Aprii 21, 1999 Focus gii}« $Jortla«ì» ©baeruer Page 7 E arth Ba 34i| fóccouefif ¿fttfdcn t 25 years old, I was headed quality soil, chemically treated and stored for long periods of time. Much of their “Life Force” in the down a “dead-ended” road rom my addictions to co­ way of enzymes, water content and nutrients get lost. It takes more en­ caine, alcohol, marijuana and sugar. ergy to digest and assimilate these 1 was abusing myself constantly. One foods with little nutritional value - day, I decided to break the drug habit draining our own “Life Force.” I began growing the “ultimate” B y P atrick M c E achern A and impulsively threw all the cocaine major turning point in my life in seek­ foods by first building the soil back up with red earthworms. These ing good health and wholeness. creatures would naturally feed on I was fatefully lead to organic gar­ dening through growing marijuana waste and turn it back into topsoil out the truck window. It became a for money. I understood the value of with their castings (manure). Rock dust, bonemeal and bloodmeal were earthworm castings (manure) to en­ added to the mix. Using filtered wa­ rich the soil and yield higher-qual­ ity plants. My intent was to grow the ter was also essential. I consciously cared for my gar­ “ultimate” foods and consume them dens. The foods grown supported in their fresh, whole state. This was me because I was consuming my own loving energy. I ate the foods right out of the ground, as close to the source as possible. Eating bet­ ter began the process of my many my path towards recovery. Instead of just building a basic garden, I placed them in designs. My father openly disapproved. To him, it was a “slap in the face." He later explained that one of his goals personal transformations. Once I eliminated drugs and ate in life was to work hard and make organically, my mind and emotions good money to get himself out of cleared for me to deal better with gardening because his parents de­ my deep-seated denials. Loving pended upon what they grew to sur­ myself and living authentically was vive. He wanted his own family to another outgrowth of the recovery buy all the food from the store. From doing extensive research, process. On a spiritual level, I be­ I learned that a lot of produce sold Ultimately, I connected within, un­ d e rsta n d in g God as U niversal in markets are devoid of essential vitamins and full-spectrum miner­ als from having been grown in poor- came more connected to myself . T ruth Building my garden was atrick McEachern and Denise Martin (author of "Eating My Way To Heaven”) are educational consul^a" ts^ y assionately teach about the value of organic gardening with earthworms and consuming fresh, whole foods. truly Heaven on Earth. ACTS OF STEWARDSHIP T o f o r g e t h o w to d ig t h e e a r t h a n d t e n d t h e s o il, is t o f o r g e t o u r s e lv e s . G handi Eat more fresh, organic foods. Energized foods, straight from the stalk, bring that vital “Life Force” to your plate. By growing a garden, your family can thrive on these life- giving foods, fresh from the yard as you teach your children how to re­ build the eco-system. Buy local. Support your local farmers and organic growers wher­ ever possible. In the new millen­ nium, our goal will be to have the source of the food where the people are, instead of trucking it around the globe. •Landscape with edible plants. Fruit and nut trees, berries, herbs and most produce make beautifully decorative plants in addition to be­ ing part of your family’s wellness plan. •Learn how to care for your worms as you would a domestic pet. Aristotle said that worms are the guts of the soil. Worms recycle our waste, clean our water, soil and air. and create pristine soil con­ ditions for growing super or­ ganic foods. Your children will love tending this herd of harmless critters. •Become part of the solu­ tion for pollution instead of part of the problem. Raising a generation of children who actively participate in eco­ logical living everyday is the most effective way for most of us to rejuvenate the planet. C o m m u n ity by D e s ig n * in h o n o r o f th e ea rth an d a ll its in h a b ita n ts G a te w a y C om m ons A transit oriented development near East 102 . Includes attached houses and townhome & garden condos. One & Two bedroom homes, Priced $95,000 to $140,000 S p r in g W a te r C o m m o n s An elevated approach to responsible living near Johnson Creek, includes 2 & 3 bdrm. Single level & Townhomes. Priced from under $100,000 (cohousing design also possible) For Info, or to join a Planning Focus Groups, Call: Integrated Urban IIabitatSy^L^P.^245273^5^^^J,