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H is biography from Word Publishing. m e ssa g e w ill Complete with photos and never- inspire young before stories, Church Boy is the people ev ery ­ only a u th o riz e d sto ry o f K irk w here to con­ Franklin’s life and music. Within its sider how they pages, Church Boy reveals how mu­ s h o u ld liv e sic shaped the life o f this award­ their lives. winning songwriter, performer and Readers will producer. And it reveals how God d isc o v e r how was always nearby-from the poorest gosp el m usic streets o f Ft. Worth, Texas, to the g reat M ilton cavernous performance halls o f this Bigham helped country. Gospel and R&B music introduce Kirk fans, young people and aspiring mu­ to the G ospel sicians will be inspired by Kirk M usic W o rk ­ Franklin’s remarkable story. sh o p s of K irk’s trademark energy and hu­ America where mor come through in every chapter he become a fa­ o f his story, but also do the sad de­ vorite o f mass tails o f his early years o f poverty and choirs around heartache. A musical prodigy, his die country. And elderly adopted mother collected and they’ll see how sold aluminum cans to pay for Kirk ’ s K irk ’s form a­ piano lessons. He was teased be­ tion o f a group cause o f his talent, nicknam ed c a lle d “ The “Church Boy” because he was the F a m i ly ” choir director o f his church at age ch an g ed the eleven, and was regularly beat up on the church grounds. So Kirk had to course o f his life-their first recording find other means o f being accepted went platinum. Church Boy recounts by his peers; means that always in­ the media blitz and financial success clude girls, trouble, and the “coolest" that followed all three o f their record­ ings. And it also details his recording group o f friends he could find. With brutal honesty, Church Boy project with God’s property which, describes how Kirk rebelled against has gone double platinum and estab- H lished him as a master o f R&B and hip-hop as well as gospel. Church Boy also shares p er­ sonal details such as the story o f m eeting his w ife Tam m y and the truth about his infam ous fall from a darkened M em phis stage, w hich could have ended his career. Kirk talks openly and warmly about his love for his ch il­ dren, his debut to h is d eceased m other, and his a p p re c ia tio n o f friends who keep him accountable. K i r k F ranklin’s other m ajor release is an album entitled “The Nu N ation P r o j e c t ” (G o sp o C en tric), w h ich fe a tu re s U 2 ’s B o n o , R. K elly , M ary J. Blige, The Fam ­ ily a n d m o re . “The N u N ation Project” won the C o n te m p o r a r y Soul G ospel A l­ bum o f the Y ear at the 1999 41« annual G ram m y Awards. Kirk Franklin has been honored w ith d o z e n s o f awards including G ram m y’s, Soul Train awards, Stel­ lar awards. Image aw ards, D ove awards, and Excel- lence awards. His three platinum albums have sold more than 5.6 mil­ lion copies in six years, and such celebrated artists as Whitney Hous­ ton have recorded his songs. Kirk and his wife Tammy reside near Dal- las-Ft. Worth with their children. God in his youth and returned to High School Bible Club Commemorates Christian Heritage Month And Celebrates Sixth Year of Existence Im age C h an g ers, an official chartered club at Thom as Jefferson high School, Portland, O regon is celebrating its sixth year. W hat began in 1993 as an inform al gath­ ering o f 15 students in the school library quickly grew to over 30 students and now has Bible groups in m iddle schools? To celeb rate its sixth year, Im ­ age C hanges is spo n so rin g a third play for the C om m unity en titled, “ K eep It R eal” . T his dram atic m usical is w ritten and directed by 1996 R o se F e s tiv a l P rin c e s s Renee W atson, also a Jefferson graduate. The p ro d u ctio n w ill ta k e p la c e at the end o f the school’s events held in com m em o­ r a tio n o f C h r is tia n H e rita g e M onth, A pril 1999. The schedule o f events held on campus is as follows: Monday, April 19 Gospel Music Showcase (rap, hymns & contempo­ rary songs) Tuesday, April 20 Christian Lit­ erature (poetry, monologues) Wednesday, April 21 Dramatic Expressions (dance, mime) Thursday, April 22 Official Kick O ff KEEP IT REAL, PLAY @ JHS, 7:00 PM Friday, April 23 Image Changers Reception The purpose o f Image C hang­ ers is to positively change the im ­ age o f inner-city youth as w ell as across the nation through prom o­ tion o f biblical values. The club is d e d ic a te d to eq u ip p in g young people to be respectful and re ­ sponsible in academ ics and social relationships. D uring its six y ears Im age C h a n g e r s h a s e x p a n d e d to afterschool program s at the high school and m iddle school levels. Tw o branchesclub are at the g e n ­ der-specific groups. M en o fV a lo r a n d W o m e n o f E x c e lle n c e . Jesus Comes to Oregon Seminar Emphasizes Community Outreach Using Jesus Video A rea pastors, church leaders and local citizens interested in spreading the hope o f the Gospel through an easy, im pactful pro­ gram, are invited to attend an all- day sem inar on Friday, A pril 23, at the Double Tree H otel Portland in Portland, Oregon. This one-day Leadership B rief­ ing, sponsored by Jesus Video Project, offers attendees the op­ portunity to coordinate a highly effective outreach distributing the Jesus video, a full-feature movie depicting the life, teachings and m essage o f Jesus C hrist. R egistra­ tion begins at 7 a m. The inform a­ tion-packed conference presents speakers, workshops and handouts for promoting community outreach using the video. C ost is $20 and includes continental breakfast and lunch The D ouble T ree H otel Portland is located at Lloyd C en­ ter, 1000 NE M ultnom ah Street. M ultnom ah Street. For directions, call the hotel at (503) 281-611 1. “W e’re bringing the Leadership Briefing to Oregon to o ile r local church organizations the training and support to make a successful m inistry outreach, said Pam ela Dumas, conference coordinator. “ W e ’ll sh a re e x c itin g w a y s churches have team ed up to use the video, and offer the resources and encouragem ent to make the JESUS video available to the local com m unity." By w orking w ith church o rg a ­ n iz a tio n s and v o lu n te e rs, the Jesus V ideo P roject aim s to give the g ift o f a Jesus video to each hom e in A m erica. Since 1992, m ore than 5 m illion hom es in A m erica have receiv ed a video through this program . “ I t’s a com pletely no p re s­ s u re ' approach to sh arin g the G ospel and is an ideal tool for both sm all and large ch u rch es,” notes L loyd O lson, directo r o f the Jesus V ideo Project. “ W e’ve found that people are very recep ­ tive to receiving the video and view ing it in the convenience and privacy o f th eir ow n hom es.” To reg ister for the L eadership B riefing in P ortland, or for more inform ation about the Jesus Video Project, call (toll free), 888-Jesus- 36. A dditional L eadership B rief­ ings scheduled throughout 1999 will be offered in C alifornia and New York. Based in A rrow head Springs, CA, the Jesus V ideo Project is a m inistry o f Cam pus C rusade for Christ. Since the p ro je c t’s incep­ tion in 1992, m ore than 8,500 churches have offered the Jesus video as part o f their com m unity outreach efforts. C lasses for 8,h graders are con­ ducted to assist w ith the tran si­ tion from m iddle school to high school. The clubalso sponsored tw o p lay s and h o lds seasonal clothing drives. Tell them you read it in Brother Waverly Davis Funeral services were held at Maranatha Church o f God in Port­ land for Waverly Lyn Davis, on April 8th, 1999, who was called home April 3rd at the age o f 59. Mr. Davis was bom December 26, 1939 in Halifax North Carolina. During the late 1950’s Mr. Davis came to Seattle, Washington from New York, where he played basket­ ball at Power Memonal High S chool, under a scholarship to play basket­ ball at Seattle University he gradu­ ated from college in 1967. Mr. Davis moved to Portland in 1973. He was first employed at O.L.C.C. in 1974. In 1976 Mr. Davis was employed, with Lederle Laboratories a pharma­ ceutical firm, for years. Mr. Davis coached basketball at M arkham Middle School where his oldest son played, also during that time in 1983 Mr. Davis was appointed to the Port­ land Rose Festival Association as a member ofthe BoardofDirectors. In 1990 Mr. Davis formed the very first African American Festival in Port­ land, Oregon. Mr. Davis became a. member o f the Fellowship Baptist Church. Mr Davis was first married to Alice Samples and later remarried Sheila E. Davis. Survivors include his wife; son’s, Kalauu Davis ofTigard, Malik Davis o f Seattle, W ashington and Karim Davis ofTigard. Burial was at Skyline Cemetary. The family suggests remembrances to the Portland Rose Festival Asso­ ciation. Funeral Arrangements by Van and Van Funeral home. In Loving Memory o f Carrie Can- non. Sunrise January 9,1914 Sunset March 29, 1999. C arrie C annon was born in Lagrange, Texas, on January 9 1914 to Henry McGuffery and Louise Palmer who have preceded her in death. Her daughter, Delois Aycox, and sister, Margie Boyd, have also preceded her in death. C am e accepted Christ at an early age. She moved to Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia in 1935. She later moved to Portland, Oregon in 1939. She met and married Robert Cannon in 1951. Carrie united with Vancouver A venueFirstBaptistChurchin 1949. She was a very devoted, active, and loyal supporter in several church functions and auxiliaries. Carrie served in the following capacities: Mission Board member. Sunday School teacher, Superintendent of the Jr. Sunday School Department. U sher B oard m em ber, C hurch Greeter/Announcer, Local/State/Na- tional Usher to the National Baptist Convention o f America, President of the Elizabeth Circle Mission, Secre­ tary/Treasurer o f Portland Sunday School-BTU Congress. C arrie was a m em ber/board member o f several other organiza­ tions: the Eastern Star Lodge - O r­ egon Jurisdiction, M artin Luther King, Jr. Facility board member, past President o f the Oregon A sso­ ciation o f Colored W om en's Club, “ Keep Christ in Christm as” mem ­ ber, Church W omen United mem ­ ber and Local/State/ National Se­ nior W om en’s Secretary. Her memory will forever be cher­ ished by her loving and devoted hus­ band, Robert Cannon, 3 children: Iris C. Aycox, from Los Angeles, Donald Aycox, o f Seattle, Washing­ ton, and Melvin Cannon o f Vallejo, California, 12 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, 6 great great grand­ children, a host o f nieces, nephews, cousins, many other family connec­ tions, and close friends. In Loving M em ory o f Floyd Purcell Patterson bom 10-20-21 died 04-07-99. Floyd Patterson was born in D isputanta, VA. He retired from the U.S. Army in 1973 w ith an honorable discharge after 22 years o f service. He enjoyed family and gave lots o f love. Sur­ vivors o f Floyd Patterson Helen E. P atterso n w ife, P o rtla n d , O R; Juanita Patterson daughter, Peters­ burg, VA; Tyrone Patterson son, P o rtla n d O re g o n ; P a tr ic ia Patterson daughter; Portland, O r­ egon; Floyd Patterson son, Yuba C ity, California; Larry Patterson son, Portland. Oregon; Jacqueline M cD onald P atterso n dau g h ter, P o rtla n d , O re g o n , Ja c q u e lin e Patterson daughter, Portland, O r­ egon; E lizabeth T u ck er siste r, Buffalo, New York; 28 grandchil­ dren and 4 great grandchildren. A GOSPEL REVIVAL MEETING MAY l “- i ,k a t 7:00 PM Let Jesus Christ be your target fo r the new Millennium.' A gospel meeting will be held at the Mallory Avenue Church of Christ where you can he-e-ear! About A Vision For The Church As It Grows Into The Next Millennium. Where? M allory Avenue Church o f Christ: 3908 NE Mallory- Av.: Portland, OP Our phone Slumber is (503) 288-1092. Call, and ask your question Tuesday Thru Friday from 9AM to 12 Noon. Bro James Morrison. Minister W A N T E D KEYBO ARD PLAYER Spirit filled & proficient in Gospel Music. Able to teach as well as play Full-Time Position with New Church in the area. Call Sharlen at (503) 5 1 9 -1 3 7 9 or (503) 80 7-4 196 We encourage participation in the National Black Evangelical Association 36th Annual Convention Portland, Oregon, April 22 - 25. 1999 ‘Redeeming and Restonng the City” Embassy Suites, Portland Airport For more information 288-8550 North Portland Bible College 4905 N Vancouver Ave . Portland, OR 97212, (503) 288-2919 in harmony with the NBEA theme, we are making Hibhcal training affordable in the inner i ity encouraging ( 'hrist-centered outreach committed to an evangelical Statement o f l aiih offering an urban ministry education associate degree modeling interracial, interdenominational unity Dr Otis F Brown, President Edward Kent, Chairman o f the Board