ufo* >* * t a n * « Pag« 10 »rturtbw A pril 14,1999_________________________ Focus___________________ g r ^ ^ J o r t In r tb © b s e r u e r WHOOPI GOLDBERG SCORED CHAMPIONSHIP LAUGHS IN “EDDIE" « A FAN-tastic, funny, fast-m oving com edy hit for sp orts fans everywhere, Hollywood Pictures “ E d d ie” m akes its b ro a d ca st prem iere on “ T h e W onderful World of D isney” on Sunday, A pril 25, 7-9 PM (E T / PT) on A BC. W hoopi G o ld b erg sta rs as M an hattan lim ousine driver Edw ina “ E d d ie ” Franklin , the m ost dedicated b ask etb all fan who ever lived. N am ed the real head coach of her beloved New York K nicks as a publicity stu n t by the te a m ’s new ow ner (F ran k L a n g e lla ), E d die reveals am azin g ab ilities to m otivate and in­ spire that teaches everyone an unforgettable lesson. O ver 40 N BA su p erstars hit the hoops for high-fly­ ing excitem ent that sen d s sp irits so arin g and has the * crowd roarin g for m ore. A s far as Ed die is concerned, the planet itself re­ volves around the sport, the players, the coaches, the significance of every stat in the book, and the one and only team - the New York Knicks. But even Eddie has no way o f knowing what will happen when she hits a free throw du rin g the half-time contest at M adison Square G ard en , and her life changes - bit-time. After acting as the K n ick s’ honorary coach for one gam e, Eddie gets the unbelievable offer to replace the team ’s real head coach, Jo h n Bailey (D ennis Farina). The team ’s new owner, a headline-grab­ bing businessm an nam ed Wild Bill Burgess (Langella), thinks publicity stunts like that will sell seats. What neither he nor anyone else could an­ ticipate is that E d d ie’s true love of the sport and her insightful attitude toward life in general may be just what the team needs to pull ahead in the gam e with a chance to come out as real winners. A s Steve R ash the director of “ E d d ie ” sees it, “ S h e’ s a fan’s fan She represents every m an, woman and child who has ever lost their voice or raid e d their piggy bank in support o f their favorite team . The heart o f this movie is about how, in the en d, it is the fans that really make or break any great sp ort.” Academy Award winner Whoopi Goldberg stars as a dedicated basketball fan turned head coach for the New York Knicks in the FAN-tastic sports com­ edy "Eddie," airing on "The Wonderful World of Disney" Sunday, April 25, 7-9 PM (ET/PT) on ABC. I t tri e O ut Photo by Disney Mother/ Daughter Self-Defense Workshop Th is is a powerful and practical w ork sh op tau gh t by a c e rtifie d women’s self-defense instructor. Par­ ticipants will practice physical and verbal self-defense skills in a support­ ive environment. Mothers and daugh­ ters get the opportunity to work to­ gether and watch one another get stronger! Builds self-confidence and a feeling of security! Come join the fun on Saturday, May 1, from 1-4 PM at O n e With H e a rt, Inc. (4231 S E Hawthorne Blvd.) Call 231-1999. Tulip Festival Come and enjoy viewing 15 acres of novelty daffodils. Visitors can take home many bouquets of these unusual daffodils and enjoy harp music. Activi­ ties such as the local craftsmen carv­ ing wooden shoes with antique wood tools, entertain young and old alike. Try the shoes on. There will be pony rides on Saturday, April 17 and Sun­ day, April 18. A Craft Fair and Llam a farm is included. The Tulip Festival is located at 33814 S. Meridian Rd. in W oodburn. C all 1-800-711-2006 or 503/634-2243. Alberta Street Fair The second annual Alberta Street Fair will be held on Saturday, May 1, from 11 AM until 6:30 PM on N E Alberta Street east of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.The Street Fair will be held in collaboration with Portland H abitat for Hum anities 7U' Annual Walk for Humanity which begins at 9:30 AM at Alberta Park. Jo in us for a rich neighborhood tradition . T h e Alberta Street Fair is seeking volun­ teers to work before and during the event. Help is needed for publicity, set up, stagehands, children’s activity cen­ ter assistance, clean up and other vari­ / • W ith ous tasks. C al, Sandra Le Francois at 503/287-3496, ext. 30. Annual Library Booksale Portland State University is hold­ ing its annual Library Booksale May 11-13. The sale features over 5,000 volumes and a large number of m aga­ zines. Prices are $1 for hardbacks, $0.50 for paperbacks and $0.25 for magazines. The event will run from Tuesday, May 11 until Thursday, May 13 at the Smith Memorial Center Ball­ room (1721 SW Broadway, Room 355). On May 13, books will sell for $1 a bag after 10 AM, and all books remain­ ing after 12 PM will be given away at no charge. Call 503/725-4579. Mastercuts Stylists Parents, please mark your calen­ dars! On Wednesday, May 5, thousands o f MasteTCuts stylists will volunteer their time to offer $5 haircuts to kids age 12 and under during the annual M asterC u ts C lip for the C ure fundraising event benefiting breast cancer research. Last year, stylists raised more than $36,000 by giv­ ing nearly 5,000 haircuts and host­ ing an array of activities from bake sales to raffles. For MasterCuts Clip for the Cure times in your area, call your local MasterCuts salon. Free Children's Physical Bring your child for a free physical exam and learn how naturopathic medicine can help you and your family stay healthy. Schedule a free one-on-one ap­ pointment for Saturday, April 24, 12-4 PM at Natural Health Cen­ ter-East, of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, 11231 SE Market. Call 255-7355, ext. 0. For complete list of free screenings, call 4994343, ext. 103. Give your safety’ seat a checkup. Kids under 12 years should alw ays ride in the back seat. Infants under one year ride in rear-facing safety seats. Read the safety se a t’s in stru ction m an ual very carefully — it can help you m ake su re y ou ’re p u ttin g you r ch ild in the right seat, the right way. By O regon law, all children under four years old and under 40 poun ds m ust be properly secured in an approved child safety seat. To make sure yours is buckled in right, call the C hild Safety Seat Resource Center at 6 5 6 -7207 in Portland o r 1-800-772-1315 statew ide. 3 B u ck le U p. Tfie W ay to Go. Transportation Solely ODOT