(Effe ^prUanì» ffitwrue r reated in 1974, The Jefferson D ancers, directed by Ju la n e Stites, is the performing arm of nationally known dance department at Jefferson High School in Portland, Oregon. It is a multi-ethnic company of 20 dancers, ages 13-19. The com­ pany comprises the school’s most ad­ vanced dance students who have come to the P erform ing A rts center at Jefferson for dance training. T h e co m p an y r e p e rto ire in ­ cludes over seventy works of Tap, Ballet, Jazz E thnic and M usical T h e a tre d an c es. T en to tw enty works are active for any season, in­ cluding internationally renowned and award winning works. Dancers for this young company are auditioned in the spring and those selected make a commitment to perform with the group for one school year. T h eir daily schedule consists of academic classes in which they must m aintain strong grade- point averages, plus dance technique classes and a daily two h o u r re­ hearsal totaling almost 5 hours of dance. Their training is intended to be broad as well as deep and unlike most professional dance companies. T h e Je fferso n D ancers p erfo rm C works in all dance styles. T he com pany perform s exten­ sively throughout the Northwest for the com munity and school assemblies. In 1991 they toured the form er So­ viet Union, perform ing to apprecia­ tive audiences in L en in g rad and Moscow. In 1998 The Jefferson Dancers were awarded the right, by video au­ dition, to perform at the gala at The N ational High School Festival in Miami, Florida. Over 1000 students from all over the world attended. This was a unique opportunity for Seniors to audition for over 50 col­ leges offering dance scholarships. Half of our Seniors that auditioned were offered scholarships. We also won 1" place in Student Choreog­ raphy Award. M ore recently, they re tu rn e d from a tour in Canada. The touring season culminates each spring in a series of 6 perform ances of two al­ ternating shows at the Performing A rts C e n te r in P o rtlan d . T h ese shows are designed to dem onstrate the diversity of their training in a variety of dance styles. The Jefferson Dancers are a non­ profit organization. Program A May 6 & 8 May 8 Program B May 7 May 9 ___7 _ 9 May 1 8 PM 2 PM Page 11 the Newmark Theatre. ctimictKnuiruimiTS ■uirmrnusiHiaeiiT ¿5 T he highly specialized preprofessional training program, edu­ cates students about the depth of com­ mitment necessary to technically train their bodies and mentally prepare themselves for a performing arts career. This 25 year old endangered spe­ cies survived being cut from Portland Public Schools last spring only because of parent and community efforts and by the grace of PG E-Enron Foundation. A rtistic D irector Ju la n e Stites promises something for everyone; the classics of Swan Lake and Don Quixote, the passion of the Tango, the joy of Musical Theatre and the rhyth­ mic taps of choreographers Lane Alexander and Barbara Duffy. The repertoire of 12 works, repre­ senting choreographers throughout the US and Australia, is divided into two alternating evenings. April 21, 1999 Focus ^ c tiv a f© S19.99* YOlir Cellular Phone or PaÇjêf C R ED IT C H E C K S D EPO SITS TU R N D O W N S PHONE RECONNECTIONS IN 2-3 DAYS LOSE WEIGHT BAS77 n u t SUPER - N A TURAL SECRET FORMULA MIXED IN T O A "DELICIOUS TASTING C O O K IE ’ ■ CREA TING THE ONL Y ‘ FA T BURNING CO O KIE IN THE WORLD Thu hUh fiber, 100% natural cookie re» up your tnetabolton and helps io No matter how many dleu have failed you before, you are «uaranteed no.: « fall tf» d m e right dMse cookie« are I 0 O * guaranteed to succeed or your money win be gladly refunded. th a t. YOU HA VE N O THING TO LOSE BUT FAT 8 PM 2 PM 7 PM D O N ’T DELAY - ACT NO W A N D FIND O UT HOW ONE COOKIE A DAY CAN CIVE YO U THE BODY YO U'VE ALWAYS DREAMED O f Tickets available at the Portland ater for the Performing Arts box Ice and Fastixx outlets. Simply Cellular & Telephone 3939 NE Martin Luther King Blvd 280-8000 To receive more Informadon about dtl» Incredible cookie diet, «end . n n » w postage and handling, along whh your name and addren ‘ Airtime and service not included u w . d o lla r H. Sloan • 3281 NE Fremont • Portland. OR 9 7 2 1 2 ft 3 5 . eiT'l,,' ¿ ¡ s r a s .A : •' *■> ' '