3" hr ^lnrtlanh ©baertier reographic work for m usicals and in­ d u strial shows that have received reo grap h e r at Je ffe r so n Per­ high acclaim . She won T h e Willie form in g A rts H igh Sch ool for 18 Award for Best Choreography for the Civic T h eatre's production of West years. Raised in her m other’s dance Side Story and her choreography for studio, she m atured early and was Will V inton’s C alifornia Raisins has selected by the Bolshoi Ballet as the reached an international audience. lead child dancer in their repertoire. At age 16, Ju lan e was dancing pro­ Ju la n e specializes in tailoring events fessionally with original-cast, princi­ for concerts, video and community pal roles in the David M errick m usi­ works, and for productions such as Knotts Berry Farm , Disneyland, C o­ cals, Prom ises, P rom ises and The lu m b ia S p o rtsw ear an d A via, to H appy Tim e. H er credits also in­ nam e a few. She also choreographed clude nation al television sp ecials several works for Seabury Prepara­ such as The Ed Sullivan Show and tory School in M akawao, Hawaii, as The Tony Awards, as well as numer­ well a s tau gh t m a ste r c la sse s in o u s c o m m e rc ia l a n d in d u s tr ia l K neeland M ethodology throughout shows. the country. Stepping out of direc­ After return in g to Portlan d in 1981, Ju lan e becam e artistic direc­ torships, she perform s occasionally. tor of A M oving Force dance com ­ She enjoyed playing “ Sheila ’ in A pany sponsored by Mt. H ood C om ­ C horu s Line with The M usical T h e­ munity C ollege, and co-director of atre Company. d u la n e Stites M allars, company . I director, has been resident cho the Stites Centre Studio of Dance with her mother. T hrough the years, she has compiled a large body of cho­ Director's Note April 28, 1999 Focus rity o f the dance staff. T h e Jefferso n D ancers would not be ab le to execu te the so p h is ti­ cated works of this rep­ ertoire. U nderstanding the d isc ip lin e n e c e s­ sary to m ake a dancer takes perseveren ce of th e m in d a n d b o d y and n u rtu rin g o f the so u l a n d sp irit. O u t t e a c h e r ’ s a b ilit y to com m unicate these es­ se n t ia l c o n c e p ts is w hat g iv e s th is p ro ­ g ra m its u n iq u e n e ss and sets this staff apart as m aster ed ucators of this art form. It is with gratitude and deep re­ sp ect that th is y e a r’s p erfo rm an c e is d e d i­ cated to the Jeffe rso n D ance Staff. he Jefferson Dancer will be performing May 6-9 at the Newmark Theatre at the W ithout the p rofession al integ- r»__ f r \ r t h o D o r f n r m i n n A r t ç Oregon Ballet Theatre Performs “Moving Signatures” at Tigard and Parkrose High Schools in May Oregon Ballet Theatre ( O B I ) will perform “ Moving Signatures” in the communities of Tigard and Parkrose in the month o f May, with perfor­ mances at Tigard High School s Deb Fennell Auditorium (9000 SW D u rh am R o a d ) on Tuesday, May 18, at 7:30 PM; and at Parkrose High S c h o o l’s A u d ito riu m (12003 N E Shaver) on Sat­ urday, May 22, at 7:30 PM. The “ Moving Signatures” program will consist of five works from the Com pany’s repertoire, spanning from classical ballet to contempo­ rary dance, including works by O B T Artistic Director James Canfield, O B 1 Resi­ dent Choreographer Trey McIntyre, and former Com­ pan y dan cer L e slie Braverman. G e n e ra l a d m is sio n P ag ej tures,” priced at $10 ($7 for students and seniors), are on sale now. Tick­ ets may be purchased through the O B T Ticket O ffice (1120 SW Tenth Avenue in downtown Portland) by CO0KUCOMPMnmHTS u o n tu r n u s im e H T callin g 5 0 3 -2 -B A L L E T (503/222- 5538) or toll free at 1/888-922-5538. The Portland C en ter for the Per­ forming A rts is located at 1111 SW Broadway, downtown Portland). B Sweet Honey In The Rock & tickets for “ Moving Signa- CIVIC auditorium Pl Saturday, May 22 8:00 PM a a all FASTIXX outlets PCPA box office or by phone 224-8499 a a Sign language interpreted IO5E WEIGHT E4S77 a a a a a a a e BjfgJpJpJpJPlPJPJPjjlËQ ADA y I a “ G.VE y S i ™ £ > £ YO U'VE ALWAYS DREAMED OE To « e t w m o rt Infom udon shout thh IncredM« _____ I-.»./(inn ii/xna with vnur runw snd iddi