Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 07, 1999, Page 22, Image 22

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Page 8
Stye jodiani» (ßbaeruer
;c M o n th Events
A s ía m H cr
You are invited to attend a special
one-day program , which draws on the
academ ic resources of the Pacific
Northwest to provide the people of
Portland with a background for under­
standing Chinese gardens, their role
in Chinese society, and the vital part
they have played in the developm ent
of the arts and culture of China. T he
program features speakers from differ­
ent colleges and universities. They will
each present a brief introduction to
one aspect of Chinese history, society,
culture and cosmology as it relates to
the developm ent of the Chinese gar­
den. T raditional m usic will be pro­
vided by the Yat Sing Music C lub of
P ortland. T h e event will be at the
Lewis & Clark College, Council C ham ­
bers, Templeton Student C enter on
Saturday, April 17, 10 AM until 3:30
PM. Call 503/768-7211.
ifc i* ■ ■
April 7, 1999
Chinese Garden
As p a rt of A sian
A m e ric a n H e rita g e
M o n th , th e O reg o n
Nikkei Legacy C enter
will feature paintings,
w oodcrafts, and oth er
works o f a rt created
by J a p a n e s e A m e ri­
c a n s d u r i n g th e i r
forced con fin em en t in W orld W ar II
In tern m e n t C am ps. T h e ex h ib it is
called “A rt from In tern m en t C am ps”
and will be showing until May 8. T he
O regon N ikkei Legacy C en ter is lo­
cated at 117 NW 2nd Ave. T h e hours
of view ing are from Friday and Sat­
urday, 11 - 3PM and Sunday, 1 2 - 3
PM. C all 503/224-1458.
Korean Metal Arts Exhibition
During the month of
April, the Hoffman Gal­
lery is proud to present
C o n te m p o ra ry
Young Korean Metal Arts
Invitational, an exhibition
which is traveling on a 3-
year schedule through the
U nited States, C an ad a
and K orea The show fea­
tures work by 21 artists
with nearly 80 pieces in­
cluding small w earable
My environment is
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reports...it’s the
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W h eelch air accessible.
Hawaiian Luau
Sample a variety of Hawaiian
dishes, in clu d in g lom i salm on;
chicken long rice; kalua pig; and
arts, sculpture, decorative and functional
objects. The exhibition will be shown at
the Oregon College of Art and Craft un­
til April 26. Call 503/207-5544 for more
Asian Women Warrior Poets
R ad ical W om en will h o st local
activists re ad in g th e w orks of A sian
A m erican w om en po ets o n T h u rs­
day, A p ril 8, at 7 PM. A T h a i b u f­
fet will b e available at 6:30 PM for
h a u p ia , a co co n u t p u d d in g , at
Lewis & Clark College’s fifth an­
nu al H aw aiian L uau, Saturday,
A pril 10. The H awaii C lub will
serve a buffet dinner from 4:30 to
6:30 PM in Pamplin Sports C en­
ter, Lewis & Clark College, 0615
SW. Palatine Hill Road. Admission
is $12 at the door, $5 for children
u n d er the age of 10, and $8 for
m em bers of the Lewis & C lark
community. Students will perform
the auana hula, the kahiko hula
and other Polynesian dances, in­
c lu d in g tr a d itio n a l T a h itia n
dances, a Sam oan fire-knife dance
a n d M a o ri d a n c e s fro m New
Zealand. Call 503/768-8564.
Monday through
4 p.m. to 5 p.m.
a $6 d o n atio n .
E v e ry o n e
w elco m e. T h e
read in g will be
held at the NW
N e ig h b o rh o o d
C u ltu r a l C e n ­
te r in th e C o m ­
m u n ity R o o m
located at 1819
N W E verett in
P o rtla n d . C all
5 0 3 /2 2 8 -3 0 9 0 .
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