April 28, 1999 (Th* ffortlmth (flbefm r - Commissioner Agrees with Anthony Seattle Gets ack on Track ST. PETERSBU R G , Fla. (AP) — A healthy Jay Buhner made Tampa Bay pay. Buhner went 4-for-5, including a tw o-run hom er with two outs in the ninth inning, as the Seattle M anners beat the Devil Rays 6-4 Sunday. “ It’s alw ays nice to contribute. The first couple o f w eeks 1 hav en ’t done that m uch,” B uhner said. " It’s nice to finally get back o ut there w ith som e regularity.” B uhner w as lim ited to ju st 72 gam es last year by various ailm ents. The seaso n s ta rte d w ith arthroscopic knee surg ery in A pril and ended w ith "T o m m y Jo h n " e l­ bow surgery in S eptem ber. T his seaso n , B u h n e r has been slo w ed by stre n g th -sa p p in g food po iso n in g . “ M y elbow is starting to feel a little b etter, 1 d o n ’t have food p o i­ soning and all these freaky th in g s,” B uhner said. “ T hings are starting to w ork o u t.” The opposite- field shot offT am pa Bay closer Roberto H ernandez (0-1) cam e on a 1-2 fastball. “I threw the ball right w here I w anted to,” Hernandez said. "H eju st beat m e.” S eattle hit eig h t hom ers in the tak in g tw o o f th ree at T am pa Bay. T he M arin ers, w ho have 32 hom e runs th is seaso n , had six solo shots S aturday night. In n in e gam es o ver the p ast tw o seaso n s at T ro p ican a F ield , the M arin ers have h o m ered 21 tim es. T am pa B ay ’s Jo se C anseco b e­ cam e the ninth p la y er in A m erican L eague h isto ry to hit 10 or m ore hom e runs in A pril. H e tied the gam e at 4 w ith his m ajo r league­ leading 10th hom er — a 443 foot solo shot — in the fifth inning. It w as C a n sec o ’s 4 0 7 th hom er, ty in g him for 27th p lace on the c a r e e r lis t w ith D u k e S n id e r. C anseco also had an RBI double in the third, and leads T am p a Bay w ith 17 RBIs. Jo se P an iag u a (2-2) w orked a p erfect eig h th to get the w in. Jose M esa got the final three outs for his fifth save. S eattle sco red single ru n s in the o p ening tw o innings and tw ice in the th ird to take a 4-2 lead The runs scored on RBI singles by Edgar M artinez, D avid Segui, D an W il­ so n and D avid Bell. Trail Blazers Sign Gary Grant for Rest of Season © T he A ssociated P ress PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The Portland Trail Blazers signed guard G ary Grant to a contract for the re­ m ainder o f the season. The 6-foot-3 point guard appeared in 22 games for Portland last season andaveraged4.8 points, 3.8 assists and 16.3 minutes. He had been playing for a team in Greece earlier this year. The Blazers also placed guard Bonzi W ells on the injured list with asthma and have waived forward N ikita M orgunov. W ells ap p eared in six gam es th is season, to talin g 19 p o in ts in 23 m inutes. M orgunov, a free agent signed prior to the season, did not appear in a regular season game. Records are Made to be roken The NBA fined Utah Jazz owner Larry Miller $10,000 for arguing with Portland guard Greg Anthony during Utah's win over the Trail Blazers last Friday. The league said Miller made "inappropriate comments” in the fourth quarter of the game when he told Anthony, who had just committed a hard foul on John Stockton, he was a “cheap-shot artist.” G REEN SB O R O , N.C. (Reuters) - Jesper Pam evik sm ashed the tour­ nam ent record but still had to work hard Sunday to win the $2.6 m illion G reater G reensboro Classic. D espite driving the ball wildly, the 34-year-old Sw ede eked out a tw o-under-par 70 on the Forest Oaks course to beat persistent A m erican Jim Furyk (69) by two strokes. T hey w ere so far ahead o f the rest o f the field that F uryk finished six strokes clear o f th ird -p laced J e ff M aggert. “You think your first (win) is tough but this one was alm ost tougher be­ cause I really struggled with m y driv­ ing on the w eekend,” said Pam evik, who hit just 10 o f 28 fairw ays over the final tw o rounds. P am ev ik ’s 23-under-par 265 to­ tal w as six strokes b etter than the old tournam ent record low score in relation to par. “1 probably hit the widest tee shot o f my life on 14. After that I d idn’t have a clue where the ball was going,” said Pamevik, who collected $468,000 for his second PGA Tour win. “ Pretty m uch every tim e I hit the fairw ay I m ade birdie. A part from that it w as a struggle. “I was like Seve (Ballesteros) on his best day. Now I know what (Jose Mana) Olazabal means w hen he says if s pretty nerv e-wracking on every tee . You don ’ t know whether you’re going to hit it straight right or straight left.” T he S w ede’s total was also the best num erical score by two strokes, beating the old m ark set by G eorge Archer, Billy C asper and Chi Chi Rodriguez at the Sedgefield course, one o f the ev en t’s previous venues. P am ev ik , w ho also has w on four tim es on the E u ro p ean to u r, b e ­ cam e the first p la y e r in n early tw o y ears to lead alo n e after every ro u n d on th e U .S. T our. Unfortunately, P am evik’s perfor­ mance earned him no European Ryder C up points, so he is probably going to have to rely on a captain’s pick to m ake this year’s team unless he plays particularly well in the remaining three majors and the few European tourna­ ments he plans to contest. P am evik only entered at the last m inute to keep com patriot Per-Ulrik Johansson, who received a late invi­ tation, com pany. He started the day with a three- slroke lead over Furyk, and extended the margin to five strokes after six holes. H ow ever, Furyk picked up a shot at each o f the next three holes to claw the gap back to two strokes at the turn, before holing out from o ff the green for birdie at the 11 th to make it ju st a one-shot difference. Pam evik responded by chipping in for birdie at the 12th, then also birdied the 13th to go three ahead. His w ayw ard drive at the 14th led to bogey and he was in danger o f dropping ano th er shot at the par- 5 15th, only to sink a clutch 10- footer for par. W hen he stiffed his approach shot to the 16th for birdie, Pam evik was three ahead and the tournam ent was all but his. Even a bogey at the last did not matter. “ I can ’t be upset about the w ay I played," said Furyk. “I beat the rest o f the field by six. It was a fun day. H e ’s an exciting player to w atch." Pam evik w on with new caddie Lance Ten Broeck, a former touring professional, on the bag. A fter th ree w eeks off, d u rin g w hich w ife M ia is ex p ectin g th eir th ird d au g h ter, P am ev ik p lan s to resu m e at the TPC o f E urope in H e id e lb e rg , G e rm a n y , sta rtin g M ay 21. Get Connected To The Mariners. Call l-BOO-MY-MARINERS Here’s a great way for Marinen fans to get all the goods on Lou’s Crew. The AT&T Mariners Fan Phone is your link to the latest team news, minor league reports, game highlights and much more. Check out the Inside Scoop section presented by FOX Sports Met Northwest or the Play < - '* ‘ * of the Day presented by Mariners Radio 710 KIRO. Sign up for the Mariners fan Club or the Sparkletts Junior Manners Club. You can even use the I toll-free line to transfer to Ticketmaster. So put l-800-MY-MARIHERS onto your speed dial and make sure you stay in touch with your team.