Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 14, 1999, Page 14, Image 14

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April 14, 1999
a s y
î b e ÿortlanh ©beeruer
C lL A S S lIlF lV E ID S & l B m &
H ome
Call Now!
Wally W. Tesfa
Sales Associale
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Northwest Properties
1730 NE 10“ Avenue, P o rtla n d O R 97212
Bus 503 281-4040» Fax 503 281-4456 • E -m a il wtesfa@ aol.com
An independently owned and operated member o f The Prudential Real Estate A ffiliates, l« y
Advertisement For Bid
Advertisement For Bid
Sealed bids for the Women's Building Tile roof project will be received
by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:30 PM, local time, May
1 1 ,1 9 9 9 . Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on at that time. All
bidders must be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services,
100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-1002 or telephone 541-737-7694.
Sealed bids for the ECE Building Reroof project will be received by the
Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2 :00 PM. local time. May 11.
1999. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on at that time. All bidders
must be registered with the Construction contractor's Board.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services,
100 Adams Hall. Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-7694.
In The Superior Court For The State Of Alaska
Fourth Judicial District Bethel
City Of Vancouver, Washington
Invitation To Bid
Yvonne’s Daycare
Lighted Crosswalk Installations At Fourth Plain Blvd.
And Todd RD.; NE 8 7 ,h Ave. Between 5m St. And 8m Way;
Mill Plain Blvd. W est Of Andresen Rd.; 3 9 ,n St.
At Leverich Park Way
Notice is hereby given that the City of Vancouver, Washington, will receive
sealed bids up to the hour of 11:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Time, Monday,
April 2 6 ,1 9 9 9 , and publicly opened and read aloud at that time on the same
day in the Council Chambers, 1“ Poor of City Hall, 210 East 13 Street,
Vancouver, Washington, for the following:
The installation of Type I lighted crosswalk at (1) Fourth Plain B Ivd And
Todd Rd • (2) NE 87th Ave., between 5th St. and 8 Way. The installation of
Tvoe II lighted crosswalk at (1) Mill Plain Blvd. West of Andresen Rd.; (2) 39
St. at Leverich Park Way and the censtruction of concrete sidewalk and
pedestrian ramps and associated work as shown in the Plans and
Specifications for Lighted Crosswalk Installations at Fourth Plain Blvd., NE
Daycare Provider
7 a . m . - 5:30 p . m .
4724 NE K illin g s w o rth • Portland, OR
(503) 282-3278
BIG c m
Larry Matthews
Mon.-Thürs. 11 A M - 1 0 0 A M
F fi-S e t 11 A M - 3 AM
◦ o s a d on Sun.
W e O a tv o ri
$30 0 0 Minimum Pur chas»
112 NE Krtrxjswurth St
Portland. ◦ • f i o r 97211
, r
U»Ui t 91 </ n
Otoe« p «9 »«g » sot
VM Paye» «SO3> 237 Ç'’ 7
ta» »503 28? W 7
49ÍÍÍ N F. iremonl S1
Peritomi ü 1*900 S7?iJ
-t < i
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■** .i
C hris Guinn 111
Commercial $ Q 2 S
12X13 Rem $ 6 9 8 2
• ' y
r ,
Portlands Costless Carpet
•X" » •
4818 N. Interstate Ave.
Portland, OR 97217
S mall E ngine R epair
S harpning
< V¿
8 :3 0 T o 5 :3 0 T hru F
9 :3 0 T o 3 :0 0 S at
287 6610
, jf
• *3
PHONE: OFF. 503-281-5030
FAX 503-282-6001
RES. 503-259-9907
f e
¡ ¿ O S i l
N A JM 5
H a ir Connection
Full Service Salon
4603 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, OR 97217
(503) 288-3171
«* Fish & C h ip s
All bids shall be addressed to the attention of the Purchasing Agent, City
of Vancouver Financial Services Building, 100 East 13th Street, P.0. Box
1995, Vancouver, Washington 98668. All bids delivered shall be delivered
to the Purchasing Agent, Basement, City Financial Services Building, 100
East 13,h Street. Bids shall be placed in an envelope which is sealed and
which clearly states the name o f the bidder, the date o f the bid opening, and
appropriate wording to indicate definitely the nature of the contents. Do not
send bids by Fax. Bids submitted via Fax will not be accepted.
The City of Vancouver is committed to providing equal opportunities to
State of Washington certified Minority, Disadvantaged and W om erfs
Business Enterprises in contracting activities. (Section 4 of Chapter 56,
Laws of 1975, 1st Ex. Sess., State of Washington).
All bid proposals must be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash,
certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an amount equal to five
percent (5%) of the amount o f such bid proposal. Should the successful
bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance
bond within the tim e stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit
shall be forfeited to the City of Vancouver.
. .
The City of Vancouver reserves the right to cancel this invitation or reject
any and all bids submitted or to waive any minor formalities of this call if in
the judgement of the City Council the best interest of the City would be served
No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof,
unless the award o f contract is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days.
V. Marcelyn Jandreau
Purchasing Agent
Oregon Office Of Energy
Request for Proposals #99-18
Technical Services For Public Sector Clients
Deadline: M ay 7, 1 9 9 9
The Oregon Office of Energy has programs to help save energy and money
i :_ u
f P Energy
n o rc fv ic is c seeking
o p k in D n proposals
r n n n s a ls
in public
and facilities. The Office n of
from firm s and individuals qualified to provide energy-related technical
services. The required services include on-site energy audits and studies,
project verifications, and retro commissioning.
The range of facilities served by the Office of Energy includes office
buildings, schools, maintenance garages and shops, institutional housing
and correction facilities, swimming pools, water and wastewater treatment
systems. Areas of expertise include boilers, chillers/refrigeration, motors,
controls (pneumatic and electronic), steam and water distribution systems,
and air/w ater heating systems.
The Office o f Energy plans to award multiple contracts for this work to
obtain a greater range of availability and expertise. Interested firm s or
individuals that specialize in certain types of facilities and/or services are
encouraged to submit proposals. Firms or individuals may propose to
provide one or all o f the services identified in the RFP.
The initial term of the contracts is two years, beginning July 1, 1999.
However, the Office of Energy reserves the right to extend contracts for an
additional two years or otherwise amend any of the terms of any or all of the
contracts which may be awarded as a result of this RFP. The dollar amounts
available for contracts under this RFP are unknown. Contracts to be awarded
may be partially funded by federal funds, but the amount is unknown. It is
estimated the minimum amount available for all contracts over the next four
years will be approximately $ 2 7 5 ,0 0 0 with the maximum amount estimated
to be up to $900 ,0 0 0 . The Office of Energy estimates that individual
contracts awarded under this RFP may range from $ 20,000 to $ 2 50,000
over the term o f the contract(s), depending upon such factors as available
funding, program authorization, and demand for services. There is no
guarantee of any volume of work or dollar amount.
To obtain a complete copy o f this RFP (#99-18), contact Jan Simmons
at the Oregon Office of Energy, 625 Marion Street NE, Suite 1, Salem, OR
97301-3742, telephone 503-378-6968 or 800-221-8035 (Oregon only), or
e-mail: janis.h.sim m ons@ state.or.us/external/ooe, then click on the "Jobs
Advertisem ent for: Columbia City Elementary “ Building Structure,
Food Service Equipment, Elevator, Mechanical and Electrical"
Lease Crutcher Lewis, serving as the Construction M anager/
General C ontractor (CM/GC) for the St. Helens School D istrict, is
so liciting bids for the structural, food service equipm ent, elevator,
m echanical and electrical system s at Columbia City Elementary in St.
Helens, Oregon. Terms and conditions of the bid are outlined in Lease
Crutcher Lewis (CM/GC) “ Invitation to Bid” , dated April 2, 1999,
attached to and made a part o f the Contract Documents.
Bids will be received at the offices o f Lease Crutcher Lewis, 9 21
SW W ashington Suite 150, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 5 , until 3 :0 0 p.m.
PDT, April 2 0 ,1 9 9 9 at which tim e the bids will be publicly opened and
read aloud. Bids shall be clearly marked “ Columbia City Elementary” .
Construction includes all phases o f structural, food service equip­
m ent, elevator, m echanical and electrical work at Columbia City
Elementary fo r St. Helens School District.
Contract Docum ents may be reviewed at the following locations:
Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM /G C )/Portland, OR; Construction Data and
N ew s/Portland, Wilsonville, OR; Construction M arket Data/Portland,
OR; Daily Journal Plan C enter/Portland, OR; Impact Business Consult­
ants, P.C./Portland, OR; Oregon Association o f Minority E nterprises/
Portland, OR; Oregon Contractors Plan C enter/C lackam as, OR; Sa­
lem C ontractors Exchange/Salem , OR; Southwest W ashington Con­
tractors Association/Vancouver, WA.
Contract Documents may be purchased In its entirety or in part from
Precision Images, (50 3) 274 -2 03 0.
All bidders m ust comply with the following requirements: Prevailing
Wage Law, ORS 2 7 9 .3 5 0 , Licensed with Construction Contractors
Board ORS 6 7 1 .5 3 0 , Resident Status ORS 2 7 9 .0 2 9 . Bidders m ust
obtain business licenses to perform work, in the City of St. Helens
prior to m obilizing on the jobsite.
No bid will be considered unless received by 3 :0 0 p.m. PDT on April
2 0, 1 9 9 9 , and fully completed in the manner provided by the
“ Instruction to Bidders", upon the Bid Form provided.
Lease Crutcher Lewis CM/GC intends to subm it bids on the
follow ing packages: Bid Package # 9 - Wood Framing.
Terriyaki Chicken & Beef
MONDAY - SATURDAY, 8 :3 0 a.m. ; 9 :0 0 p.m.
SUNDAY. 8 :3 0 a.m. - 6 .0 0 p.m.
and RFP" button.
Responses must be received at the Salem Office of the Oregon Office of
Energy by 5 :0 0 PM. Friday, May 7, 1999. No Late Proposals Will Be
City Of Portland
Office Of Transportation
Bureau Of Transportation Engineering &
Inspection Services
•Notice Of Requirement For Affirmative Action To Ensure Equal Employment
Opportunity (Executive Order 11246)’ .
Lease Crutcher Lewis (CM/GC) is committed to taking affirmative action to
encourage and facilitate the participation of minority/women-owned business
enterprises (M/WBE) in State projects and encourage Contractors to provide
similar opportunities for their Subcontractors.
Proposals due 10:00 A.M., May 3 ,1 9 9 9
Notice is hereby given that the City of Portland intends to contract for
Street Inspection Services. These services will consist of performing all
work necessary to assure quality control inspection of public works street
construction projects to the satisfaction of the City of Portland, Bureau of
Transportation Engineering & Development. The title of the project is: Street
Lease Crutcher Lewis (C M /G C )
Matt Person
Project Manager
Low-Income Rentals
Refurbished 1&2 b drm 's., low. low
rents at $375 & 475, secure
courtyard, near SEI & Emmanuel Hosp.
280 4 N. Haight, 281-3399 eves.
Minorities encouraged
V ,
/■> -.(
87lh Ave.; Mill Plain Blvd.; and 39”’ Street.
Bids shall be in accordance with the specifications and other contract
documents on file in Contract Administration, Basement, City Financial
Services Building, phone (360) 696-8181, where copies may be obtained.
Bid results may be obtained the morning after the bid opening by calli g
Columbia City Elementary School
St. Helens School District No. 502
St. Helens, Oregon
coi lisse»» co»
Please Take Notice th a t a petition for term ination o f your parental
rights has been filed in the Superior Court, Fourth Judicial D istrict,
Fairbanks, Alaska, concerning M .M ., who was born July 17, 1 99 2,
who is believed to be your daughter. This petition may result in
term ination o f your parental rights.
You Are Hereby Summoned to a hearingon this petition which will be
held before the Bethel Superior Court for the State o f Alaska, PO Box
130, Bethel, Alaska 9 9 5 5 9 , on June 1 1 ,1 9 9 9 , at 3 :0 0 pm. You have
the right to be represented by counsel at the hearing. You are advised
under 25 U.S.C. § 1912(a) that this hearing will not be held until at least
10 days after receipt of notice by you and that you may have, upon
request, an additlenal 20 days to prepare for the proceeding.
A judicial assignm ent has been made and filed in this case. Consult
Civil Rule 4 2 for tim e lim its and other inform ation about seeking a
change o f judge.
You are advised th a t if the court finds the child named above to be
a child in need o f aid then It will have the power to order the child
com m itted to the custody of the Departm ent o f Health and Social
Services for a period o f tim e not to exceed two years. The court also
has the power to term inate the relationship o f parent and child.
A copy o f the petition is on file in the Superior Court. If you intend
to participate in th is proceeding, you are advised to give notice to the
Clerk o f the Trial Court at the above address and to the Department
o f Health and Social Services, at 751 Old Richardson Highway,
Fairbanks, Alaska 9 9 7 0 1 .
Advertisement For Bids
To: Davina Jo Olick
a.k.a. Josefina Sepino
(3 6 0 ) 6 9 f^ "8 1 2 5
In the Matter Of:
DOB: 7-17-92
A Minor Under the age of Eighteen (18) Years.
4BE-97-51 A/CP
Notice And Summons To Absent Parent
Radio Air Personalities -Full-Time
And Part-Time-For Entercom
R adiostations.
M ust have at least 3 years experi­
ence. Send tape and resume to
Human Resources, Entercom,
0 7 0 0 SW Bancroft Street, Port­
land, Oregon 9 7 2 0 1 . EOE.
Women and M inorities encour­
aged to apply.
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Needed
P.N.P. needed fo r th is com m unity
based, grass-roots, fast paced,
multi-ethnic, multi-cultural clinic.
Must be fluent in Spanish, have
good communication skills, be a
team player, and have five (5)
years or more experience. Salary
negotiable. Benefits good. Fax,
mail or bring cover letter and
resume no later than May 31,
Serious 2"° Income
P /T, no selling, repeat business,
six-figure income possible. Not
MLM. 24 hrs. 8 0 0 -7 47 -2 8 75
C ase M an ag em en t Coordinator
Reception C enter Screener Posi­
Supervisor for case management
program serving high-risk youth.
M SE/M A in related field, case
m anagem ent, supervisory exp.
Necessary. Respond to NAFY,
8 1 2 SW 10th Ave., Portland, OR
9 7 2 0 5 We value diversity.
F/Tcounselors/Srceener positions
with program serving high-risk
youth. BA in related field. Expe­
rience req'd. All shifts available.
Send resume to NAFY, 8 1 2 SW
10'" Ave., Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 .
Construction Inspection Services.
The Bureau o f Transportation Engineering & Development requests
proposals from firms with expertise in the above service. This is not an offer,
but a request for proposals.
Project work statements are available at the Bureau of Transportation
Engineering & Development. Room 802. 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland,
Oregon 97204-1971, Phone (503) 823-7012.
Three (3) copies of the Proposal must be submitted in a sealed envelope
which plainly identifies the subject matter and project title. Submit Proposals
to - Steve Townsen, Project Manager, Bureau of Transportation Engineering
& Development, Room 802, 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon
97204-1971. Proposals must be postmarked or received by 10:00 A.M.,
May 3 ,1 9 9 9 . Proposals received after the scheduled closing time for filing
will be returned to the proposer unopened.
Note: Adequate information must be submitted by each applicant to
allow the City to rank all applicants.
Non-Discrimination: Attention is called to Chapter 3,1 0 0 of the Code of
the City of Portland relative to certification as an Equal Employment
Opportunity Employer. Proposals for professional, technical and expert
services from minority and female business enterprises are especially
The City of Portland reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals.
Brant Williams, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Portland
Tel. Psychlcs/Tarot Readers Wanted
Must Be Exp. & Caring
Pis. Cl. 1-877-620-7292 Toll Free
4 ’
. »