fö&O EaR w .rs*'. ifW ♦ . ► • PWL ***• Page B7 April 28, 1999 (Xfyp JJarUattb (Dbamwr Notice Of Opportunity For Public Hearing LIQUOR STORE OPERATOR 17 A D V E R T IS IN G [ Public Notice i 4 D 1 I S Dermatology Surgery Instructor Health Services Director Needed fo r C o n tin u in g Care Retirement Community Rockwood Retirement Community (of Spokane, WA), a nationally a c c re d ite d C o n tin u in g Care Retirement Community is seeking a Health Services Director to supervise health services for a 4 4 0 re s id e n t p o p u la tio n . A m inim um o f 5 years nursing m a n a g e m e n t re q u ire d w ith d e m o n s tra te d p ro fic ie n c y in Medicare, Skilled Nursing Facility, Assisted Living, and Boarding Home regs. BS Degree and knowledge o f retirem ent living continuum o f care preferred. Current RN License required. C o m p e titiv e sa la ry , b e n e fit package available to qualified candidate. Send cover letter, salary history, references, and resume by May 3,d to: Chief Operations Officer, Rockwood Retirement Community, 290 3 East 2 5'h Ave., Spokane, WA 99 2 2 3 . Position closing date is May 3 ,1 9 9 9 . EOE Management Analyst II - Salem Fire Dept. $3,757 - $4,775/M O + E xce lle n t Fringe Bene Pckg. Seeking a fisca l o ffic e r with thorough exp. In management analysis, g o v't budgeting and supervision for a central position in Salem's Fire Dept. Will have extensive budget involvement, co n d u ct re se a rch , supervise p e rs o n n e l, a s s is t in Labor negotiations, present info in public meetings. Closes 4 /3 0 /9 9 . Pis fax resumes to 5 0 3 /5 8 8 -6 1 7 0 . Personnel Dept 555 Liberty St SE, Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 1 ,5 0 3 /5 8 8 6 1 6 2 EOE. w w w .o p e n .o rg /s p e rs o n l. # 9 8 -0 9 6 /1 5 6 . ______________ Case Manager - FT & PT T h is p o s itio n is re s p o n s ib le fo r p ro vid in g case m anagem ent services to prostituted women. P rovide c ris is in te rv e n tio n counseling, advocacy and drop-in services to women escaping the sex industry. Prefer knowledge and/or experience of pornography and prostitution ascommercialized exploitation ofwomen and children. And also prefer demonstrated experience working in communities o f color. 2 positions available. $12 per hour and benefits. Women of color are urged to apply. Send resume and cover letterto: Council for Prostitution Alternatives, 1811 NE 3 9 th Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7212. Or fax to 503-288-8056. AA/EOE. Deadline is May 10th. The appointee shall provide services as assigned by the supervisor in furtherance o f the University’s missions and goals of teaching, research, patient care, outreach and public service. This position is under the supervision of the Chair o f the Department of Dermatology. The qualified candidate will be d o u b le boarded and have experience with experim ental lasers. Duration ofthis appointment and indicated salary may be changed or eliminated if a gift, grant, or contract fund supporting this position becomes unavailable. N eil A S w an so n , M .D . Professor and Chair, Department of Dermatology Oregon Health Sciences University 0P06 3 1 8 1 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. Portland Oregon 97201-3098 Voice: (503)494-1375 Fax: (503)494-6968 O.H.S.U. is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Security Officers The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has a vacancy for independent contractor to operate the following retail liquor store: Lake Oswego Store 178 currently located at 644 N. State Starting Date August 2, 1999 We evaluate all applicants on background, knowledge and work experience in: • retail business management; • inventory/cash management; • retail sales: •custom er service/public relations in a retail environment. The successful applicant must be able to: • enter into an agency agreement contract with the OLCC: • qualify for a fidelity bond: • negotiate the lease or purchase of the store location or propose a more suitable location serving the same community subject to staff requirements: • meet the operating expense o f the agency: • purchase the fixtures and equipment as specified in the agency information sheet: • begin operation on the date specified above. Selected finalists will be notified and interviewed by the staff screening committee in Portland. Final selection will be made by the Commission, based on set criteria, at its public meeting in June. The appointed agent is an independent contractor for the State of Oregon. This person will operate the liquor store on behalf of the OLCC and have no ownership or property rights in the agency. Only individuals may be appointed agents. For application forms and additional information contract: OLCC, 9079 SE McLoughlin Blvd., Portland, OR 97222 or phone 872-5015 (toll-free 1- 800-426-2004). Separate application forms are required for each store. Applications are due in the Store Operations office, Room 124 at the above address, by 5 :00 PM, May 14, 1999. Portland International Airport Terminal Expansion South, Phase 2 Requests for Qualifications - Structural Steel Fabrication & Erection Needed - FT/PT Questionnaires Due: 2:00pm, May 3, 1999 Starting up to $8/HR. Positions now available in: • Downtown Portland • Hillsboro • North/NE/SE Portland area We encourage women & minorities to apply. Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon, acting as General Contractor and Construction Manager (CM/GC), is requesting qualifications from prospective bidders for fabrication and erection of structural steel for the new Concourse “C infill, South Terminal Expansion, and new pedestrian connector to Concourse “A: at the above referenced project. Bids will be requested from a list of prequalified firms respondingtothis questionnaire, that demonstrate capabilities commensurate with the project requirement as determined by Hoffman Construction and the Owner. This questionnaire is to be completed by steel fabrication and erection contractors interested in providing a proposal on the above-mentioned scope of work. Bids received from firms not included in the prequalified list will be considered non-responsive. The scope of work in this package includes a 168,000 s.f. addition to the south end o f the existing terminal mating up to and enveloping the existing Concourse “ B” , a 2 2 7 ,6 0 0 s.f. infill of Concourse “C" between the new terminal and the Phase 1 “C" extension, and a 6,2 5 0 s.f. pedestrian connector linking the new terminal to Concourse A . The rough weights involved are 1,350 tons at the terminal, 1,650 tons at the “C” infill, and 50 tons at the “A: pedestrian connector. This is a prevailing wage project. Respondents must be registered with Oregon's Construction Contractors Board for prequalification acceptance. Arms interesting in prequalification for this work should contact Jeff Lindquest, (503) 249-1946, Ext. 236. and request a prequalification Initial S e c u rity (formerly Stanley Smith Security) 10725 SW Barbur Blvd. #110 1-800-523-9908 Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/H/V McMenamins Kennedy School Now hiring for full tim e hosts. Must have flex schedule, wkends and h o lid a y s a m u s t. We o ffe r competitive comp, and benefits. A p p lic a tio n s a v a il, a t any McMenamins location or on the In te rn e t at www.mcmenamins.com. No phone calls please. McMenamins is an Equal Opportunity Employer. questionnaire. Questionnaires must be delivered or faxed to arrive at CM/GC s site office located at 817 0 NE Air Cargo Rd. Portland, Oregon 97218. Telephone 5 0 3 /2 4 9 -1 9 4 6 , Fax 5 0 3 /2 4 9 -2 1 2 3 . no later than 2:00pm. May 3 ,1 9 9 9 . Questionnaires received after the deadline will not be considered. Notice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by any interested person, will be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at 9:00 AM Wednesday May 26”' at the Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Second Floor, Room C. The purpose o fth is hearing is to consider amendment applications for projects for which federal assistance from the Federal Transit Administration is being sought . Persons requesting that this hearing be convened should contact Tri-M ets Grants Administrator by telephone (503) 238-5850 or in writing at 4 0 1 2 S.E. 17” Avenue, Portland, 97202 by noon on Friday, May 7th. The Proposed Program of projects is the purchase of twenty-five replacement and four expansion mini-buses and will be submitted in four separate grant amendment applications. This request re-programs existing grant funds and does not represent an addition of federal funds: Local Share Total Budget A. Section 5307 FTA Funds 24-Ft Mini-buses $993,687 $248,422 $1,242,109 B. Section 5309 FTA Funds 24-Ft Mini-buses $160,000 $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 $ 200,000 $288,422 $1,442,109 Project C. Total Program of Projects 24-Ft Mini-buses $1,153,687 All projects have been selected through Tri-Met’ s planning process, which incorporates public involvement, and are programmed in the Metropolitan and State Transportation Improvement Programs. No persons, families, or businesses will be displaced by the projects. Projects described above are in conformance with comprehensive land use and transportation planning in the area. In the event a hearing is held, Tri-Met will afford opportunity for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the projects. A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-Met at least 4 8 hours notice of the request by contacting Tri-Met at 238-4952 or TDD 238-5811, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. A copy of the grant applications and Tri-Met s transit development plan are available for public inspection at the Tri-Met Grants department, A1” Floor, 4012 S.E. 17” Ave. Portland, OR at the time of the proposed public hearing. Bruce Harder Executive Director Finance & Administration Tri-Met SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Southern Oregon, Daniel Meyer Fitness Center Expansion Ashland, OR Bid Date: May 6, 1999 at 2:00PM, PST j Q i w w w .p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .n e t Tekenaka (USA) Corporation 0718 SW Bancroft St., Portland, OR 97201 (503) 223-7972 Fax: (503) 223-9259 CCB #97348 We are an equal opportunity employer and requests sup-bids from minority, women and emerging small business enterprises S U B S ID IZ E D U N IT S FOR S E N IO R S , OR D ISA B LED , OR H A N D IC A P P E D PER SO N S M A Y BE AVA ILAB LE AT T H IS T IM E . If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to “ EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY." Hoffman Construction is an equal opportunity employ y o u can n o w fin d us o n th e W e b t h t t p : / / Federal Share & ARENDS PLACE APARTMENTS 830 SIEVERKROPP DRIVE HOOD RIVER, OREGON 97301 (541) 386-6788 • TDD # 1-800-735-2900 SSftffi USINES S A V E B IG O N Kevin’s MITO HOME BUSINESS HEALTH UFE & F L O O R C O V E R IN G C o m p le te A uto D e ta il W ash • W axed • Buffed Evenings 5 p . m . - 8 p . m . • W eekend s 7 a . m . CARPET AMERICAN FAMIUf RHONDA SMITH • 3 p . For an appointment, call (503) 285-0379 Cel. 307-8008 Portlands Costless Carpet 5700 N.E. MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 4 8 1 8 N . In te rs ta te A v e. P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 7 PHONE: OFF. 503-281-5030 FAX 503-282-6001 RES 503-259-9907 503-287-6225 Full Service Salon Laminate $ -1 2 2 I Flooring Sublimation - Engraving Screenprinting Wayne & Juanita Cannon Hats - Shirts - Jackets At Affordable Prices Our Specialty: Real Hickory Smoked Bar-B-Q 2005 8 * Ave. • West Linn Or, 97068 (503) 657-5613 • Fax (503) 557-5077 Momthur 11:30am-9:00pm • FRI-SAT11:30am-11:00pm • Sun 1:00pm-7:00pm 288-3836 3328 N.E. KILUNGSWORTH SOFT Vinyl Chicken • Pork Rib* • Beef Ribs C atering & Take-O ut (Proprietors) 4603 N. Williams Ave. Portland, OR 97217 (503) 288-3171 «69s Trophies - Plaques =FHB EXPRESS — Hair Connection 12X13 Rem AFFORDABLE TROPHIES CANNON’S N A IM S Commercial $ 0 2 2 Carpet ^ sovo Larry Matthews 7 a . m . - 5:30 p . m . A lb erta St. M ark et 4724 NE K illin g s w o rth • Portland, OR (503) 282-3278 915 NE A lb erta St. • 281-6388 Yvonne’s Daycare Yvonne Daycare Provider O mmt Y A M Y A M ’S 503/284-1272 WtOafeart OOOOMnmumPiíCtWS» 112 NE KArxjiwortf' 9 Portend Oregon 97211 M o r îh u t » 11AM-1-OOAM Fn Sal 11 A M -J AM Ckaad onSun SVTY A N D S E L L Open 7 datfd