Page 10 ______ _______ Focus_______ ___________ j o d i a n i » © b w r W f t April 21,1999 l\L\tioru\1 P o e try M o n th Two lands A trace of tree By Anushka Shenoy By Tracy Tree in this peaceful place. There are two lands held together by only a rickety bridge. Please, not now, please not yet. A land of pink girlhood, full of white roses, so petite, a land so innocent and sweet. I am not strong enough to pull through. On the other side lies the land of womanhood, full of black magic, and covered in a red fog. It holds you, chokes you, and you cannot escape. But you are pushed onto the bridge. Hurricanes roar, storms galore. There is no hard ground: You are forced ahead. You are pushed on to the bridge. There is nowhere to go, but on and on, and on through the everblackening blackness. Wait! You cry I am not ready yet. I still belong here, To be passionately aware me. O f each magic moment; With nare a trace of self Thereby, rem aining in a My im ag in in g s are not doubt constant wasted I trust this mystery com­ State of bliss, in Discovery. pretending to know what I crave or condemn. pletely. M ystery weaves me, u n ­ I surrender my thoughts, My imagries are the wings ravels me my tiny tunnel vision. which rock me to and fro I hear not pathetic fears, adventure, to home, again Weaves me again. my hopeless hopes. and again. We dance, it bites and ex­ Vigilant am I at the gate I feel a kindred spirit cites of thought; to the little Aspen tree; A llow ing n o t, longings too wild to fear, too inno­ and aversions cent to bow, To notice this moment. To creep unnoticed into trembling in the cradle of All the way to the land of the red fog. a sk in g n o th in g of Mystery. T ire d o f beino Sick and Tired... ■ & 1 _■ imaginings. I am a simple tree, simply - By Savon Lindsay Scream ...” for his next hit...! N oth in g but a n d th e n c a m e th e so u p -lin es, th e d irt and horrible, W hether you ’re a G angster horrible, incredible pain...! Feverish shakes, bowels ache and creeping, crawling veins. A n d now it’s about h o m i­ cid e or suicide! A n d round about now, you A Spiritual D eath , w ould-be Ho! or Sports H ero, that D o p e - thang w ill take A lco h o l... you D ea d to your D oom ...! Twenty-four-seven, A n d give your b roth ­ around th e clock...! ers and sisters your Love, L ik e th e w a lk in g - d e a d , Strength an d H op e... cestu ou s rock ‘i t ’s L ife o r D e a th ' a n d n oth in g in betw een; and the reality o f things are but h e’ll get you say THE DEBBIE HASTINGS BAND TERRY ROBB-ALBERT REM ( SHEILA W IUSHM M tUHK TRIO A n d rem em ber w hat G o d said...! th a t F a ith w it h o u t W orks is D ea d , so just blow n away Dream s... the least... S o ju st say; N o p e to Dope...! p ossessed by a drug, som e the Feast... A n d w e can have a ‘Bet m o n ey o n the Spoon...’ searching, lurking for that in­ K ing H eroin , the Beast o f But it’s a N ew Day, YA11! Ball w ith o u t D ru g s and n oth in g like it in the world: call crack others call it girl. grim e; an d it was thang, tim e after tim e... w ou ld n ’t care if your M am a died... AL BALLROOM WELCOMES BLUES LEGEND alw a y s th e sa m e o le or T e a c h e r ...P r e a c h e r THECRY com e H e ll or H ighw ater...L ive or Die! nysTAL BAURQON im w c ïjg î w h e n y o u r e a lly g et R esid u e For to o m any years, T ired , o f b ein g Sick and a rock or two...! you u sed to live and lived Tired! A n d the m ore you sm oked, the less you knew , on h an d s and k n ees crawl­ ing for a cib b le or a bit, and a “Dopefiend’s to use; sm oked crack cocain e, shot d o p e in your vein s an d drank p len ty o f B ooze, T ired, o f b e in g S ic k and Tired! T ir e d , o f b e in g S ick an d Tired! TICKETS AVAILABLE AT K5HN BARLEYCORNS MCMENAMINS __ ______ JOFRCI,OFBfWiQM BALLROOM TICKET--------- -------------------------------------------- WOPW t VCTW f ___ _ _ __ __ _____ . ____ _ CRYSTAL BALLROOM TKKET OFFICE AT 225-0047 THEN PRESSING ¿39 TICKETS CAN ALSO BE PURCHASED ONLINE VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT W W W M CMENAMINS C O M OR EMAIL US AT CRYSTAlBALLROOM®MINDSPRlNG C O M DAY O f SHOW TICKETS AT CRYSTAL BALLROOM TICKET OFFICE ONLY