April 2S. 1999 Committed to Cultural l ) i \ v is its Volume \ . \ l . \ , Number 17 Jennifer Straight Specializes in Image Consulting The Battle of Puebla May 5,1862 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage See Popeye s PAID Coupon's X Inside! University of Oregon Portland, OR Permit No. 1610 See Focus Page 9 See Page B5 Knight Library Newspaper Section Eugene OR 97403 Ch* IJartkinb (Ohsex 500 Colorado Remembers School Shooting Victims High School Shooting Two students o f Columbine High School attacked students with guns and explosives in a suicide mission. Twenty five students and teachers may have been killed. The gunm en’s intention was to target minorities and athletes. They were found dead o f self-inflicted gunshot wounds, with what appeared to be bombs around their bodies. NATO Attacks NATO continued to launch attacks a c ro s s Y u g o s la v ia w ith U .S. helicoptors and troops heading to­ ward Albania. Their m ission is to assist in the a llia n c e ’s attack on Yugoslav ground forces and stop their cam paign to rid Kosovo o f its ethnic A lbanian m ajority. Their main tar­ gets are a dozen select towns and cities. Church Fires Jay Scott Ballinger, a 36-year old Indiana satan worshipper was indicted on charges o f setting fire to seven churches in Indiana and three in Geor­ gia, including one in which a volunteer firefighter died. The Justice Depart­ ment has not decided yet on whether Ballinger should seek the death pen­ alty in the Georgia case. He recently admitted to burning 30 to 50 churches in 11 states between 1994 and 1998. Vitamin C The new recom m ended daily al­ lowance by G overnm ent researchers is to double or triple the intake o f V itam inC because ofitscancer-fight- ing ability. The N ational Institute o f H ealth stated that the RDA for vita­ min C should be increased from 60 m illigram s to betw een 100 and 200 mg. Killer Virus A new virus in Malaysia had al­ ready claimed more than 90 lives and recently killed some stray dogs in M a­ laysia. This rare strain, called Nipah virus is named after the village where its first victim died. Similarly in Japan, a dozen victims had died o f Japanese encephalitis. Rosa Parks The Senate had voted unanimously to award Rosa Parks with a Congressional Medal for surrendering her bus seat to a white man that sparked the civil rights movement. Her arrest in 1955 lead to a yearlong bus boycott by blacks spear­ headed by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. New Dinosaur Species Two new heavily armored dinosaur species were uncovered by James Kirkland from the Ecollege o f Eastern Utah in Price, about 100 miles south­ west o f Salt Lake City. The species found are either an ankylosaur, club­ tailed armored dinosaur or nodosaur. Cloning Goats A Canadian biotechnology company successfully cloned goat triplets to produce spider silk in goat's milk for medicinal use The spider silk is valu­ able in helping to repair broken limbs and tom tissue Cloning the sheep was done in a way similar to the cloning Dolly the sheep in 1997. The major concern is that the technology used could lead to the cloning o f humans Bv D an W hitcomb LITTLETO N , Colo., April 27 (R euters) - W ith church bells pealing across the state, residents o f Colorado rem em ­ bered the victim s o f the C ol­ um bine High School massacre w ith a m om ent o f silence on T u esd ay, w hile three more slain students w ere laid to rest. The solem n tribute began at 11:21 a.m local time (1:21 p.m. EDT) (1721 GM T), ex­ actly one w eek after gunshots first rang out in the school lo­ cated in L ittleton, a suburban co m m unity outside D enver. Fifteen people, including the two student gunm en, lost their lives in the ram page. R adio and television sta ­ tions in Colorado also observed the m om ent o f silence. The tolling o f the bells was the only sound heard in dow n­ town D enver, w here an elec­ tronic billboard near the air­ port read, “C olorado, joined in grief.’’ A giant blue ribbon em bla­ zoned w ith the word "C olum ­ bine" fluttered from the outer w all o f a sports stadium in C o lo rado’s capital city, and blue ribbons w ith the initials “CH S” w ere seen on jacket and coat lapels around town. Police said Eric H arris, 18, and D vlan K lebold. 17. used guns and bom bs to kill 12 fel­ low students and a popular teach er b e fo re taking their ow n lives. M ore than 20 o th ­ ers injured by bullets and fly­ ing shrapnel from pipe bom bs survived. Three student victim s o f the attack w ere buried on T ues­ day: Corey D ePooter. Matthew K echter and K yle V elasquez, who was laid to rest with a m ilitary honour guard. A t V e la s q u e z ’s fu n e ra l, fam ily friend John N ew hauser told m ourners, “ It is not right for the old to bury the young." In a d d itio n , p o lic e in Littleton review ed hundreds of leads in an attem pt to learn how Harris and Klebold am assed the high-powered w eap­ onry and explosives used in the attack. T he search for clues led Jefferson C ounty sheriffs to K lebold’s prom date, Robyn A nderson, 18, who was being treated as a w itness in the case, not a suspect, county officials said. A nderson did not answ er telephone calls or answ er the door on Tues- day at the Littleton home w here she lives with her mother. T he J e f f e r s o n C o u n ty S h e riffs departm ent said the woman, identified in local m e­ dia reports, was cooperating w ith police and that she had been released after being questioned on M onday. In W ashington. U.S. P resi­ dent Bill C linton cited the trag ­ edy in pushing his proposal to keep certain firearms away from young people by closing w hat he called “ a dangerous loophole th at was likely e x p lo ite d in L ittleton, w hich allow s people to buy w eapons at gun shows w ithout any background checks at all." A gun shop ow ner in C olo­ rado Springs, about 60 miles (96 km) south o f Denver, said he recognised H arris’ picture from television as som eone who had com e into his store with four other teens trying to buy a m a­ chine gun and a silencer. But o w ner M el B ernstein said he threw the youths out o f the store because he thought they w ere too young. Published reports also said a D enver gun show organizer had turned over to federal agents lists o f ex ­ hibitors. U nder a C olorado state law oassed in 1993 it is a felonv for parents to perm it a juvenile to possess a handgun if the parent knows there is a substantial risk the juvenile would use the hand­ gun to com m it a felony. But the law allow s adults to give m inors hunting rifles. Harris and Klebold belonged to a group at C olum bine High School know n as the "Trench C oat M afia,” whose m em bers, students who considered them ­ selves social outcasts, wore dark clothing and revelled in talk o f w ar and w ar games. To help "give students a feel­ ing o f safety ,” the Jefferson C ounty school board voted late on M onday to ban students from w earing black trench coats to school or school-sponsored events. Oregon Takes Major Step Towards Reconciliation in its "Day of Acknowledgement" Bv A malie Y in ng A ssociated P ress W riter SA L E M .O re (A P )_ It w asn’tth ai long ago. " C o lo r e d s ” in O re g o n w e re shunned from w hite neighborhoods Signs above shops read "dogs or M exi­ cans not allow ed ’’ Japanese-A m en- cans w ere shipped out o f their homes and into internm ent camps Now, 150 years after passing a law to bar “negroes and m ulattoes" from the O regon T erritory, O regonians gathered on Thursday to recognize the sta te 's discrim inatory past. “No more will we tolerate injus­ tice," M yrlie E vers-W illiam s, form er chairw om an o f the N ational A ssocia­ tion for the A dvancem ent o f Colored People, told those at the C apitol for the Day o f A cknow ledgm ent. “No m ore will we tolerate hatred and in­ tolerance." E arlier in the day, both the House and Senate approved resolutions com ­ m em orating O regonians’ struggle for racial justice. The m easure was ap ­ proved unanim ously in the Senate, but it passed 50-7 in the House after several m em bers questioned the value o f the day. "I d o n ’t believe we serve ourselves well by recalling a painful past," said Rep C arl W ilson. R -G rants Pass. “ W hat really counts is what we do today and in the future, not to engage in sym bolism but in substance. “ R ather than reliving the past and risking division, lets pledge to walk the path that repudiates racism and discrim ination," he said T here w ere no words o f anger or blame at an afternoon cerem ony, when O regonians _ o f all colors and reli­ gions _ packed a House cham ber. D ressed in traditional navy-blue uniform s, Buffalo soldiers and N a­ tive A m ericans w ith feather head­ dresses posted the flags. The House sw elled w ith song, as form er Rep. M argaret C arter led the crow d in a rendition o f “G lory. G lory, H alleluiah!” "W e 'v e come a long w ay here in the state o f O regon," said Ciov John K itzhaber. “ But th e re ’s alw ays more that can be done." In 1844, a year after O regon lead­ ers passed an anti-slavery law, the provisional governm ent voted to pro­ hibit blacks altogether A fter repeal­ ing it a year later, territorial leaders approved the second exclusionary act in 1849. The law stayed in the O regon Con­ stitution until 1926. At least one black. Salem busi­ nessman Jacob V anderpool, was ex­ pelled in 1851. Although never fully enforced, some say the law 's mere existence discour­ aged many black pioneers from settling in Oregon and created a foundation for discriminatory laws and attitudes that continued well into this century. Oregon becam e the last state on the W est C oast to adopt, in 1953, a law outlaw ing discrim ination in ho­ tels, m otels, restaurants and am use­ ment parks. “ When we have injustice, we have to change,” said S enate President Brady Adams. “ We cannot change until we have acknow ledged."