Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 21, 1999, Image 9

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    Committed to cultural diversity.
Volume W I N . Number lb
w \\ w.portlandobserver.net
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n m in m i t t u
a l e n b a r
Polynesian Cultural Show
Join us for a celebration o f Polynesian
cultures. Enjoy m usical perform ances and
H aw aiian food. M usic and dancing per­
formed by H o’ala, PCC students and com ­
munity. Lunch will be served 11 AM -1 :1 5
PM. Entertainm ent begins at 11:30 AM.
C ost o f lunch is $4.50. The show will be on
Friday, April 23 at the Sylvania Cafeteria,
College Center at Portland Com m unity
College. Call 977-4112.
National Volunteer Week
Older adults make a significant commu­
nity contribution to adults and children with
special needs. Approximately 140 older adults
contribute 9000 hours per month to provide
supportive services to special needs children
and adults in the Portland Metropolitan area
each day. National Volunteer Work is April
18-24. The Senior Corps Volunteer Pro­
grams - Experience Corps, Foster Grandpar­
ent Program, and Senior Companion Pro­
gram - are promoting volunteerism and the
serviceofolderadultvolunteers Call Stefana
Sardo at 503/331-5924.
Learn To Meditate
Discover and enjoy the many benefits ot
meditation. Free w orkshop offered by the
Sri Chinm oy Centre o f Seattle. N o registra­
tion is required. The next session will be on
Sunday, may 2"**, from 1-3 PM at the Hillside
Branch Library (1525 SW Sunset Blvd).
Call 206/324-3294 for any questions.
Raindrops And Roses
“ Raindrops A nd R oses” dinner and
auction, S aturday, A pril 24, at the G over­
nor H otel w ill be the tw elfth annual event
that benefits R O S E M O N T SC H O O L.
R O S E M O N T SC H O O L is the sole resi­
dential treatm ent center in the Pacific
N orthw est specializing in helping teenage
girls. G irls are placed for treatm ent o f
personality disorders, depression, severe
behavioral problem s, and alcohol and drug
dependency. C all 503/256-2244 or 503/
Bilingual Literacy
D ía de los N iños y Día de los Libros,
M ultnom ah County L ibrary’s celebration
o f bilingual literacy, will be held Friday,
A pril 30, from 10 AM - 3 PM at the
M idland Regional Library, 805 SE. 122nd.
Fam ilies are invited to com e to the library
to honor the pow er and magic that books
bring to children. Activities include Pan-
Latin music by G rupo Kultura at 10:15 Am
and 12:30 PM and bilingual storytelling
w ith Barb N ew com b Stevens at 11 AM and
1:30 PM. O ther activities include arts and
crafts, library tours, and a hands-on activity
presented by the C hildren’s M useum.
Divorce Planning Clinic
A nyone contem plating or in the process
o f divorce w ill benefit from the insight and
experience o f our featured guest speakers:
R obin Sm ith, author o f D o Y our Own
D ivorce in O regon, and Lisa W right, Cer­
tified Divorce Planner. The divorce plan­
ning clinic w ill be at In O ther W ords (3734
SE H aw thorne). Participants will enjoy a
facilitated discussion w ith an opportunity
to talk w ith the speakers after the clinic.
Call 232-6003 to reserve your space. Par­
ticipation is free.
Pet Adoptathon ’99
The O regon H um ane Society joins hun­
dreds o f other anim al welfare organiza­
tions and shelters across the country, in­
c lu d in g th e H u m an e S o c ie ty o f the
W illam ette V alley and SW W ashington
H um ane Society, to prom ote the adoption
o f shelter anim als during this first weekend
o f ’B e K ind to A nim als’ W eek." Adoption
fee for cats and dogs is $40. Rabbits are
only $25. A doption days will be at the
O regon H um ane Society, M ay 1 and 2,1 0
A M until 7 PM. Call 285-7722, ext. 215.
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The Jefferson Dancers are performing their annual concert series May 6-9 at the Newmark Theatre. Through the Involvement
of POE - Enron Foundation, concerned parents and community , the dance troupe has returned under the direction of Artistic
Director Julane Stites. For more, see Focus.
D oshie Clark is the fifth w inner o f the
G ladys M cCoy A w ard for lifetim e volunteer
achievem ent. Ms. Clark has been active over
forty years m aking a positive im pact on local,
school, neighborhood, state and family com ­
m unities. She was one o f five finalists, in­
cluding Joseph A nderson, Pam Arden, A n­
gela Jackson and K aren K ione. The cer­
em ony will be Friday, A pril 23 ,1 9 9 9 at 4:00
p.m. on the 2nd floor, Portland Building, 1120
SW 5'h A venue, Portland,
“ Ms. C lark belongs in the volunteer Hall
o f F am e ,” sa id E d L y le, c h a ir o f the
M ultnom ah C ounty C itizen Involvem ent
C om m ittee (CiC ), w hich m akes the award
each year to an outstanding volunteer who
has given exem plary tim e and service to the
county com m unity.
“ She shows that it’s possible to raise nine
children,” says daughter Beverly Clark, “be a
hom em aker and a w ife, have a career and
serve your com m unity jo y fu lly .” W hen the
last child entered high school, C lark becam e
a full-tim e volunteer at Martin Luther King
Jr. (then, highland) Elem entary School in
northeast Portland. She served on num erous
education com m ittees, held PTA offices, and
later served two 3-year term s on state educa­
tion policy committees benefiting all Oregon’s
W hen the W ar on Poverty cam e to Port­
land, C lark volunteered to m obilize com m u­
nity m em bers and w ent to w ork for the C om ­
m unity A ction A gency, precursor to today’s
C aring Com m unities. She also stood at G ov­
ernor S traub’s elbow as he signed the procla­
m ation declaring M artin Luther King Jr. Day
in O regon and has w orked diligently to estab­
lish a perm anent m em orial to Dr. King in the
Portland com m unity.
C lark 's name will appear on a plaque with
past w inners on perm anent display in the
M ultnom ah C ounty’s C hair office.
NECDC Sponsor The 1999 Historical
Black Colleges & Universities Tour
he N o rth e a st C o m m u n ity D ev el
op m en t C o rp o ratio n (N E C D C ) w as
p ro u d to sp o n so r th e 1999 H isto ri­
cal B lack C o lleg es & U n iv ersities (H B C U )
tour, A p ril 17-25.
T w en ty (2 0 ) local stu d e n ts w ere se ­
le cte d to fly from P o rtlan d to B altim o re to
jo in a g ro u p o f h ig h sch o o l stu d e n ts from
R am ap o H ig h S ch o o l. T o g e th e r, they v is­
ited 28 H B C U ’s by b u s, an d had the o p ­
p o rtu n ity to learn first h an d from H B C U
s ta ff and stu d e n ts ab o u t each sc h o o l’s
unique history o f p ro v id in g a q u ality learn ­
ing en v iro n m e n t in w h ich stu d e n ts can
learn, ac h ie v e, and excel.
H B C U ’s a re a so u rc e o f a c c o m p lis h ­
m e n t an d g re a t p rid e fo r th e A fric a n
A m e ric a n c o m m u n ity an d o u r co u n try .
T h e se in s titu tio n s e d u c a te y o u n g p eo p le
w h o w ill se rv e as o u r fu tu re p r o fe s s io n ­
als in b o th p riv a te a n d p u b lic se c to rs.
E v en th o u g h H B C U ’s c o n s titu te o n ly
th ree p e rc e n t o f A m e ric a ’s 3 ,5 5 0 in s titu ­
tio n s o f h ig h e r e d u c a tio n , th e y a c c o u n t
fo r 17 p e rc e n t o f all e n ro lle d A fric a n
A m eric an stu d e n ts.
In 1991, H B C U in stitu tio n s m a tric u ­
lated 28 p e rc e n t o f all A fric a n A m erican
stu d e n ts e n ro lle d in fo u r y e a r co lleg e s,
aw ard ed m a ste r d e g re e s an d first p ro fe s­
sio n al d eg re es to ab o u t 1 in 7 A fric an
A m eric an m en an d w o m en , an d aw ard ed
Left to Rlght-Judlth Taylor, Timothy Taylor-Senior At Franklin High. Ed Todd Safeco, Machado Tarrant, Marahawn Lewla-Junlor At
27 p e rc e n t o f all b a c c a la u re a te d eg rees
Continuad on pago 2
Jefferson High.