¡Ihr ¡ßarilanfc tö b w w t April 28,1999 Church Of God Executive Secretary To Address Spring Commencement Retiring Executive Secretary of the Church o f God (Anderson, Indi­ ana), the Reverend Dr. Edward L. Foggs, will deliver the commence­ ment address for the Spring Com­ mencement of Warner Pacific Col­ lege, 3 p.m., May 8 at Portland’s New Hope Com m unity Church, 11731 S.E. Stevens Road. F o g g s, w ho h a s h e ld th e C hurch’s highest office for eleven years, also will be honored by the College with the degree. Doctor o f Humane Letters, honorus causa. Foggs will be honored not only for his faithful service w ithin the Church o f God, but also tor his strong contribution in many inter- denom inational, social, and com ­ munity organizations. The Caldw ell Award, W arner P acific’s highest award for ser­ vice, will be presented to John M. W oodyard, who recently retired after serving for ten years as a p ro g ra m o f f ic e r at th e M .J. M u rd o ck C h a rita b le T ru st o f V a n c o u v e r, W a sh in g to n . W oodyard w ill be honored for his years o f service in ministry to youth and for his assistance in develop­ ment w ork for non-profits. Dr. Jay A. Barber Jr., president o f W arner Pacific C ollege, will give the Charge to the C lass o f 1999 and Senior C lass President Elaine G eorge w ill respond on b e h a lf o f the c la ss. Dr. John H aw thorne, academ ic dean and vice president for academ ic af­ fairs, will preside. A lum ni C oun­ cil President Steve O lson will w el­ com e the new graduates into the A lum ni A ssociation. Mass Honors All Mothers and Catholic Charities' Maternity Programs Public Can View National Prayer Telecast Family; Bill Bright o f Campus Cru­ sade for Christ; Lloyd Ogilvie, chaplain to he U.S. Senate; Jack Hayford ofThe Church on the Way, Van Nuys, Calif.; Ron Kenoly o f Integrity Music; Paul Cedar o f Mission America; Ron Sider o f Evangelicals for Social Action; Joe Stowell o f Moody Bible Institute; Joni Eareckson Tada o f JAF M in­ istries; The Maranatha Praise Band; and others. Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, Wash., one o f the two largest churches in the Pacific North­ west, will be the main site for the three-hour “Nationally Broadcast Concert o f Prayer.” The telecast G eorge Fox U niversity w ill again provide a viewing site for the N ational Day o f Prayer tele­ cast, this year to be held Thursday, May 6. The public is invited to view and participate in the nation­ wide prayer m eeting from 5 to 8 p.m. on the Newberg campus The free broadcast can be viewed in the Kershner Lecture Hall in the Hoover Academic Building. Mil­ lions from around the United State are expected to view or listen to the event through televisions, radio and the Internet. This y ear’s participating speak­ ers and artists include James and Shirley Dobson o f Focus on the also will include live feeds from The Church on the Way in California, Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church in New York City, and the Russell Senate Building in W ash­ ington, D.C. O bservance o f the prayer day was first signed into law in 1952 by President Truman In 1988 C on­ gress a p p ro v ed , and P re sid e n t Reagan signed, and act designation the first Thursday o f every May as a nationw ide day o f prayer. For m ore inform ation, phone G regg Lamm, cam pus pastor at G eorge Fox U niversity, at (503) 554-2321. Bazaar News! P ortland's 25,h Annual M iddle- East Bazaar, featuring entertain­ m ent, m erchandise, and cuisine from M iddle-E astern co u n tries w ill take place at St. G eorge A ntiochian O rthodox C hristian Church, located at 115th and S.E. H olgate Boulevard, on Saturday and Sunday, May 22nd and 23rd , 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. By popular demand, this year the bazaar will be a two-day event, rather than the one-day event held in recent years. St. George members started the event in 1972 to celebrate their com m unity’s unique Arab C hris­ tian heritage and to share fun, food, and excitem ent with their neigh­ b o rs w hile raisin g m oney for Church projects. The bazaar will be held in out­ door tents and indoor concessions, so the fun will go on, rain or shine. O utdoors, the succulent odors o f roasting m eats, and spicy talafel will mix w ith the arom a o f Arab coffee and pastries. Indoors, vari­ ous kinds o f exotic m erchandise w ill be offered for sale (including sw eets o f m any kinds and meat and spinach pies) and many inter­ esting donated item s will be auc­ tioned o ff at unbelievable prices. There w ill be folk dancing and other m usical entertainm ent. For those interested in this ancient M iddle-E astern branch o f C hris­ tianity, there will be Church tours, The Women’s Convention The Northwest Pentecostal Fel­ lowship annual women ’ s convention will convene at Albina Christian Life Center. May 1 2 * - 16th A ll la d ie s a re w e lc o m e d W ednesday night 7:00 p.m. Thurs­ day & Friday services 10:00 a m. - 12:00 p.m. Nightly 7:00 p.m. S a tu rd a y c ru ise 2 hrs on the W illamette River, meal included all women wear white. Info for tickets call 284-8627 director o f ladies ministries. Mrs. Ella R. Irv­ ing 5522 N Albina St. and religious books, icons, and gifts will be available for purchase. On Sunday only, a G rand D in­ n e r w ill be s e rv e d fe a tu rin g M iddle-Eastern cuisine-beef ke­ babs, barbecued vegetables, rice pilaf, salad, hum m us, and dessert. T ickets to the dinner are priced at $10,00 for adults and $5.00 for children. Tickets are available at the door, or in advance by calling the Church at 761-7292. The out­ door food w ill continue to be of­ fered for those who just w ant pick and choose among the many deli­ cacies. Everyone is invited and en­ couraged to come and enjoy the benefits o f world famous “ Arab hospitality.” Birth Announcement Cameron Jayde Miranda Sex: Female Date o f birth: 04/14/99 Mother’s name: Lisa R. Miranda City o f Residence: Tigard, Oregon M other’s Parents: Val & Preston Leavitt o f Gresham, Oregon Great-grandparents Neil & Pauline Leavitt Jordan o f Utah N e w Life M in istry (Drug & Alcohol) Facilitators: Kevin & Joyce Pastor George Merriweather Northeast Community Fellowship Phone (503) 288-2583 Fax (503) 282-6484 636 NE Stanton Portland, OR 9 7 2 12 kW C atholic C harities w ill host a M otherhood M ass W ednesday, May 5,h at St. Philip N eri Church (2408 SE 16th) at 7:00 p.m. this liturgy will be an occasion o f spe­ cial recognition forC atholic C hari­ tie s’ M aternity program s: E liza­ beth House, a hom e for hom eless, preg n an t and p a re n tin g young w om en and C risis P re g n a n c y / A doption Services. B ishop Basil M eeking will celebrate the M ass, w hich w ill feature the beautiful m usic o f C antores in E cclesia C h ildren’s C hoir. C atholic C hari­ ties w ill give a rose to each m other in a tten d an ce. The F rien d s o f C atholic C harities w ill host a re­ ception in the parish hall follow ­ ing the M otherhood M ass. A ll m others, including birth mothers and adoptive m others, will be honored at the M ass. This year, a special tribute hon­ ors two Catholic Charities clients, Je n n ife r N org ard o f E lizab eth House and Brittnie Johnson o f Cri­ A re you or someone you love struggling with drugs or alcohol? sis Pregnancy and A doption Ser­ vices. Delores T eller, A merican A doption Congress NW Regional Director, will speak about her ex­ periences including her decision to relinquish her child 30 years ago. The names o f special women in your life, living or deceased, may be added to the M otherhood Mass M emorial Book, honoring women who have served the Lord and the human com m unity through the vo­ cation o f m otherhood. This book is a living tribute to women and will rem ain on display at E lizabeth House. Also, supporters o f Catho­ lic C harities’ M aternity Programs may have the names o f the special women in their lives inscribed on Elizabeth H ouse’s Donor Board. The board displays the icon o f the V isitation that depicts the meeting o f the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Elizabeth, as described in the gos­ pel o f St. Luke (1:39-45). To learn m ore about honoring a special woman through Catholic Charities’ M otherhood Book or the V isita­ tion icon, call Kathy Thomas at (503) 231-4866 ex. 117. Novum Chamber Singers O re g o n ’s N o v u m C h a m b e r Singers will present a concert en­ titled M usic o f the A m ericas at 8:00PM on S aturday, M ay 15, 1999. The concert, under the di­ rectio n o f Dr. T hom as M iller, N ovum ’s Conductor and A rtistic D irector, will be held at O ur Lady o f the Lake C atholic Church, 650 A A venue, Lake O sw ego. Dear Church Family and Pastor G reeting in the nam e o f our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. On the behalf ofVancouver Av­ enue First Baptist Church Family, and Pastor/Teacher Rev. A. Bailey. We are delighted to extend this invi­ tation asking you to please come share a most momentous and memo­ rable occasion- the Celebration of our Pastor and Wife’s Fifth Anni­ versary May 15-16. Theme: The Pastoral Work o f A True Minister. Scripture: Titus 2:1-15. Ban­ qu et M ay 15 a t 5pm in the V .A .F.B .C . F ellow ship H all. Speaker: B ishop A.R. H opkins, Pastor o f the G reater Solid Rock C.O.G.I.C. Clim ax May 16 @ 3:30 Rev. Dr. H.B. Sampson, P a s to r G o o d w ill B a p tis t Church Seattle, WA. M any a re a ( lo c a l) churches and Pastors w ill be present. You are all invited to help celebrate five fine years o f faithful service o f this Pastor and wife. W A N T E D KEYBO ARD PLAYER Spirit filled & proficient in Gospel Music. Able to teach as well as play Full-Time Position with New Church in the area. Call Sharlen at (503) 519-1379 or (503) 807-4196 We encourage participation in the * National Black Evangelical Association 36th Annual Convention Portland, Oregon, April 22 - 25, 1999 “Redeeming and Restonng the City" Embassy Suites, Portland Airport For more information 288-8550 North Portland Bible College 4905 N Vancouver Ave . Portland. OR 97212, (503) 288-2919 If so... You are invited to attend our weekly meetings. Every Tuesday evening at 7 pm in the church's lower level. In harmony with the NBEA theme, we are... making Hiblical training affordable in the inner city encauraging ( hnsl-cenlered outreach committed Io an evangelical Statement o f l ailh offering an urban ministry education associate degree modeling interracial, interdenominational unity Our purpose Is: • To help find freedom through biblical means. . T o learn how to set boundaries fo r ourselves as well as fo r our loved ones. • To learn how to really let go and trust God. Dr Otis F Brown, President Edward Kent, Chairman o f the Board For more information, please call Kevin & Joyce @ 788 25fl3_ I —- ----- »