Focus Fortiani» ©baerver Focus A S U P P L E M E N T CT'ke S uperrvajuraj V /o r W ) O F ^ o rtla n b (©beertoer Publisher Chuck Washington Editor Larry J . Jackson, Sr. Director of Advertising Tony Washington he P ortland A rt M useum is proud to present the United States prem ier of Down from the S h im m erin g Sky: M asks of the Northwest Coast, an important ex­ hibition showcasing over 150 histori­ cal and contemporary masks. The largest and most complete exhibition of its kind ever mounted, Down from the Shimmering Sky will be on view until July 11. As cosponsor of this important exhibition, Q uin tan a G alleries is proud to present Nawalakw (the su­ pernatural world) a stunning exhibi­ tion of ceremonial masks inspired by Down from the Shim m ering Sky. T he masks, produced by the top T Copy Editor Joy Ramos Creative Director Heather Fairchild 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 carvers of Washington, Alaska and B ritish C o lu m b ia , ex a m in e five closely linked them atic units: the human face mask, the celestial, the m ortal world, the undersea world, and the spirit world. As a special feature of our both exhibitions, a series of lectures and events have been scheduled. O n April 25,h, Bill Holm, author of the definitive Northwest Coast Indian A rt will discuss the hallm arks of N o rth w e st C o a st sty le . P e te r MacNair, curator of Down from the Shim m ering Sky and the author of 503-288-0033 Fax 503-2884)015 e-mail: news@ D e a d lin e ' lm subm itted m aterial: T he Legacy will speak about the in­ stallation on May 2. A rt Thom pson, master carver of the Nuu-cha-nulth, will discuss carving techniques, tra ­ ditions and the state of Northwest Coastal Native arts. T he grand clos­ ing cerem ony on Ju n e 5lh will fea­ ture Tsimpsian Indian dance troupe “T he G it H oan D ancers”. Led by m aster carver David Boxley, this high energy perform ance is a must see for those who have not experi­ e n c e d th e tru e fu n c tio n of th e Northwest Coastal mask. Articles: Friday by 5 pm Ads: M onday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance sub­ missions. Manuscripts and pho­ tographs should be returned if accom panied by a self-ad- dressed stamped envelope. All created display ads become the sole property of the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written con­ sent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of the ad. N SYNC PGE - E n ro n F o u n d a tio n A p ril22, 1999 7:30 The Rose Garden • New Pickets J u s t Released • S ill Graham Presents is p leased to a n ­ C o n c e rt A nounce th a t tickets previously h eld back for production purposes have been released for C o n c e rt B the N ' SYNC concert on Thursday. A p ril 2 2 a t The Rose Garden. Sh ow tim e is 7 :3 0 P M . Tickets are on sale now a t the Rose Quar­ M ay 6 & 8 8 PM M ay 8 2 PM M ay 7 M ay 9 8 PM 2 PM & 7 PM N ew m a rR T h e a tre P o r t la n d C e n t e r to r th e P e r f o r m in g A rts te r ticket a n d a ll Ticketmaster outlets includ­ ing M eie r & Frank a n d G ! Joe's locations Call ( 5 0 3 ) 2 2 4 - 4 4 0 0 to charge by phone. The ticket price is $ 3 5 .0 0 a n d $ 2 5 .0 0 reserved !♦»» TW Porltand Observer p re s e n ts pm seating plus applicable service charges. A r '»»d r . i t ' ■* • î ’ 5 50 A: M 5C S ht ’ s * ‘s