Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 21, 1999, Page 16, Image 16

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    Page B8
Stye $3ortlanb © bseru er
A p ril 2 1 ,1 9 9 9
Advertisement For Bids
In The Superior Court For The State Of Alaska
Fourth Judicial District Bethel
Notice To Contractors
Sealed proposals for the Kelly Creek (Kane Road
No 906 8 will be received by the Stormwater Division. Department of
Environmental Services at Gresham City Hall. 1333 N.W Eastman Parkway.
Conference Room 2B. Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Thursday, May 6,
1999 at 2 00 p.m. local time, at which time they will be publicly opened.
The character of the work is streambank restoration and protection. The
major quantities involved are:
Toe Log Boles
Linear Feet
Toe logs with Rock Deflectors
Linear Feet
Log Boles
Control Log
Class 700 Rip Rap
Live Willow Stakes
Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Gary
Flightner, Project Manager, (503) 618-2488.
Contractors must prequalify with the City of Gresham by May 6 .1 9 9 9 for
excavating and grading construction as required by Gresham Revised Code
St.Helens, Oregon
In the Matter Of:
DOB: 7-17-92
A Minor Under the age of Eighteen (18) Years.
4BE-97-51 A/CP
Notice And Summons To Absent Parent
Kelly Creek - Kane Road Outfall
CDBG No. 9068
Advertisement for: Lewis and Clark Elementary “ Sitework"
Lease Crutcher Lewis, serving as the Construction Manager/General
Contractor (CM/GC) fo rth e St. Helens School District, is soliciting bids for
the site improvements at Lewis and Clark Elementary in St. Helens, Oregon.
Terms and conditions o fth e bid are outlined in Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM/
GC) “ Invitation to Bid", dated April 1 9 ,1 9 9 9 , attached to and made a part
To: Davina Jo Olick
a.k.a. Josefina Sepino
Please Take Notice that a petition for term ination o f your parental
rights has been filed in the Superior Court, Fourth Judicial D istrict,
Fairbanks, Alaska, concerning M.M., who was born July 17, 1 99 2,
who is believed to be your daughter. This petition may result in
purchased ($50) the current City of Gresham Public Works Standards (July
20, 1993), as shown by the records of the Department of Environmental
term ination o f your parental rights.
You Are Hereby Summoned to a hearing on this petition which will be
held before the Bethel Superior Court for the State of Alaska, PO Box
130, Bethel, Alaska 9 9 5 5 9 , on June 1 1 ,1 9 9 9 , at 3 :0 0 pm. You have
the right to be represented by counsel at the hearing. You are advised
under25U.S.C. § 1912(a) th a tth is hearing will not be held until at least
10 days after receipt of notice by you and that you may have, upon
request, an additional 20 days to prepare for the proceeding.
A judicial assignm ent has been made and filed in this case. Consu
Civil Rule 4 2 for tim e lim its and other inform ation about seeking a
Se Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the Department
Ch Y c S a re advised th a t if the court finds the child named above to be
of Environmental Services. 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway. Gresham Oregon
Copies of plans and specifications may be obtained from the.Depart
of Environmental Services by paying a non-refundable fee of
set of plans and specifications requested. If plans and specifications are
ordered by mail, add a $5 processing and mailing charge
All proposals must be submitted on the forms furnished by the City of
Gresham, mailed or delivered to the Department of Environmental Services,
City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked Sealed Bid for he
Kelly Creek (Kane Road Outfall), Project Number CDBG
bearing the
name and address of the bidder. Each must be accompanied by a certified
check, cashier's check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent
a child in need o f aid then it will have the power to order the child
com m itted to the custody of the Department of Health and Social
Services for a period o f tim e not to exceed two years. The court also
has the power to term inate the relationship of parent and child.
A copy of the petition is on file in the Superior Court. If you '"te n d
to participate in th is proceeding, you are advised to give notice¡to the
Clerk o f the Trial Court at the above address and to the Departmen
o f Health and Social Services, at 751 Old Richardson Highway,
2 V r i o ^ o obtaining plans and specifications, contractors must have
Lewis And Clark Elementary School
St. Helens School District No. 502
o f the Contract Documents.
Bids will be received at the offices of Lease Crutcher Lewis, 921 SW
Washington Suite 150, Portland, Oregon 97205, until 3:00 p.m. PDT, May
5 ,1 9 9 9 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read atoud. Bids
shall be clearly marked "Lewis and Clark Elementary “ Sitework .
Construction includes all phases of sitework, utility infrastructure, parking
lot improvements o ff site street improvements and rock excavation at Lewis
and Clark Elementary fer St. Helens School District.
Contract Documents may be reviewed at the following locations. Lease
Crutcher Lewis (CM/GC)/Portland, OR; Construction Data and News/
Portland, Wilsonville, OR; Construction Market Data/Portland, Or; Daily
Journal Plan Center/Portland, Tigard, OR; Impact Business Consultants,
P.C./Portland, OR; Oregon Association of Minority Enterprises/Portland,
OR; Oregon Contractors Plan Center/Clackamas, OR; Salem Contractors
Exchange/Salem, OR; Southwest Washington Contractors Association/
Vancouver, WA.
Contract Documents may be purchased in its entirety dr in part from
Precision Images, (503) 274-2030.
All bidders must comply with the following requirements: Prevailing Wage
Law ORS 279.350, Licensed with Construction Contractors Board ORS
6 7 1 530 Resident Status ORS 279.029. Bidders must obtain business
licenses to perform work in the City of St. Helens prior to mobilizing on the
No bid will be considered unless received by 3:00 p.m. PDT on May 5,
1999, and fully cdmpleted in the manner provided by the “ Instructions to
Bidders", updn the Bid Form provided.
■Notice O f Requirem ent For Affirmative Action To Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity (Executive
Lease ^ i v t r t i e r Lewis (C M /G C ) is com m itted to taking affirm ative acbon to encourage and
facilitate the participation of m inonty/w om en-ow ned business enterpnses (M /W B E ) in State
projects and encourage Contractors to provide sim ilar opportunities for their Subcontractors.
Fairbanks, Alaska 9 9 7 0 1 .
L e ase C ru tc h e r Lew is ( C M /G C )
M ik e D ay
1^E a ch bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident
bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. this project is not subject to the license
requirements of ORS 468A.720.
No bid will be received or considered by the City of Gresham unless the
bid contains a statement by the bidder as a part of the bid that the Provisions
of 40 U.S.C. 276a and the Davis_Bacon Act will be complied with. No bid
shall be received or considered by the City of Gresham unless the bidder is
registered with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.
The City of Gresham may waive minor informalities, reject any bid not i
compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements,
and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding that it is in the
Notice To Contractors
S e n io r P ro je c t M a n a g e r
Civic Drive Traffic Signals
Project No. 5107
Notice To Contractors
Mount Hood Community College
Sealed proposalsfortheCivic DriveTraffic Signals, Project No. 5107. will
be received by Jay McCoy, Project Manager, Department of Environmental
Services at Gresham City Hall, 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Room 2A
Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Tuesday, May 4 ,1 9 9 9 ,1 0 :0 0 local time, at
which tim e they will be publicly opened.
The character o fth e work is (general description). The major quantities
Pond Enhancement
CIP No. 9041
Sealed propdsals for the Mount Hood Community College Pond
Enhancement, CIP No. 9041, will be received by the <,SJor1? * at.e! j ' v!®10" ’
Department of Environmental Services at Gresham City Hall, 1333 N. W
Eastman Parkway, Conference Room 2B, Gresham, Oregon 9 7030, until
Thursday, May 6 ,1 9 9 9 , at 2:30 p.m. local time, at which time they will be
public interest to do so.
The City of Gresham Is an equal opportunity employer.
By Order Of City Council
1 3 3 3 N.W. Eastman Parkway
Gresham, Oregon 9 7 0 3 0
Notice Of Opportunity For
Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by any
interested person, will be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation
District o f Oregon (Tri-Met) at 9 :00 AM Wednesday May 26’” at the Portland
Building, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Second Floor, Room C. The purpose of this
hearing is to consider amendment applications for projects for which federal
assistance from the Federal Transit Administration is being sought. Persons
requesting that this hearing be convened should contact Tri-Met’s Grants
Administrator by telephone (503) 238-5850 or in writing at 4 0 1 2 S.E. 17th
Avenue, Portland, 97202 by noon on Friday, May 7th.
The Proposed Program o f projects is the purchase of twenty-five
replacement and four expansion mini-buses and will be submitted in four
separate grant amendment applications. This request re-programs existing
grant funds and does not represent an addition of federal funds:
Federal Share
Local Share
Total Budget
$ 40,000
$ 20 0 ,0 0 0
$1.44 2 ,1 0 9
A. Section 5 3 0 7 FTA Funds
24-Ft Mini-buses $993,687
B. Section 5 3 0 9 FTA Funds
24-Ft Mini-buses $160,000
C. Total Program of Projects
24-Ft Mini-buses
All projects have been selected through Tri-Met’s planning process,
which incorporates public involvement, and are programmed in the
Metropolitan and State Transportation Improvement Programs. No persons,
families, or businesses will be displaced by the projects. Projects described
above are in conformance with comprehensive land use and transportation
planning in the area.
In the event a hearing is held, Tri-Met will afford opportunity for interested
persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and
environmental aspects of the projects.
A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-Met at least
48 hours notice of the request by contacting Tri-Met at 238-4952 or TDD
238-5811, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM.
A copy ofthe grant applications and Tri-Met’s transit development plan are
available for public inspection at the Tri-Met Grants department, 4th Floor,
4012 S.E. 17th Ave. Portland, OR at the time ofth e proposed public hearing.
Traffic Signal Installation, Division Street @ Civic Drive
Traffic Signal Installation, Burnside Road @ Civic Drive
Questions concerning this project should be addressed to
Jay McCoy, Project Manager at 618-2686.
Contractors must prequalify with the City of Gresham by May 3 ,1 9 9 9 for
Signal Installation construction as required by Gresham Revised Code
P The^haracter of the work is unclassified excavation and off-site disposal.
The major quantities involved are:
Prior to obtaining plans and specifications, contractors must have
purchased ($50) the current city of Gresham Public Works Standards (July
20, 1993), as shown by the records of the Department of Environmental
Plans and specifications may be examined at the office ofthe Department
of Environmental Services, 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon
Copies of plans and specifications may be obtained from the.Department
of Environmental Services by paying a non-refundable fee of $25 for each
set of plans and specifications requested. If plans and specifications are
ordered by mail, add a $5 processing and mailing charge.
All proposals must be submitted on the forms furnished by the City of
Gresham, mailed or delivered to the Department of Environmental Services,
City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “ Sealed Bid forthe Civic
Drive Traffic Signals, Project No. 5107, bearing the name and address ofthe
bidder. Each must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier s check or
bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid.
Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident
bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. This project is not subject to the license
Prior to obtaining plans and specifications, contractors must have
purchased ($50) the current City of Gresham Public Works Standards (July
20, 1993), as shown by the records of the Department of Environmental
Plans and specifications may be examined at the office ofthe Department
of Environmental Services, 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway, Gresham, Oregon,
Copies of plans and specifications may be obtained from the Department
of Environmental Services by paying a non-refundable fee of $25 for each
set of plans and specifications requested. If plans and specifications are
ordered by mail, add a $5 processing and mailing charge
All proposals must be submitted on the forms furnished by the City of
Gresham, mailed or delivered to th e Department of Environmental Sen/ices
City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, Sealed Bid fo
Mount Hood Community College Pond Enhancement, CIP No. 9041, bearing
the name and address of the bidder. Each must be accompanied I by a
certified check, cashier's check or bid bond in an amount not less than te
percent (10%) o fth e total bid.
Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident
bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. this project is subject to the license
requirements o f ORS 468A.720.
No bid will be received or considered by the City of Gresham unless the
bid contains a statement by the bidder as a part of the bid that the Provisions
of ORS 27 9 .3 5 0 and the Oregon Prevailing Wage Law will be complied with.
No bid shall be received or considered by the City of Gresham unless the
bidder is registered with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.
The City of Gresham may waive minor informalities, reject any bid not in
compliance with all prescribed public bidding Procedu‘' e siand,r®qtu'ref 1®n.ths ’
and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding that it is in the
public interest to do so.
The City of Gresham is an equal opportunity employer.
By O rder O f C ity C oun cil
1 3 3 3 N .W . E a s tm a n P a rk w a y
G re s h a m , O regon 9 7 0 3 0
Sub Bids Requested
Portland International Airport
public interest to do so.
1 9 9 9 Runway & Taxiway Improvements
Portland, Oregon
The City o f Gresham is an equal opportunity employer.
By O rder Of C K y C oun cil
1 3 3 3 N .W . E a s tm a n P a rk w a y
3:00 P.M.
G re s h a m , O regon 9 7 0 3 0
Goodfellow Bros., Inc.
B ru ce H arder
E x e c u tiv e D ire c to r
Sub Bids Requested
1 5 6 4 8 SE 1 14 th Avenue, Suite 201
Clackamas, OR 9 7 0 1 5
Phone: (503) 7 22 -2 9 4 0
Fax: (503) 722-2947
Fin a n c e & A d m in is tra tio n
T ri-M e t
Public Plaza, Union Station Housing Phase B
Union Station, Portland, Oregon
20.000SF Public Plaza Which Includes Landscaping,
Concrete Flatwork and Masonry
W e are an equal opportunity em ployer and request sub-bids from minonty, wom en and
Advertisement For Bid
emerging sm all business en terp rises
Sealed bids for the
Waldo Hall Exterior Restoration and Roof Project
Will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until
2 :0 0 PM, local tim e, May 4 ,1 9 9 9 . Bids will be opened and publicly
read aloud at that tim e. All bidders m ust be registered with the
Construction Contractor's Board.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities
Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 9 73 3 1 -2 0 0 1 or tele­
phone 541-7 3
- 7
Preview Ì
Friday. March ?6(h
2 P M -6 P M
Saturday. March 77*»
Over 2 0 0 Unita From
Volunteers of America
National Kidney Foundation
Pacific Power & Light
Northwest Natural Gas
Bldr. Right 1.3
Mika. Auction
on Left.
1-84 W ert: Exit
IGF. Ahead on
tjghf .5 Miks.
Free Bidder Padugesl
DMV Trip Permit,
Mechanical S ervit.
1-84 D u t : Exit
14 Left to Sandy
Available Pay of Salci
D irc c lF C j
(541) 3 8 6 -6 7 8 8 • TDD # 1-800-735-2900
200 Pure Sale Units
With No Minime ml
Trucks, 4x4*1, Vans,
reeadae '« CASCADE
Icsnnay Cars, Utility Tracia
2 3 5 8 5 NE Sandy Wvd
Portland Or
u fS u -itJ T iv p tia
(5 0 3 )4 9 2 -3 2 0 0
3015 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97201
503-222-4375 • Fax 503-274-7676
Contact: Dan Snow
Plans Available at: Walsh Construction Co.,
Construction Data, Construction Market Data Inc. DJC Plan Center,
IMPACT Business Consultants, OAME, Oregon Contractor Plan Center,
and 0SM, Inc.,
it c m q FxriUDED- Electrical and Mechanical
Business Enterprises end Womemowned Business En,erprtseS
Advertisement For Bid
Sub-Bids Requested
Sealed bids forthe Cordley Hall Partial renovations Phase 2 project will
be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2 :00 PM.
local time, May 18, 1999. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on
May 19, 1999 at 2:00 PM local time. AH bidders must be registered with
the Construction Contractor’ s Board.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services,
100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-
1 3 th and Columbia Building
Portland, Oregon
Bid Package #2 -
All trades except HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection and Electrical
Bid Date: April 23, 1 9 9 9 * 2 :0 0 pm
Conlrecta AvallaWel
700 + Units!
Walsh Construction Co.
If subsidized units are not available at th is tim e, qualified applicants
may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation
Saturday, April 24th Only 10 AM
Bids Date: May 7 ,1 9 9 9 by 2:00pm
Public Vehicle Auction
[Item ]
Cubic Yard
Project Manager, (503) 618-2488.
Contractors must prequalify with the City o f Gresham by May 6 ,1 9 9 9 for
excavating and grading censtruction as required by Gresham Revised Code
requirements of ORS 468A.720.
No bid will be received or considered by the City of Gresham unless the
bid contains a statement by the bidder as a part ofthe bid that the provisions
of 40 U S C 276a and the Davis_Bacon Act will be complied with. No bid
shall be received or considered by the City of Gresham unless the bidder is
registered with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board.
The City o f Gresham may waive minor informalities, reject any bid not in
compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements,
and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding that it is in the
Bid Date: April 27, 1999
[M easurem ent]
Unclassified Excavation
& Off-site Disposal
Linear Feet
Toe Logs with Rock Deflectors
Placement of Boulders
Rock Rip Rap
Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Gary Flightner,
Tin A VP
437 N. Columbia Blvd. * Portland, OR 9 7 217
503) 978-0800 Fax (503) 978-1031
cCB # 8 4 0 4 5
--------------------------------------------- ---------
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Women’ s Building Tile roof P ^ t will be'received
by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:30 PM, local time, May
11 1999 Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on at that tim e. All
W e are and equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from disadvantaged,
minonty. woman, disabled veteran or emerging small business enterprises
bidders must be registered with the
Additional information may be o b t a i n e d cont* :t^
ac^ i®®Senses.
100 Adams Hall. Corvallis, Oregon 97331-1002 or telephone 541-737-7694.
Tou c o now fin d no on the W tb l h t t p : / /
r. portleadeheerver.net
* M l
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