.) to give teen-age victims of violence, as well as perpetra­ to rs an d w it­ nesses, the skills an d w ill to c h a n g e th e ir lives. E very y ea r ab o u t 40 teen- C ascade C am pus,T uesday, M ay 4, I I a .m . - 4 p.m . agers who have been involved in violence are re­ More than 70 great employers. c r u ite d from Workshops on interviewing, career M o n tre a l transitions, and electronic resumes. schools o r are referred by so­ Job opportunities. Free admission! cial workers and These employers, and many more, will be there. school co u n se­ NECA -IB EW Electrical Training lors or teachers. AAA Oregon/ldaho O D S Health Plan American Family Insurance At the h eart of Oregon Health Sciences American Red Cross the project is a Oregon Lottery Brooks Temporary Services Oregon Police Corps twice-weekly fo­ City of Salem Oregon State Police Double Tree/Promus Hotels rum w here the PacifiCare Electric Lightwave, Inc. Portland Emergency 9 1 1 y o u n g p e o p le Express Personnel Services Portland Fire Bureau learn to express Fred Meyer Portland General Electric Friends of the Children th e m s e lv e s Providence Health System Hanna Andersson Corp. Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield through photog­ Internal Revenue Service Renaissance Holdings raphy and jour­ Kaiser Permanence Sears Legacy Health System nalism. T C I Cable LSI Logic O r g a n iz e r s Tektronix M t Hood Beverage Co. UPS say that a unique Multnomah Co. Sheriff Wells Fargo Bank Nature's Northwest d im e n sio n of the program is Cascade Campus that it involves 705 N Killingsworth, 1-5 Exit 304 both victims and For information, call (503) 978-5290 p erp e tra to rs of Sponsored by Tektronix and Today’s Careers violence. ///¿ w Kail 1999 Spring__ Career and Job Fair Becoming Criminals A student contemplating playing a little hooky in C orpus C h risti, Texas can be fairly sure of one thing. It won’t get overlooked. Agencies have discovered that col­ laboration is the key to dealing with truancy and juvenile delinquency. Since 14 d ifferen t o rg an izatio n s teamed up as the Coastal Bend Alli­ ance for Youth five years ago, juve­ nile crime has dropped by 35 percent. T he Coastal Bend Alliance for Youth represents five school dis­ tr ic ts , a p o lice d e p a rtm e n t, a sheriff’s department, a runaway shel­ ter and an alcohol and drug abuse center, among other organizations. “A gencies have a tendency to carve out their own little areas and protect them ,’ said M ariah Boone, a licensed social worker and pro­ gram director of the Truancy Re­ duction Im pact Program (TRIP) TRIP operates out of an office in the YMCA building. From 9 AM to 3 PM, police officers who pick up truants bring them to TRIP. There, r A-»*'. * '» • violence in schools. m e w » » BJUBOOMWEICOMESBIUESIECEMD bicollo THE DEBBIE HASTINGSBAND TERRY ROBB ♦ ALBERT REDA UHEILiWIWOXSOMACOUSTICTm^ OVIR BÂIIB00M 1332 W. BURNSIDE PORTLAND, OR Portland Community College <7**3 > someone from the Sheriff s D epart­ ment is called in to supervise the tru­ ant, as required by law, and to pro­ cess the truant into the center. Next, a school counselor from one of the five school districts that take turns staffing the office inter­ views the truant and contacts his or her parents and school. T he truant is then referred to a counselor from one of the particip atin g agencies who will determ ine if the truant is facing any special difficulties, such as alcohol or drug abuse or violence or neglect in the home. If so, fam­ ily counseling is recommended. At the end of the day, the truant is signed over to his or her mother or father, who is asked to report im­ mediately to the child’s school to meet with the school’s administrator. E ditor’s note: Special thanks to the contributing writers of ANS for these ideas of impact. We would like to hear about your innovative solu­ tions and program s to correct the ¿ ». W n .*»•< . .» •. » CONCERT LINE: (503)_J7* * 625 '• • Ti .¿h j - - / ' *» , ■ " t. • .♦ *.