Page A p r il 2 8, 1999 (The ^JorUanò © b e w r term in the area will be converted to long-term use. Construction of the Juvenile Jus­ tice Center is expected to be com­ plete in September 2000. For more details call G erald Baugh, 696-8121, or Judy Elliott, transportation, 696-8290. VanMall Scene of Emergency Medical Services Week Activities VANCOUVER - A variety of interesting and educational activities in honor o f National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week are planned forFriday and Saturday, May 14 and 15, at Vancouver Mall. Scheduled activities w ill in­ clude: free blood pressure checks, information about emergency medi­ cal careers, cadet drills, and free one-hour classes in cardiopulm o­ nary resuscitation. “This event is an opportunity for the public to talk directly to EMS providers, and for young people to learn more about career possibilities in EMS,” says Roxy Barnes, Emer­ gency Medical Services administra­ tor for the Vancouver Fire Depart­ ment people who want more infor­ mation can call 892-4323. The VFD is collaborating on EMS W eek activities w ith other local EMS providers, including the Camas Fire D epartm ent, Clark C ounty Fire D istricts 6 and 11 and others. Activities honoring EMS provid­ ers will be conducted nationwide throughout the week. The American College o f Emergency Physicians, along with other agencies, sponsors National Emergency Medical Ser­ vices Week. More information is available on the w eb at http:// Volunteers Needed for Community Work The retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is looking for vol­ unteers 55 years and older for sev­ eral assignments in the community. Positions include: Pacific Specialty and Rehab needs a volunteer afternoons and evenings to read one-on-one to their patients. Kamlu Retirem ent Inn needs a volunteer to call bingo on Friday afternoons for one hour or to set up plastic bow ling pins on Satur­ day mornings. Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recre­ ation Department needs volunteers to work on trail projects in Clark County removing invasive, non-na­ tive plants, planting native plants and picking up litter. Clark County Community Ser­ vices and the US Postal Service need volunteers to help with a one- day food drive. Volunteers will pick up food donations left at m ail­ boxes. Also needed are truck driv­ ers to transport donations to the food warehouse. R SV P is a p a rt o f th e V ancouver-Clark Parks and Rec­ reation Department. To volunteer or get more information, call Bobbi Casanova, 696-8063. Vacancy on Law & Justice Council L etters o f interest are being accepted for a citizen rep resen ta­ tive opening on the C lark County Law and Justice C ouncil. There are two citizen s representatives on the council. The council is com posed o f elected officials, department heads, and citizens representing different areas o f public safety. The council is a policy board that works on law and justice issues facing local gov­ ernment and our community. Please submit a letter o f interest and resume indicating any back­ ground you think would be appli­ cable to the position. Questions regarding this posi- Illegal Child-Care Provider Sentenced To Jail A Clackamas women was given jail time for operating an illegal child­ care business and ignoring a court injunction to cease providing care. Nancy Wallin Bradley was sentenced to 120 days in jail and five years probation by Multnomah County C ircuit C ourt Judge Joseph F. Ceniceros, and could face additional jail time if she doesn’t fully comply with her sentence. In addition, the court ordered Bradley to pay the Oregon Child Care Division $6,000 to cover its legal fees. Under Oregon law, providers who care for more than three children in their home must be registered with the O regon E m ploym ent Department's Child Division. Brad­ ley was not registered and was caring for numbers o f children far in excess o f three when legal proceedings be­ gan in July 1998. Bradley also has refused to allow Child Care Division staff to enter her home as required ments impacted by the listing. “We are pleased to have a person o f Mr. Cow an’s background and abilities to lead this important pro­ gram ," said Bill Barron, Clark County Administrator. “ He is very well versed in the issues w e’ll be dealing with as we move forward with fish recovery." Cowan, 42, is presently the re­ gional technical coordinator for the Washington Conservation Commis­ sion, where he is responsible for iden­ tifying habitat limiting factors for salmon and steelhead trout through­ out southwest Washington. Prior to Public Open House To Review Status Of 87th Avenue Extension Project he C ity o f V ancouver Trans- ation D ivision will host it’s ind open house to d iscu ss ¡ress o f the 87"' A venue Exten- i Project T hursday, M ay 6, ! 4 to 7 p.m. at K ing Elemen- School, 4801 Idaho Street. Designs for im provements for the 87"’ Avenue Project, which extends from Mill Plain Boulevard to Bur­ ton Road, will be on display. C iti­ zens are encouraged to provide staff with input. Extending NE 87'h Avenue will allow emergency vehicles to reduce response times to the Southwest Medical Center Campus and pro­ vide a necessary north/south route to relieve the existing traffic on Andresen Road and NE 112,h Street. Bradley’s illegal child-care business at her current Clackamas address, 12010 SE Melbrook Way. In past years, Bradley had illegally operated childcare in Portland. Parents who would like assistance m locating legal child care can con­ tact their local Child Care Resource and Referral agency for providers in their area, as well as for information on how to select good care. “The Child Care Division will take action when necessary," said Stem, "but parents must also be involved in en­ suring that care is legal.” Parents are encouraged to contact the Oregon Child Care Division at 1- 800-556-6616 to see if their pro­ vider is registered or certified, as required by law. Home Run DEALS Clark County Hires Endangered Species Coordinator VANCOUVER, WA - Clark ounty has hired Kenneth B. "Bryan owan as its management coordina- ir for Endangered Spec ies Act com- liance. The newly created job is art o f a series o f county efforts to :spond to the National M anne Fish- ries Service’s listing o f salmonids s threatened species under the En- angered Species Act. Cowan will report to County Ad- linistrator Bill Barron and be re- ponsible to the Board o f Clark bounty Commissioners. He will lonitor and coordinate the compli- nce efforts o f all county depart- Later in 1998, Bradley was found in contempt o f court for continuing to provide illegal childcare. “The sentencing is a strong mes­ sage,” said Linda Stem, licensing manager for the Child Care Division. "The division can and will take legal action, if necessary, to prevent people from providing illegal child care, and to ensure the health and safety of children in care.” Nancy Wallin Bradley, who is also know as Nancy Bradley, Nancy Wallin, Nancy Kazim, and several other names, has been known to the Child Care Division for many years because she has provided child care in her home outside the parameters of state laws and rules. In 1986, follow­ ing attempts to gain her compliance with state law, the division obtained a court injunction against Bradley. In 1988, she was found to be in contempt o f court and sentenced to jail. This court action effectively closes a?açigî(gç tion should be directed to Jane Jo h n so n , U n d e rs h e riff, C la rk County SherifFs office, (360) 397- 2366. Letters o f interest can be m ailed to the Clark County Com­ m issioners’ office, attention Linda Dygert P. O. Box 5000, Vancouver, W ashington 98666-5000 no later than Friday, Amy 7, 1999. that, he served as the regional habitat manager for the Washington Depart­ ment of Fish and Wildlife, managing the department ’ s habitat conservation program in southwest Washington. He has a Bachelor o f Science de­ gree in mathematics from the United States Coast Guard Academy and a Masters in Public Administration from the University o f New Orleans, specializing in environmental man­ agement. He serves on the board o f Clark County Habitat Partners. Cowan and his family live in Washougal. He will earn $59,280 in his position. when the division has reason to be­ lieve illegal care is being provided. In July 1998, the Child Care Divi­ sion obtained a court injunction against Bradley forproviding illegal childcare. L<à When you're looking lor chicken slammin' with flavor, only Popeyes will do! Only Popeyes offers New Orleans Spicy’“ or Louisiana M ild'" chicken. Take Popeyes out to the old ballgame or savor the tastiest fried chicken at your own home plate today! FLAVOR SEEKERS! Hit Homers With These Coupons! UOIttO M O M O AT PARTKlMTING RßTAURANTS I W AK inleiprati Im ¿-rti r n v r . I I AAAAL 12,h and 11, on both sides o f Esther Street between 12,h and 11*, and at four metered parking spaces on the west end o f 11th at the comer of Franklin Street. According to Gerald Baugh, the city ’s senior economic develop­ ment planner, a number o f short- 8 Piece Box l i t I l i H A I I 11 1 1 H l I I People visiting the Clark County Courthouse area will find some park­ ing changes during construction o f the new Juvenile Justice Center. The greatest impact to the area will be the temporary elimination of long-term parking on 12'h Street, the east side o f Franklin Street between The V ancouver Police D epartm ent, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, is asking for your help in identify­ ing and apprehending the individual responsible for a hit and run accident which fatally injured a pedestrian. On Sunday, M arch 28, 1999, at approxim ately 8:45 in the evening, 48-year-old Gary W. Hopkins was walking with a com panion at East Fourth Plain Boulevard and W intler Drive in V ancouver. As he was attem pting to cross the street, H opkins was struck by a car travelling w estbound on Fourth Plain. The driver fled the scene w ithout stopping. Hopkins was treated and released from an area hospital, but over time his condition w orsened and he later died o f injuries. The suspect was driving a sm all, four-door, dark col­ ored Honda or sim ilar vehicle. Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for information, reported to Crime Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crim e, and you need not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. (Legs & Thighs) $Q 99 One Large Side Order & Four Biscuits m Parking Meters Change Near Construction Zone Downtown C R IM E S T O P P E R S Fatal Hit And Run Accident CVUCKEN 4 BISCU/rs 5949 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Good At:3120 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. 1111 > 1 1 1 » 1 1 1 1111 • • I > t • 1 1 111 • I I , m u l l ............... .. i o VI m m m n m I t . (Ob se riti ny ry ’r P O L IC E N E W S 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n n 11 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 11 I I I I I n I n n 11