ÎSIlje Fortiani» ©baeruer Focus »rii 28, 1999 IN HELEN LEVITT-MEXICO CITY P R IN T M e x ic o C i t y (DoiMetake, 1997) B y H elen L evitt n 1941, the American photographer Helen Levitt spent several months in Mexico, photographing the capi­ tal city and its inhabitants. With nei­ th er sentim entalism nor ro m an ti­ cism and working almost exclusively in urban and semiurban areas of the city, she confronted the conflicts and ju x ta p o s itio n s th a t a n n o u n c e d M exico’s arrival into the m odern world, and she did so with compel­ ling force and dry wit. Her images show scenes in Chapultepec Park, the streets around the colonial cen­ ter of the city, and the pulquerias and working-class districts on the periph ery. Today, more than half a century later, Helen Levitt is recognized as one of America’s preeminent photog­ raphers. For this book, she has reex­ am ined old negatives and vintage prints and chosen sixty-seven pic­ tures, most of which have never been exhibited or published before. They present a prophetic vision of a chang­ ing city, a vision that helps us deci­ pher the Mexico City of today. I W I T H AN ESSAY BY JA M ES O L E S D r. A n a N o g a l e s ’ B o o k o f L o v e , S e x , a n d R e la tio n s h ip s ^ c tiv a fç , $19.99* Yoiir Cellular Phone C R E D IT C H E C K S D E P O S ITS TU R N D O W N S PHONE RECONNECTIONS ty * 3 IN 2-3 DAYS Simply Cellular £ Telephone 3939 NE Martin Luther King Blvd (Broadtvay Books; 1996) Dr. A na Nogales, the popular TV and radio psybhologist and colum nist for La Opinión, offers the first guide for L atino couples and families trying to build strong, loving relationships be­ tween two cultures. ■Why does my hus­ band pay more atten­ tion to his family than he does to our family? How can I encour­ age my wife to be more free sexually? ■How can we teach our children to love and respect th eir L atino heritage? In this compassion­ ate, practical, and long- awaited book, Dr. Ana Nogales provides wis­ dom and insight for the millions of Latinos who find themselves caught between two worlds - the traditions of their Latino upbringing and the demands of mod­ ern American society. Exploring how cul­ tural attitudes and social pressures affect the way Latinos relate to those they love. or PaCjSf $$ KM H# 280 -8 0 0 0 •Airtime and service not included $ k - 4 9 .1 ft FM E v e r t) S endag 6 p.m. t e Ï© p.m. N e w A g e And L ig h t W e rld B e a t R hgthm s M t. Hood Community College ■ Gresham .......— Dr. Nogales describes the challenges Latinos encoun­ ter as they grapple with what can often be a difficult and wide cultural divide. > I